Mina Darsh

Home Forums Introductions Mina Darsh

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Profile photo of Mina Darsh



Full name: Mina Darsh.
Age: 26.
Nationality: Netherlands. (NL)

Biography: Mina originates from the Netherlands, she started out as that country's only busty model and quickly became well-known in the pornographic modeling industry due to her slim-n-stacked body type. She is unique in that she doesn't pose topless, strictly choosing to remain a classy model for her own site and bra- and bikini-brands on commission. She moved to the United States in hopes of expanding her little business but ran into financial problems, being forced to move to the much cheaper apartments like in Hathian City where she remains to this day. Now that she is unable to afford any aid with photography and maintenance of her websites she is forced to find a regular job for now, in a dangerous city.

Exceptional cargo...

PS: It's unknown if they're real or not, Mina seems to keep it a secret...

July 2, 2013 at 1:56 pm
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