Loadsa freebies

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THis place has a load of freebies, but the best one I found was one called

SuperBox Pro

It costs 20 lindens, but contains (amongst lots of junkie stuff)

A cabin, a medieval castle, a few free houses, a cardboard sleeping box, an alpine cabin, a gypsy wagon, look out tower, beach hut, rusty gazebo, a porta-loo and a nuclear reactor (what every house needs!)

A belly dancing outfit, dance bracelets (for women and men), a few free skins, some WEIRD avatars.

It also contains a fair few animal avatars such as a wolf. cat, moogle (some strange american animal no doubt ;)).

Artis Store Freebies & Other, Westie Island (151,48,31)

July 13, 2008 at 3:22 pm
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