Kyra steps into the Den

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Profile photo of kyraj82



Kyra always went by the nickname "Red"..yea it was mostly because of her hair and the fact that her mother was a redhead too. She was born on Sept3rd in the glitzy gambling city of Las Vegas to a Marine named Malcome "Mac" Jurado and Stella Warner-Jurado. She grew up fairly decent with both parents, watching her mother seduce the stage, and her father teaching her combatives and how to use various weapons...pretty much a hot tomboy. On her 13th birthday, Red's mother dies for least thats what she is told to believe. After Stella's funeral, Mac takes her and they move around from state to state, never really settling down.On her 18th birthday, Mac leaves Red with a family friend and disappears with no explaination..except to tell her that her life is in danger and that he wants her safe. For the next seven years, Red doesn't see her father, but receives postcards from him, updating her on his statuslThe last postcard she recieves has a faint bloody fingerprint, a short message telling her that her father was dead and she was next. A few days later, Red gets a letter in the mail about a house that she inherits from her father who was born and raised in Hathian. Now off the bus, 26, and with a dark secret, Red wants nothing more than to move on with her life. (RP to find out more)

August 20, 2011 at 3:07 pm
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