[MUNICIPAL] Hathian Community Corrections Services

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Profile photo of Nadir Taov

Nadir Taov


The following is a proposal for a new municipal group in Hathian to deal w/ criminals on probation and parole RP.

DATE: 02/24/11


GROUP NAME: Hathian Community Corrections Services

BACKSTORY: MUNICIPAL Proposal by Koda Viper Group Name Haithan Community Correction Services Backstory: Under the umbrella of municipal services corrections would deal with offenders who are serving a community sentence. This could be probation, work hours, or parole. All these sentences could be agreed upon by player offender and corrections services OOC or through the penal code. A parole ruling could be given from a board that would give us discretion to who joins the roleplay. Structure: All involvement with this group should be voluntarily. We would never want to impose a rp on a person who has no ooc interest. It would also be good if there was a good connection and working relationship with the HPD and criminal code for Parole and probation. That way parole violators and violations could be written in the criminal code and police could act on them. It would also help that PO's could see the arrest records and see if there offenders were getting in more trouble and needed some attention. Parole and probation would work in a manner where certain PO's would get a caseload like social services but all PO's would be responsible for random checks therefore allowing more roleplay. Parolees would be required to report to the office [hopefully at the HPD] where they would give a urine sample under the watchful eye of a guard. Unless using the whizinator [http://www.thewhizzinator.com/] actual product the guards would be able to discern whether they are pissing on there own or bringing in other peoples piss. With this role play there would be the opportunity for bed checks, Curfews, spot checking , uncle bracelets, work crews, anger managment classes, Victim empathy classes, therapy. In fact there could be the opportunity for people to be hired to just come in and do programs and therapy groups. We also have a working relationship already established with Haithan General. Although an icly tense relationship it's spurned signifigant RP. Some Role play would have to be NPC. Just like Doctors and Police and Ambulance and every other municipal group there would have to be times when NPC and note cards are done. It would be assumed that roleplayers were checking in as well as urinalysis were coming back clean unless we received a note card with breach information. If an officer is not able oocly to check on a client that client would still be being checked on icly unless told or worked out otherwise. As far as titles I think it could be broken down to CD Offenders, CD Corrections that could cover a therapy team as well as probation parole officers. At this time the role play will be hopefully led by me Koda in a district supervisor role and my employees Sora Senizen, Blake Juliesse {Kozlov], and Christian Calliber. As the roleplay grows the most active players will be premoted to a supervisor roll while others will stay as Parole officers. Its a good wage and had benefits they should be happy.

UNIQUE: Unique; This roleplay opportunity has many unique aspects designed to spur great roleplay. It can help support the police by putting in some IC consequences to IC actions and it would be great on the same system as the police for reports and tracking of characters. Another unique aspect of this roleplay IC could be the animosity that police sometimes have with Parole and probation. In alot of cops minds in rl they bust there asses to get the scum off the streets then Parole babies them and puts them right back out there or worse probation why even do your job as a cop when there gonna be right back on the streets. The cops that are working for corrections services could be getting flack from there cop buddies or try to keep the moonlighting job quiet. Ideas: This role play leads itself to many ideas and possibilities the ones we have thought out so far are outlined already and we are more than open to other ideas and thoughts on how things can be improved and ran. Other: Like the police force another story that will be allot of fun to explore is corruption. The degrees of corruption as well as motivation and morality behind it. For example when were dealing with a sexual offender does he really get a fair shake in the community or is there more chance that he will get a dirty piss test even if he hadn't been indulging. This roleplay originated as a small private roleplay started with approval. It was meant to be a one month roleplay but has generated such intrest it's trickled on and we'd like to make it an official business. Furthermore, as an institution not a closed scene the institution or corrections could be under scrutiny.While the agency itself could not be taken down there could be consequences to the staff. Since they would now be chosing this path for their charecters not simply facilitating a roleplay. If the officers did not document injuries on offenders which hopefully they would well whats to stop a citizen from going to lay a complaint, expose, whatever. Hell offenders with recording devices sure as hell would make our jobs living hell and we would have to come up with creative ways to deal with certain issues. Alot of role play possibility and by being an official group I would think we would have a better chance of getting more PO officers and therefore more play.

EXP: Experience I have role played in the community under several characters for four years.I have held positions in the medical community successfully. In the past year i led what we believe was the very successful role play Prison and a private corrections services. I also am a firm beleiver in keeping IC seperate from OOC. So while I'll discuss and assist in any way I can to keep the roleplay flowing oocly what happens on one avi won't in any way affect another or influance my IC desisions. Thats an important trait in any leader since there are times OOC disagreements or discussions need to be sorted out. I also think one of my strong points in the prison roleplay was my creativity. While some inmates wanted only pure violence many more wanted a realistic experience. I did my best to offer oppertunitys. From creating a trailor for congical visits to offering prison jobs and cell searches. I also tried to offer inmates ideas for inmate driven RP's that wouldn't require guards for downtimes such as sending out links to how to make hooch or preform prison tatoo's and commisary lists. I worked hard to keep the RP from being more then blind violence. The last quality I think would serve me well in this position is my ability to try to make the roleplay fill both players needs. There wasn't a single inmate I didn't IM to oocly ask what their goals were for prison so I could try to help them acheive that goal without changing Koda or the guards IC reactions.

IDEAS: This roleplay offers the chane for not only the criminals of Haithan but the citizens. We can offer lawyers the chance to actually use their legal skills in assisting cliens during violations of probation or through petitioning for early release. During the closed roleplay we teamed up with the hospital ending up with Dr Slade landing herself in prison and several doctors being put in compromising positons. Dr Amat is very eager to keep this connection going. We want to have doctors in our pockets for when we handle violations "in house" we also welcome the scrutiny the medical community has been giving us.We also offer oppertunitys for simple medical roleplays for physicals, drug exams and fixing mysterious injurys. The therapists of Haithan have the oppertunity to run anger management, alcohol and drug classes, victims impact cources, or even simple therapy. The police department got involved with this roleplay using us to help catch one suspect in a crime, Even crookedly using a false violation to get personal revenge on ours in a I'll scratch your back you scratch mine type deal. I'd like to see us partner with most of the agencys in Haithan even social services as we would be able to notice the clients family homes closely. As for newcomers we offer a chance to jump into roleplay where they may be uncertain how to get a foothold. We require our inmates to have gainful employment or schooling and could help guide players to potential connecitons they might not know how to get.

OTHER: I think the fact that there is a void between criminals running the street free and the arrest and release that the police have to do in order to keep the roleplay flowing. This is a nice bridge that with the right roleplayers who understand the need for their ooc help in maintaining the ic roleplay could enhance the roleplay for all of haithan

Community: Please provide general feedback on this proposal, including comments, suggestions for improvement, advice based on your experience, or simply to show support if you like this proposal.

Proposal Author: Please use this thread and respond w/ any revisions to your proposal that you'd like to make based on community feedback you see here (highly recommended). Depending on community and staff review, this proposal may or may not proceed to trial stage.

February 25, 2011 at 12:53 am
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February 25, 2011 at 9:09 pm
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February 26, 2011 at 12:58 am
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February 26, 2011 at 5:24 am
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February 26, 2011 at 5:41 am
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February 26, 2011 at 7:17 pm
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February 26, 2011 at 7:26 pm
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February 26, 2011 at 7:45 pm
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February 26, 2011 at 7:47 pm
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Drew Dwi


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February 26, 2011 at 10:09 pm
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