Maddox Daxeline, from Atlanta to Crack Den

Home Forums Introductions Maddox Daxeline, from Atlanta to Crack Den

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[ Char Bio ] Maddox Daxeline was born in 1983, in Atlanta. He was raised in a fairly middle class, catholic family and a good education in a public college, studying sociology. Even though he was a smart student, he was always questioning system and dreaming of just "going away". He had a heroin addict girlfriend and she was the only way to get rid of this middle class atmosphere he had throughout his lifetime. One day he was caught up while smoking weed with his girlfriend in his dormitory. That was the start of Maddox' journey. He cast out from public college and being a strict catholic family, Mr. and Mss. Daxeline rejected him from their family. From that point, he had to stand on his own in his complex journey. After wandering in the streets, doing nothing but spending his last back money, he gets a job in a restaurant; as a toilet cleaner. After working for in that dirty position, he gets promoted as a waiter. While, he tries to stand by his own, he learned the ways of the streets and the slums, since the places he lived, are nothing like the beautiful, green house he left in Atlanta. He learned how to deal with junkies, prostitutes, dealers and even cops by befriending them. He has no martial abilities to survive; yet he has a good working brain. Throughout this period, he had no enemies and had not encountered one hostile threat (at least not a fatal one). The last job he had was a bartender position. He worked in a bar called Bikers' Den, near a trailer park. Throughout this journey, even though it is not a bright one, he had the chance of getting rid of the boring and limiting life he had. Although now he has to live with the rejects of the society, he is glad with his life, since he has the chance to observe and live the freedom he had dreamed before. This is just the start of Maddox' life journey, and he hopes it will continue from Crack Den.

August 20, 2009 at 4:08 pm
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