Maggali Grace Magic

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"exerpt from the patient case file of Maggali Grace Magic-as observed by Dr. Harlan Wichelhause"

Name: Maggali Grace Magic

Alias: M n M, Maggie, Mags

Age 19

Hair: Black
Eyes: Green

No Identifying marks or tatoos. No birthmarks.

Height: 6'1
Weight: 155 pds
Health: Excellent Physical Condition (Patient is Vegan).

Imprisonment Charge(s):

Serial Murder, assault, theft, and kidnapping.


Patient suffers from a form of psychosis and dis-associative multiple personality disorder. Who you see in front of you now, may not be who you saw yesterday or tomorrow. Extremely intelligent and should be considered dangerous, even when unarmed. Recommended that patient be transferred to a maximum security facility to remain there the duration of her life.

Most of Maggali Magic's life is shrouded in secrecy, even from her. Many people hear a voice in their head, Maggali, heard several. Each of them vying for attention on any given day, and eventually taking control of her conscious mind. The only commonality they all shared was their insatiable blood lust.

It was an all consuming need, much like eating and sleeping. She couldn't not harm those around her any more than she could stop herself breathing for more than a short while. Though she tried...she couldn't help herself. Moving to different locales only seemed to heighten this craving, as she would find herself walking the streets of some new city. Much like a hunter, she would walk to familiarize herself with the terrain, every turn and alleyway so that she could easily track her prey. There would be no place they could take refuge once she'd decided she wanted them. Unfortunately, for her, it never went this far. Her beauty made her "the perfect predator", as she'd told her shrink during many a session. They wanted to be near her, wanted to talk to her, wanted to be touched, kissed, or noticed by her and they couldn't NOT notice her.

Who could resist a killer who happened to look like a supermodel? She even acccentuated this fact by dressing like a fashion mag escapee from head to toe. Dolce and Gabbana was her hunter wear of choice, as it already had a certain designer rag look about it. Should her victim struggle and rip her clothing, it looked as though the rip belonged there. Had to love fashion designers and their morbidity. But again it never went this far. She easily pulled women close to her because her soft spoken demeanor and tall stature (that and being female) made them feel safe around her and men were drawn in by her height, and the exaggerated curves of her body. Though the killing was not about sex, she occasionally did enjoy the thrill of bringing them to their sexual peak, as she sent them from this world to the next. Most men would choose to die this way if they could. She was sure of it.

She didn't always kill her victims. That would be way too easy. Toying with them was equally satisfying. Sometimes she liked to lull them into a sense of comfort and simply cut them and leave them believing they'd imagined the whole thing and it had been she who saved them from some horrible monster. This too was easy and much more fun than just taking their lives. The torture could go on forever..or as long as they kept her entertained. But very rarely, there would be one or two people she would never harm and could actually exhibit normal behavior around. To them she would appear merely a little off and they never knew the horrors that lay within her mind. And luckily for them she never thought those things about them, but actually loved these individuals in a way that might surprise her doctors.

The rest...merely cattle. Prey.

So she came to Hathian, and quietly tried to blend in. Tried to ignore the voices that whispered to her. The voices that only became quiet when she began to walk the city. Like a hunter.

November 9, 2008 at 10:28 pm
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