I am looking for someone who would be willing to play a personal body guard. My Character has so many reasons to hire one but I prefer to tell you if you are interested why in person 🙂 . The person will be living with me in my house. I am expecting him to be semi/para rper and also keep his RP as realistic as possible. I am online in week days 10 am-2pm slt and weekends waries between 12 am to 4pm slt. Please drop me an IM if interested.
Also looking for a daughter. I am pregnant right now. The child will be born at October 21. I can wait till She becames 2 and then I would love to have someone to rp her. I am giving heads up in case there is a character planning to end her character and start a new life. Technically I have around 7 months to rp with her 🙂
Thanks for reading
Dr. Shaielle Lefevre (Tiara Platthy)