Light reading…

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juanlouis alder


If you have time please read this and answer the brief questions at the bottom

'Creative Intercourse'

Mark debated the problem in his mind. A dark haired Latin man sat in his car debating a technical problem. He was torn between the problem and the rare and seductive nature of the weather in his surroundings. How much in fact he wanted to abandon the job and turn his attention to enjoying the day. He began to loose focus on the matter at hand as his eyes wandered around the beautiful scene before him. Britain was a unique place he thought to himself. Drab and calm most of the time, then the slightest drop of sunshine drives everyone to extraordinary behaviour. Him being a reasonably worldly man, though most of his experience coming from conversation with a broad range of people in internet chat rooms and email banter.

Opposite the car was a Baptist Church from which a crowd had dispersed a few minutes before, despite this being a Tuesday afternoon. A very attractive young lady held gently to the arms of her toddler as she allowed him to peer through the railing of the foot bridge over the river beside the church. People were coming and going to their cars in this small yet busy town car park.

He overheard a male voice as the man exchanged pleasant and slightly flirtatious words with a younger woman sat in the car next to him. This older man then got into his car and drove away.

In a moment all his attention to the job and what he was supposed to be doing drained away as he caught sight of the woman as she stepped out of her car. Her dark black hair and a beautifully rounded figure defined a vision he could barely take his eyes from. He didn’t subscribe to the new age of super slim, withered ‘beauty’ She appeared to be part Chinese or possibly Japanese.

She had on a loose black skirt and a black t-shirt covered by a white top. She was wearing sun glasses which only intrigued him more. He didn’t like to see women in sunglasses as eyes were one of things which attracted him most, yet this woman had managed to seize his attention completely. He saw she was clutching a small purse and a plastic bag in one hand.

He locked his eyes with hers as her head turned to meet his gaze. He couldn't see her eyes but she smiled awkwardly and held her gaze. Like an animal catching a scent. He was transfixed. All fear of rejection and reluctance left him as he swiftly opened the car door then closed behind him. Bounding out of his car, he smiled and nodded slightly, almost reassuringly as if to say to her, you don't have to worry. I know exactly what to say.

She had scanned him almost completely from head to toe in her momentary glance. He wore black trousers with a black belt, the metal tip of it hung to the left side of his waist, catching the sun as he moved. The belt buckle was rectangular and discretely concealed under his blue and white shirt, open collar revealing a dark gray T-shirt underneath.

What caught her attention the most was his shoes. They were black leather, clean and shining even more than the metallic tip of his belt. She thought to herself so few men took pride in their shoes. Her Dad had always said a man’s shoes are almost as important as his handshake. Her mind was quickly flung back into the moment as he started to approach and a tremble ran through her body.

The red brick of the building beside them, opposite the church flashed in reflection in her sunglasses as he got closer to her. The boldness and emanating confidence took her by surprise. She wasn't used to that sort of attention and even though it was welcome she didn't quite know how to handle it.

She looked down slightly unnerved, fumbling a little with her purse behaving almost as though she didn't know he was approaching. Her appearance was normal but her mind repeating “oh my god oh my god” over and over as he seemed to float, deliberately but not aggressively across the gap between their cars.

As his footsteps drew closer she looked up toward him again with a slightly more awkward smile, not sure what to expect or really how to act but still pleasant in her manner.

He stopped within a comfortable distance and nodded “Hello there” he greeted, in his deep European accent with a trace of welsh “Hi...” the woman replied. He took a draw of breath then tilted his head “I'm sorry to be so blunt about this but when I saw you for some reason you seized my attention. I’m not really one to…pounce on people but” pausing for a moment he traced the features of her face. Usually his eyes would wander over a woman's form but in this case he was focused on communicating with her.

“I’m certain we haven’t met. Are you married?” he asked boldly. Her face stretched into a broad grin almost chuckling as she responded with mild though refreshed embarrassment “no.. I'm not”

He smiled as he become a little more flirtatious though still serious in his manner “I take it if you had a boyfriend you'd have mentioned it when I asked if you had a husband” he gently offered his hand, palm down though tilted slightly “I'm Mark. How do you do” he spoke in a swift, gentle and casual tone, making no suggestion he was using the phrase ‘how do you do’ to sound like something her was not.

He maintained his gaze about her face though not constantly into her eyes. She titled her head, her hair flicking slightly “I'm Megan, erm… nice to meet you” trying not to chuckle at the situation.

She reached out to take his hand which he received. She was still smiling broadly and close to breaking into a fit of giggles, being moderately overwhelmed by the attention though able to hide it for the most part. He grasped firmly for a gentle shake of hands, releasing his grip but still holding her hand with his and letting the weight of her hand and forearm rest on his palm so she could take it away but not releasing it completely.

This feeling of him having led her into almost holding his hand was electric to her. He had subtly and skilfully led them into this slightest of physical moments. She had no interest in taking her hand away so she simply let it rest there for a moment, convincing her self taking it away immediately would be rude. After a second or two she smiled and removed her hand, inadvertently though flirtatiously letting her fingers slide to the tips of his palm and touching her finger nails to the soft skin of his fingers as she lowered it slowly to her side.

He moved a little closer “You're eyes are beautiful. I mean….. I can barely see them through your glasses but…. I can imagine...” he slowly blinks “Again I don't mean to be so direct and... aggressive” She let out a little giggle as he stepped around to her left and turned so they were both facing away from her car. She drove a small black sporty looking VW. The thought crossed his mind for a moment it seemed an especially expensive car for such a young girl before he was distracted by the heat of the black bodywork having been in the sunlight.

He eased away from the car slightly and took an audible breath and looked up at the blue sky and the beautiful day surrounding them “Maybe I should say something about the weather just to... put you at ease that I'm not some sort of lunatic” he smiled and nodded “She let out a chuckle and turned to face him, moving slightly closer” he turned his head slightly and stretched his eyes to look at her with a playful smirk “or maybe you like lunatics” His lips lifting into a gentle smirk as she smirked back at his comment.

Before she could respond, he turned slowly to face her once again “Would you do something for me?” she parted her lips and rolled her eyes, slowly and flirtatiously “well, that depends” pausing and tilting her head slightly a she leaned in a little closer whispering “Is it illegal”

He smiled and slowly shook his head. He turned to face her squarely then gently reached out with both hands, brining his thumbs and index fingers to either side of her sunglasses. Her heart began to race once again. She made no effort to stop him and focused all he effort on not trembling.

Pausing for a moment as he touched the sides of her glasses, then careful slid them from her ears. Gazing into her light brown almond shaped eyes. Pausing for a moment he then shook his head slowly, still smiling “turns out, I was right” She grinned broadly. Her cheeks reddening as her head tilted down.

Her mind immediately drifted to so many cheesy romantic novels she had snuck from her mother’s shelf as a younger teenager. There was no way she was about to allow these intense feelings and his confidence persuade her to ‘throw caution the wind’ As the thought ran through her mind she stooped over a little and brought her right hand to her mouth, trying not to giggle aloud.

He reached out and firmly placed his left hand to her right shoulder, supporting her as she bowed her head and body. She froze as her entire upper body tensed under his firm yet tender touch as he spoke in a jest-full tone “Careful. And you don’t need to pity me by pretending I’m funny”

She gradually eased back upright, still smiling, hoping she could maintain her composure. She pressed her shoulder upwards against his hand in a flirtatious reciprocation of his touch. He removed his hand instantly as they made eye contact again and she let out a sharp breath.

It seemed to her as though he’d touched her because he couldn’t see her eyes. Like for a moment he thought he’d lost her and immediately seized her. She wondered if he knew only too well that he was pushing her buttons or if he was just being himself. How naturally and confident he behaved only severed to attract her further.

She gazed into his eyes for a few moments. He seemed mesmerized by her but at the same time wasn’t aggressive or intimidating. It concerned her how much he appealed to her “So do you find this routine works on a lot of women?” she quickly heard her mother’s sharp Asian tongue in her own mouth. A cruel and defensive thrust and cut of this hereditary sarcasm fired like a cannon from her lips.

He slowly lost the warm smirk he’d been showing her the whole time. She immediately regretted what she’d said even though it was natural to her. The words “I’m sorry” sat on her lips, but she couldn’t bring herself to speak them. He stepped slightly closer, brining his face a few millimetres closer to hers though it had a profound effect “Possibly” he stated and started to smile warmly once again.

She wanted to reply immediately but was afraid of what she might say. Before she could he added “But all that I’ve said has been true. Jumping on you like this in a car park isn’t like me at all. Never the less, it feels right” She smiled and closed her eyes, blinking slowly. She was more than a little relieved that he wasn’t offended but at the same time she felt she had lost control of the situation. She didn’t like it and was still unnerved by how attracted to him she was.

“Well, I really need to go shopping and return this” she lifted the bag she was clutching which promptly slipped from her hand to the ground.

They simultaneously crouched to retrieve the item them both immediately stopped as they’d both realized what was about to happen if they continued. Their heads stopped a few millimetres from bashing into a each other. They both lifted gaze from the bag on the ground and paused now practically nose to nose.

Her hair fell from her shoulders and draped over one side of her face. The scent of her hair overwhelmed him as he slowly closed his eyes. She watched his responses unfold, seeing the effect she had on him. She could see and hear him taking a slow deep breath then exhale with a momentary and very slight grunt of breath. His face seemed to tense as though he was desperately trying to resist as he slowly eased in even closer and let the tip of his nose brush into the side of hers.

He paused there for a second or two before even more gently allowing his lips to brush over hers. She was completely enthralled in the moment. She inadvertently released a gentle whimper from her lips. At that moment he froze in position. Their noses and lips feather touching.

He then started to ease back just far enough to pull focus on her face. His lips now lifted into a smirk and almost grin of enjoyment and contentment.

“So do you find this routine works on a lot of Men? You know the whole, dropping the bag bit” He raised his eyebrows and tilted head to look at her side on as she erupted into a giggle, placing a hand over her mouth once again. He swiftly swept the bag up from the ground and stood upright. Gently reached out. This time not offering but taking her hand to help her up. She gripped firmly consciously continuing the intimate moment they had shared despite him interrupting with his comment.

Rising to her feet she smiled back at him, enjoying the moment so much she didn’t want to leave but at the same time not sure where to go from here. Once again he took the lead before she even finished her thought.


1.How much did you enjoy the story so far ? (0-10) 0 is not at all
2.Would you like to find out what happens next (0-10) 0 is not at all
3.Would you pay $3 (£1.50) on Amazon if it were 30-40 times longer (YES or NO)
4.Any other comments ?

June 14, 2012 at 7:29 pm
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