meet the Monster

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Profile photo of Annabel Lee

misskimberly sabetha


Act 1: The Briefing.

“Briefing to be held at 5:00.”

That’s what the sign said. There didn’t need to be further explanation than that. Everyone knew who it was for, why there had to be a briefing, and how it was going to end. Today it was all going to end.

Kimberly had slowly changed – like the world would wait on her.
It wouldn’t really, but she wanted to make time go by just a little bit longer, stretch things out a bit; skirting around the inevitable.

This was the day the long arm of the law would curl its nimble fingers around the vile criminal and force her into submission. It waited long enough for this day. Come hell or high water, these men and women would get Ava. They would snare her like the Catcher entraps the dog.

With a notebook in hand, and pulled back hair, uniform pressed, and the leather of her boots polished to a gleaming shine, she pushed through the door of the briefing room. No eyes looked up to greet her silhouette – though she preferred it that way. No words of welcome were said. This was a solemn occasion. It was the force at its most earnest, and fervent.

Her steps seemed to echo in the tiny quarters. Desks were sectioned off in straight lines. The men sat at the back, she knew of some of these men, but only by reputation.

There was Hendrich, and Max. Two of the sergeants. Montague, a senior officer, and two other rookies including herself. Cheng and Eversman.

Max had stood on a podium, quietly observing the few who had showed. Over the faces of those who would brave the psychological ware-fare, and more than likely there could be weapons of mass destruction, such as the bombs whose wave of demolition was still hollowed deep within the chasms of the streets. There was still no doubt ringing in the ears of her fellow peers who had been near the blast site. That was the least of their worries. Their main focus here today was Ava, the Monster and getting her as quickly off the streets as they can, now that their eyes have truly opened.
She moved to the far side of the room, shifting into the school-desk. She hated how they cradled the right arm. How could they be so obtuse, there were left handed people in this world too.

Every thought of the men in their corner of the precinct was different. They all sat silently waiting for Max to begin the speech. Would it be uplifting, or demanding?
Would he yell and scream to the high heavens that all they needed to do was reach out and strangle the beast by the scruff. If you want something to die, you just cut its head off at the neck.

He slowly moved to the center of the room, he looked angry that so few showed up. But this way it could be kept neat and tidy, minimal loss, minimal damage, with maximum outcomes.

"Alright, it seems you’re all the officers who want to take down our suspect, Ava Delacroix, so let’s get down to business." He looked like a leader should look. Honest and full of the right kind of energy. He thought about what to say, and when to say it. And he just knew what everyone wanted to hear. “We know where this bitch is, and it’s time to take her down.”

All eyes were on him while he began to brief everyone in that room, as he continued to speak, his face chiseled in determination, the look of stone washing over his features "Thus far we have not been authorized to use the bigger guns, so we may have to do this the old fashioned way. " He reaches a hand down to rest on his pistol "Now knowing this psychotic bitch, she’s likely gunna have something waiting for us." He shrugs "So if you don’t want to go inside, you don’t have to"

You don’t have to. No one in that room wanted to be in this position. The souls of the deceased watching down on the scene like that of a courtroom. They were the judge and the jury. They were the faces of the people they were about to save. The lives that were snuffed before their own time. They didn’t have to be there, but could they live with themselves if they weren’t there?

Kimberly fingers her belt to the muted gun, and desperately hoped that no one would have to use them. she wrote a few things down while watching him intently, chewing on her lip to the tune of high pitched rings in her eardrums.
Montague had raised eyebrows, like the idea of not going in there full tilt with every weapon the P.D had to offer was out of the question.
Cheng, scoffed. His gaze was of pierced daggers; like his own eyes could charge into battle and this would be over and done with. He had a mission of his own, and it looked like he wanted to get his bare hands on the woman. Guns were not an option for him.
Eversman looked casual about this; did he not realize what was going on? What was going to be dealt with? Was he ready, and up for anything? In these few moments before the battle cry of these heroes, he would soon find out.

Max waits to hear any complaints or comments before speaking up again. “The site is a two-story, two-entry, two-window structure made of stone, as Cheng here helped to find out for us.” He said with a nod in the man’s direction, before returning his gaze to the rest of the officers “We are gunna try do this quietly, using the element of surprise, to our advantage. We don’t have the entire PD behind us like I was expecting" he smirks as this was as he suspected. "So I hope you all like Balaclava, thermal optics, and silencers"
Kimber rubbed her forehead some and she shook her head at that. She really didn't feel like having to fight like that against someone she knew, and someone she spoke with from time to time. The hunters became the chasers, and this sudden realization gave her a sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach to which she swallowed to clear up a dry throat. "Is this shoot to kill, or kill out of necessity?” It might have to be out of obligation to the safety of the other officers. Would they be prepared to do the duty they signed up for? Everything from here on out was an option for them. But sometimes shit had to get done regardless of the obligations.

Montague raises his brow slightly, listening to the description of the building, mentally building a checklist, watching the other bodies, and watching Max. It took him a few moments of silence before he decided to voice a question. “Is this off the radar, sir?” Like most of the time, the man could not contain his thoughts of curiosity – it is usually the downfall of mankind, but in this particular instance, it was a valid question indeed. Although, there is something that tells us that he would do this if it was legal or illegal. He was in it for all the reasons that were his. And he his pride was very much emboldened by the thoughts that these illegal acts were right up his alley.
Eversman keeps his mouth shut with nothing to say, nothing to add into the questions, or the comments. As though right on cue, he pulled a silencer from his side pouch, and his weapon of choice. Pointing the barrel of the gun to the ground, his sidearm is then fitted with the silencer. He was ready for this battle, such as it seems, he was pumped, and on edge. He fidgets, wanting to move, wanting to shoot, wanting to kill. He is hungry like the human gladiator. Itching to get into the Coliseum
Max shakes his head to both of Montague and Kimber "This is not fully authorized, as I have yet to get confirmation from the Lieutenants, but we are running out of time and I just don’t want this bitch to know we're coming. And, I want her alive, she doesn’t have to be in perfect condition, but I want this bitch alive." He grins to them all "Do you want this to end? Or would you prefer to let her keep blowing shit up until we have to have our meetings in a tent..." Crossing his arms as he watches them all.
Enter Miss Sarrah, she blames her lateness on the highway traffic. Kimberly is just happy that Sarrah has come, if anything other than to be a strong female support in this confusing, hateful time. “Sorry I am late,” she cries out in search of a desk to shield her from her lateness. Most, if not all eyes are on her now for a brief moment, and there is a sprinkle of blush on her already flushed cheeks.
Kimberly shook her head to Max’s stern, yet fair questions. “No sir, its understood sir.” She would not get in between them and their witch. The Monster had gone too far this time, and if they had it their way, she would be burned alive at the stake. Montague could be counted upon to chime in his two cents about how this would go down. It seemed he liked to take the messy shortcuts; “Understood sir. Alive and off the radar.” He would retort, a smirk painting his feelings right on his chest, and Kimberly eyed him with discern. “End it tonight, is my vote.” He exclaimed, as he watched over the rest of the officers, as though someone would challenge his vote. Not bloody likely She’d keep her eye on this man.
Evans and Cheng. They seemed so new, newer than she even it wasn’t clear what their motives were, or why they were here. Was it the paycheque, or the likelyhood that they would end up getting their names engraved on a plaque and presented to them with all of the highest honors? Their motives were clouded to Kim, but they were all there for the same thing.
Even striding in late, Sarrah would be caught up with how shit was supposed to go down tonight. She’d be let in on how the operation is to go smooth. “Whatever happens.” She said as they all looked around the room at eachother in a silent stare. “Whatever happens” Sarrah continued. “That bitch is going down… Alive, so that we can watch her squirm.”

Max nodded, and seemed to perk up a bit as Hendrich strolled in, just as late as Sarrah, but he seemed like it was anticipated that he showed up. A look of relief passing over Max’s face and with his booming voice declared “"Alright, get your silencers and your Balaclava ready, I want us moving ten minutes ago."

June 10, 2009 at 8:55 pm
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June 10, 2009 at 9:43 pm
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