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max-mactavishsaidGender:Male His mother was killed by a serial killer and his father died fighting in the war with the British special forces, he still has his dads hat today. As he lived on the streets, fighting to survive, he left Ireland and joined the Irish army for 3 years, he was the best marksman and close combat fighter and became a Sgt. . When he was 21 he returned to Ireland and started a drug ring that was very successful for nearly 5 years .During that time he was happy with his friends and watching his last relative, his Sister Gypsie. He decided it was time to leave his beloved Ireland and decided to go to somewhere new. He met up with Tony who had until recently been the Don but had been mutinied persay. They traveled to Hathian together and on their first night ended with a stand off with the cops. As he aimed his gun at the cops head Tony told him they should back off and helped him escape, but as they did a cadet put a round in his back and shoulder but he soon recovered. Later in his time in Hathian he was hiding from the police for accomplice charges for Tonys rape of a girl for protecting him from the cops. He was sitting on the curb when he was approached by a young lady who was apart of the Rejects gang. She started a conversation with him and they were later joined by the Rejects leader. After some talking he was lead to a house to do some weed, or so he thought. The leader took out some pills and offered her ward some and him as well, he begrudgingly tried one when the young lady asked him to with her. He blacked out and realized later that they had been joined by two girzzley looking individuals from the Saints clan. One was the leader, he carried a chainsaw and wore a mask, and the other was his apprentice who had silver eyes and black hair. Max started getting nervous about this whole thing when the Reject leader said something about the young lady demonstrating what she had learned. He was led into a room but found that it was full of torture devices with a large hole in the middle. He also noticed lots of pieces of flesh and blood on the floor. All four of his new enemies entered and when he refused and drew his pistols they attacked. He was hit from behind by the leader as they swarmed him and he fell into the hole. He managed to shoot the young lady in the hand and take off the Saints leaders finger. Then they all fired a total of six shots down in him. Thinking he was dead they took a meat hook to retrieve him and threw him in the street. Before he passed however an ambulance came and saved him. As he was getting surgery in the hospital a man helped the only doctor on call, Brian O'Shea, Sgt of the Militia. After Max told him his story Brian reported to his gang leader. Max only willingly spent a few days in the hospital. His injuries included a punctured lung, damaged kidneys and more organ damage. One of the bullets had also shattered his hip bone so he would permanently have a limp. He would also have to live with outbursts of extreme pain aswell for the rest of his life. When he left he met up with the Militias leader and Brian and was made Brians trainee. He later found out the blood and flesh in the room had belonged to his life long friend Tony. He vowed vengeance on the ones who killed his friend and destroyed his health. He wears the bullet that gave him this limp as a reminder of his vow. He then adopted the nickname of Mactav Soon after the Militia was disbanded so Mactav found himself a place among Bigz and his crew for a while before he heard that a fellow Irishman who actually turned out to be his old Lt. was forming an Irish gang. Mactav rushed to find him and joined up, finding himself to be a Captain. He had multiple run ins with the Rejects during the time of tension with them. Then he found himself in a very interesting situation, his sisiter Gypsy had actually joined up with the enemy because she thought of Patrick as an unfit leader. This is one of the things that caused Mactav to pick up smoking cigarettes again. Thankfully a cease fire was caused and Mactav and Gypsy became close again . Then he got a call that his old friend from the army, Sgt Tombs Johnson, was in town to stay. The friends met up and had a pint, reminescing about their old fights. Talking about this made Mactav realize that he missed his army days. Secretly behind Gypsys back he started to plan joining up for a little while. He stopped by an old army buddy's house and got a spot on one of the advanced recon teams. The only regret Mactav had was that he was leaving his sister alone to worry about him. Two nights before he was ti depart he still hadnt told Gypsy and was fighting a man at the fight club. He would have definitley lost if he hadnt of had that one lucky kick. He told Gypsy the night of his departure. She was extremely upset and begged him not to go but he gave her a long hug and said goodbye to all his friends and stepped on to the bus. This is the Journal Mactav kept during his short term in Iraq during which he was listed MIA after a week or so. Mactav's Journal: June 12: Just landed in Baghdad. Ive been put into a ranger scouting unit. Cant get the look on Gypsys face out of my head, she looked so upset when I left. June 13: I got a good squad, couple newbies, but mostly vets like myself. Our leader Lt. Hawking, we call him Shady, hes a secretive bastard but hes a good guy. Im second in command, I have been made a Gunnery Sgt. I have made friends against my better judgement. A coporal named Hugh has buddied up with me. We nicknamed him Sparky, not very original but if fits since hes the demolitions expert. June 14: One of the new guys Private James, we call him Jimmy. Hes a good kid, only 18 years old. We had a skirmish with a couple baddies on a highway. Jimmy and I were in a ditch on the side, little bastard could still make me laugh even though it was tense. June 15:Skirmish today, couple baddies on the roof, blew away two of ours when they ambushed us. I put out two and the rest of the squad did the rest. One of our KIA was that kid Jimmy, real good kid, everybody liked him, he was a fun guy even during fights... June 16: We are being sent on a scouting mission into the mountains. I dont like it. We have lost 4 and they were almost all vets except Jimmy. They were all replaced with new guys. There are sixteen of us entirely. June 18:First chance to write an entry. Its been nearly 48 hours of nonstop fighting. A large group of terrorists have surrounded us. We are stuck in this deserted village and they just keep coming. We have already lost 10 men. ITs just the six of us held up in an old bunker. Crap their hittin us again. Incase this is my last entry; Gypsy, Im sorry I lied, looks like I messed up again eh? I leave everything I own to you. Find yerself a good man. Sorry I wont be there to walk you down the isle. June 20: 3 of us left. I am in command, but Ive been hit in the chest. Shady was trying to save one of our wounded and was blown to pieces with an rpg. Its me, Sparky, and a Sniper, Cpl. Carter Hayes. If this is my last post same stuff in the last one goes. June28: Not much time. We r on the run. Carter split up and went the other way. Think he made it. Sparks and I are hurtin and arent going to last. This will be my last post I believe. Goodbye. June 28-July10: Ive been rescued by Tombs!! Let me recount from my last post. We were running then a terrorist jeep caught up. Sparky tripped, I tried to save him but he was... was... run down by them. They shot an RPG next to me. Im full of the shrapnel. Took out my right eye too. They tortured me for days, I thankfully dont remember much, but I do get flashes of it. Im a changed man, Im not happy anymore... Tombs rounded up his ranger team and saved my ass when he heard my last transmission for help. Seems that Carter found help after all. Im home and cant go back to war, not for a while atleast..... When Mactav returned he looked around, hearing gun shots and sirens in the distance from atop the hill he was viewing the city from. He looked around and muttered "Why the fuck do I keep coming back here" and descended the hill. He found that the Deamhans were fighting with the Rejects again and encountered his sister Gypsy. When Mactav was MIA Gypsy assumed the worst that he was dead" At first she didnt believe it but realized it was really him. After a short lull Mactav was back with the Deamhans fighting the Rejects. He was different however, he did not laugh at the things he used to. He took heart in causing others pain, perhaps he has a grudge with the world for what happened to him. He then joined up with the CDPD, remaining in contact with the Deamhans but barely. He is considering joining the tactical response team because he sees that it would be the best use of his skills. One night he recieved a text before a raid from an unknown source. It said Gypsy is in trouble by the Reject Wall. He rushed over to find her covered in blood and quite out of her mind. She was speaking to a doll and was attempting to kill her self. Mactav left, unable to see her like that and told Parnell and the other Rejects to take care of her. She was declared insane and is locked up in a padded room under the hospital, never to be released. Mactav visits alot and Gypsy occasionally recognizes him. Mactav has become darker than ever from this andis much colder and malicous. ((thats all for now, will be updated whenever 😉 )) |
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