Mama Carver

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Profile photo of mama-carver



Birth name: Leisha Small
Born: Baltimore, MA
Age: 18

Leisha's mother was a junkie, her father a lieutenant in a drug gang. They lived in abandoned row house after abandoned row house, her mama whoring herself to the drug boys to score her fix money and not much else. Leisha, she ran wild with the other project kids, learning how to siphon electricity, cadge what she could from the system, and to keep what she didn't want sold away from her mama.

Leisha's daddy, now, he was a semi-regular who got real regular once Leisha began to ripen. He took her virginity when she was 12 and then started treating her like a whore, and a personal maid. He made her cook and clean for him, then took to bringing her around where he'd brag about her to the mid-level corner kids, talking up her cooking in the kitchen and in the bedroom.

Leisha turned to food for comfort and as she got bigger, her daddy got meaner, calling her Leisha Large and treating her more and more harshly, humiliating her by making her cook for his fellow soldiers in the gang, treating her like garbage while she did, and beating her brutally while he raped her whenever he took a mind to it.

Of course, she dropped from school when she was 12, and when her daddy wasn't after her, her mama ignored her and she spent her time on the corners, being a look-out or running wild with the other kids, jacking cars, tagging walls, stealing what they could and lying when they couldn't. She learned to be everyone's "mama", her large size making the kids think of her as maternal, and it insulated her and gave her protection. Then the inevitable happened.

At 15, she wound up pregnant by her daddy and when she told him, he made her have the baby. Fat or no, Leisha was a good looking girl coming from a good looking woman, if you could get past the ravages of long-term heroin abuse. Mama had no choice, but the rage that had begun when she was 12 was reaching a climax.

After she gave birth to a little boy, and her daddy went off to brag to his friends, Leisha just stood there, looking at that baby, seeing a monster. Barely able to walk, blood still on her thighs, she picked up the newborn and she took him to the kitchen where she broke his neck and carved him up, just like a turkey dinner. Only this time, she a dime of heroin into the stuffing and that night, she served it to her father. He ate it all up, smacking his lips, and when the drug started to take over, she stabbed him to death with the carving knife, again and again, until there was nothing left but blood.

Leisha, she snapped out of it, got herself cleaned up and fled to the streets. She set about charming one of her fellow hoppers to go with her, one who was the best at boosting cars and who always bragged about leaving Baltimore. They moved from city to city, trying out Jersey and New York, then heading west towards Detroit before her boy, he got tired of scrapping for change and food and started whining about going home.

Finally, one night as they squatted in the upstairs of one of the many abandoned houses downtown, he tried to "be a man" and hit Leisha. She lashed out, pushing him down the rickety stairs. A well of calm seemed to fill her and she found herself feeling almost maternal as she restrained him and planning out the way she would turn him into a meal. She wound up flaying him with great precision then crudely cooking up his heart on their squatter's fire. She up and left, and now has taken the bus to Hathian, the memory of the kill strong and growing stronger, like a missing tooth that you just gotta touch with your tongue.

She calls herself Mama Carver.

April 3, 2008 at 11:07 pm
Profile photo of brynnsterling



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April 4, 2008 at 1:52 pm
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