Lorelai Congrejo’s Roleplay Story

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Lorelai Isabella Congrejo's dad, Michael Pera, died when she was 2, and her widowed mother was left to raise her. When Lore was 23, her Mom was killed by a drunk driver. After her mom's death, she came across letters post marked New Orleans, LA that had been written by her Dad and were dated after his supposed death.

She flew to New Orleans and arrived at the address shown on the letters she had found, but the house was left in shambles and no one was there. Breaking in through a window she came across a receipt for two bus tickets to Hathian, LA.

Knowing she had to follow that lead, she bought her own bus ticket to Hathian, LA in hopes of finding clues to who her father was. Once she arrived in Hathian, she checked into the local hotel. Every morning, Lore would bring her laptop with her to the local coffee shop in hopes of coming across some information. The girl that worked at the Daily Grind, Roxanna Beck, slowly befriended her and they chatted lightly each morning. One day, Roxanna's sister, Kate Pera, came in for a cup of coffee before she caught her bus to school. Lore happened to notice Kate's last name written on one of her school books. Seeing that her last name was the same as Lore's father, Lore began friendly conversation with Kate while walking her to her bus stop each morning. Roxanna became suspicious of Lore's behavior and confronted Lore about it. Lorelai, after carefully considering on what to really tell Roxanna, finally told her the truth and how Kate had the last name as her dad. Roxanna invited Lore over for dinner that night, so the three could talk further.
Agreeing to come to their place for dinner, Lore finally learned that the truth..... her dad hadn't really died when she was two. He had left her mom and married Roxanna's mom, then had Kate. Making Kate her half sister. Rox and Kate became friends and over time grew closer.

Now having found her family and becoming best friends, the three of them moved into together. And once their trust grew for one another... Lore was let in on a secret.... now it's a bond that the three of them share as friends and sisters.

Lore was happy with her new found family, but was unsure of what she wanted to do with her life. She had been attended college for her law degree, but she had dropped out when her mother died, so she decided to go back to college and finish her degree, but in the mean time she needed a job. The town having slim picking on jobs, Lore was always on the lookout for something to help pay her tuition.

One day, as Lore was walking down the main street near the police station, she overheard a man, Vicious Sparrow, speaking to a group of people. He caught her attention and she stepped closer to hear. As she spoke, she found herself agreeing with him. During the next several days, she began following his group around, until one day she found herself part of the notorious gang, The Saints, which soon changed to the Sparrow Syndicate, which also helped pay her way through law school.

It was during her time with the Syndicate, that she met a cop named Jhoney Newman. Jhoney seemed to be sweet on her, but she was a gang member and he was the head of the anti-gang unit. Over the weeks, she realized she was falling in love with Jhoney and knew a decision had to be made.... her gang or the love of her life.

Seeing that her gang was dwindling down in numbers and losing their standing in the town, she chose to go with her heart and leave the Syndicate for the man she loved. At this point, she had graduated law school and decided to use her degree to become the prosecutor for the city.

However, seeing that the criminals usually walked and hardly ever saw the inside of the prison, she felt as if she was doing no good. She left her job as a lawyer and with Jhoney's help, she joined the police force.

On July 14, 2007, the same day she received her first promotion to beat cop, Jhoney got down on one knee and asked her to marry him. Excited and in love, she said yes!

August 6, 2007, Jhoney and Lorelai were wed in the chapel in Hathian with their family and friends present.

Right away, they decided to extend their family and try and have a baby. On, September 23, 2007, their daughter, Hannah Newman, was born at Hathian General Hospital. Of course there were no doctors around, but luckily her sister Kate loved to watch the discovery channel and with Rox's help they delivered Hannah into the world.

Disaster struck three years later, when Hannah was kidnapped without a trace. For three years, their entire family searched for Hannah. Three years later, while Lore, Kate and Kate's husband Gia were standing near the hospital, a six year old girl, Precious, happened along. The child seemed lost and as Lore was trying to help her find her way, she noticed a birthmark on the child's hand, the same birth mark that Hannah had as a baby.

After a blood test, it was confirmed that Precious was actually Jhoney and Lore's long lost daughter Hannah. The family decided to continue to call her Precious, since that was the only name she had ever known.

Happy to finally have their family back, they still had many troubles to face, as Precious had multiple personality disorder due to three years of trauma she encountered during her kidnapping.

Soon, Kate found out she was pregnant right before Gia left to go overseas with the military. Kate had a premature baby, Khaya Dagostino, due to constant attacks by Morder, who was in a gang called the Crows. However, Khaya turned out to be a healthy girl who loved her cousin Precious.

For Christmas, J and Lore decided to have another Baby. A boy was born to them on February 28, 2008. They named him baby J and sent him to live with a family member a long way away from Hathian in order to keep him safe from kidnappers.

Then on March 28, 2008, J told Lore their marriage was over and they divorced. Although angry and sad at first, Lore moved past this and kept her friendship with J as she moves on with her life.

Name: Lorelai Isabella Congrejo
Age: Old enough to know better, still too young to care
Profession: CDPD Sergeant
Blood Type: A+
Height: 5'4"
Weight: 120 lbs give or take
Nationality: Irish/English

April 7, 2008 at 2:28 am
Profile photo of swans07-aeon



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