Message from The Rejects

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This topic contains 0 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by Profile photo of misti Anonymous 17 years, 7 months ago.

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Dear Bloods,

I got a message from Will. He asked me if I was a Blood. I was stood outside de train station and scared when I saw him. Christian had told me ter look brave and so, I pretended dat I was, and tried to hide my trembling. I had no weapon but a scalpel I stole from de hospital earlier. THEM DAMN POLICE KEEP STEALIN' FROM ME! (Sorry about dat, I got a bit mad)

Anyway, about Will. I told him dat yeah I was a Blood and dat I weren't scared of him. (Though I was real scared!) He got all close up ter me, and I said dat us Bloods weren't gonna let him destroy de town. I'd just been finkin' lately how nice fings have been without all de gang fights. Well, sorta nice anyway - if you don't fink about all de bad cops and de psii.. nutters runnin' around.

So, I told him dat and he seems ter fink dat we don't 'ave much faith in Carly but I do and I told him dis. I said Carly is de bravest person I know and she's got a good 'eart. It's real true that as well. She runs at people when I'm tryin' not ter pee me panties. Anyhow, back ter de message - sorry!

'Death comes fast for those that stand against me'

So, dere ya go Bloods. Watch yer backs and yer fronts - but yer backs more cus he said he shot Chris in de back, bloody yellow cowardy custard!

Good luck


July 22, 2007 at 10:11 pm
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