[Municipal] CD Civil Services

Home Forums Roleplay Discussion Group Proposals [Municipal] CD Civil Services

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Nadir Taov


Here, we have a proposal to bring back the civil services group with the intention of housing Social workers/services. Feedback, please!

NEW PROPOSAL ADDEDPlease, read both proposals carefully and potential leaders please be aware that a combination of the two may result!

DATE: 07/15/11

PROPOSAL BY: Desdimonea Pizzaro

GROUP NAME: Foster Care & Social Services ((Fishtown))

TYPE: Leader

SLURL: Teleport

BACKSTORY: Since poverty is ‘rich’ in Hathian there are many misplaces children out on the streets. What can be done about? Well foster care and the social services providers would give them a place to go to and have a welcoming area for them to hangout and know that they wont have to find a place to sleep on the streets. The program would look for passionate counselors and providers to assist these children in being placed not only in homes, but in school. To make sure they become well rounded individuals and not a nuisance out on the streets. There is no one to call, the police are riddled at times with the amount of ‘lost’ children being brought in. It is time to get the foster care and social services location on the map. OOCLY: I believe this could help more with the child role play that is going on within the Crack Den. When a child is found without parents the police/civil services could send them to the foster home to live and adults looking for children to adopt could come there also and be able to find children to adopt. I have plans to hire people to work at the facility as counselors and case workers. Each of course would need to pass a background and drug screening. There would also be field trips planed which could work with the theater group to play PG movies, trips to the police station, fire station and so on like take your kid to work day. It could be an opportunity to incorporate more ways in which to give the people who play children/teenagers to have a way to get their story going and find themselves with things to do within the city then standing on a street corner or the school role play.

UNIQUE: Right now there is no foster care or social service program in action. I think it would help other business around and it is more so aimed at the people who play children and teenagers. Yes Fishtown is FAR from everything else but it gives so much opportunity like bus drivers, field trips, getting lost away from home. The sim needs utilized and if people see others using it and actually roleplaying there then perhaps it will draw in people wanting to play teachers and getting the school back up. There is more to the Crack Den then the Hathian main sim. Also with enough support it could start a long chain of events and get the community active with people who want to help support the child role play. It is not some front for any illegal activity just a place to start off role play coming into the city or finally find a place to call home for those children out there and even ones who are already in a bad crowd to come and try to clean themselves up. Like I had mentioned before the things that can be done with this role-play is endless. You can have pissed off cops having to deal with wound up kids all day, loose one when they walk away from you while on a call. The hospital can have free check-up day for the kids in the foster program. Fire fighters can do parades for an event planed with the foster home. Free kids meal’s at Jimmies chicken shack.

EXPERIENCE:I believe that the way in which my character has a soft spot for children in RP and well of course OOC would make this idea work wonders. I have been interested in setting something like this up since coming to the Crack Den and encountering many misplaced children. I am highly active and hope to bring a lot of diverse role play into this business. I like to make things fun and know not to take anything seriously but I would be trying to get all leaders in the Crack Den to open up their doors for a day every now and then and allow the kids to come hangout with them. Be it ride a longs, kids theater night, toddler Tuesdays at the Gein and so on. I just believe I have the drive and will to see something like this start and bring more to the community.

IDEAS: In character I would bring about field trips, going to the police station maybe organizing ride a longs and the same with the fire station. The hospital kids could be given free check-ups and the like. Movie theater events and maybe even block parties. Also there could be adoption day where people looking to adopt can come and hangout with the children under supervision from the staff. It would give the police and civil services someone to communicate with. All children will be registered with the foster care organization. Like up to date pictures, descriptions so if one goes missing at any time the foster care will have the information provided. We can also do the chips implanted under the skin. OOC it helps the people playing child characters a place to keep up to date with each other, share ideas of how to make their role play grow and for them to be bound together in a tight nit group.

OTHER: Crack Den allows child avatars but there really is only the school that I have come across that is the most active in supporting them. I see a lot of "kids" just roaming around with no real place to go. I know that I would be highly active there to help place people into homes and to make their role play in crack den more enjoyable. It would help them get more involved and show that not everyone in the crack den is out to get them in some way. Also with new people coming in they feel left out a lot, especially people playing kids. Like since they haven’t been there for 5 years no one wants to deal with them or get into their story, also the fact that many people know there is no place to put these kids they tend to stray away. With this system in store then perhaps it will make interacting with children more approachable. This is a big project for sure and it would need the help and support OOC/IC wise from the community to get it going properly and I just really believe that all in the Den could benefit from this. Thank you for taking the time to review my business proposition.

DATE: 08/03/11

PROPOSAL BY: Pandabanana Resident

GROUP NAME: Hathian (CD) Civil Services

TYPE: Social Work/Community Support

SLURL: Teleport

BACKSTORY: Just a re-vamp of the old CD Civil Services which took primary responsibility for housing the Social Workers. The idea of the social work rp in CD is to bring the back the group of people who take on the responsibility of looking after Hathians youth, work with the Juvie when it comes down to detention sessions, pick up kids when in trouble with the police and otherwise assist at Seaside and with parents. Essentially it is the CD Civil Services again.

UNIQUE: Well there are currently no social workers in Hathian at the moment, so it would be the only organization of its kind and it would provide essential roleplay to the youth and parents of CD. Currently that is lacking and it would not conflict with any current organizations in Hathian but it would certainly be an rp boost. Boosting roleplay between youth>parents>HPD>School etc. So it essentially goes full circle with the roleplay possibilities and that, unlike some which are fine tuned for a certain group.

EXP:I am easy going but firm, I know the rules and wont cross them, let alone stand by while someone else does. I am friendly and a good people person at the same time, which I feel is important when in any leadership position. I stand by the belief that I will not require others to do things I would never do myself - the "I will do what I say and own up to what i do", idea. As far as experience, I have a wealth of roleplay experience in second life and out of second life, have been working at Seaside as something to do in my time and all in all want to have fun and help other people have fun. As well as create diverse and interesting stories within the community for the better of everyone.

IDEAS:As far as IC events, this could be working with Seaside to do socials and fairs at the school, manage youth records, assist the Juvie when it is operational and assist in providing guidance and planning for structured rp times at the juvie so people are not just stuck there. OOCly, along with seaside, assist new youth players and parents when coming to CD or even old players who need a hand getting started in that area. Help coordinate adoptions on both the IC and ooc level which are needed and all around be a helping hand in the capacity needed.

OTHER:As stated above, it is not meant to be the main spotlight of Crack Den but only as an rp boost for those who are in its purview.

August 3, 2011 at 11:51 pm
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August 4, 2011 at 2:36 am
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August 4, 2011 at 4:53 am
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August 4, 2011 at 5:12 am
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August 4, 2011 at 5:44 am
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August 4, 2011 at 7:36 pm
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August 4, 2011 at 9:55 pm
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August 4, 2011 at 10:03 pm
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August 4, 2011 at 10:15 pm
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August 4, 2011 at 10:24 pm
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August 5, 2011 at 12:17 am
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August 5, 2011 at 4:35 am
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August 5, 2011 at 5:00 am
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August 5, 2011 at 5:07 am
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