Keri Watkin

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Well I'm not exactly new, but being stuck at work for 8 hours with nothing else to do, gave me plenty of time to write up my back story. After slacking forever, I finally got it all typed up....

Raised in a small country town, Keri Watkin patiently waited to turn 18, so she could leave that all behind. To her family's protests, she left home and moved to NYC after graduating from high school. Soon she found herself in a cramped studio apartment, living with a man she thought she loved, until the abuse started.

After three years, it all came to a head, when he left her severely beaten. She spent the next six months planning her escape, and after he went to work one day, she packed her things and left. Having no real plans of where to go, she spent all her money on a bus ticket that would take her as far as she could afford from NYC. She stepped off the bus, she found herself in Hathian, and would soon find herself wondering if she would've been better off staying with her ex.

Her parents, unaware of the situation with her ex, sided with him when he lied to them, telling them that Keri had developed a drug problem, and had left college and NYC as a result of her problem and needing to find money to fuel her drug addiction. Keri begged her parents for their help, but as they were convinced she had been abusing drugs, they refused to offer any support, cutting off all contact with her. Her older sister being the only one in Keri's family to believe her, but was forbidden to give Keri any help.

Keri came to Hathian not sure what to expect from the small town. With no money left, she survived on the kindness of strangers, who soon became some of her closest friends. Spending night after night in the apartments above both Lou's and the Titty Twister, she soon became a regular at both bars, listening and learning about the citizens of Hathian each night.

During one of these typical evenings she met a young heiress, Nadi Beresford, who changed her life. The two quickly became best friends, Nadi helping to set Keri up in a trailer in Devil's Pocket so that she wouldn't have to worry about where she'd sleep each night.

The two were next to inseparable, until Keri began dating Geronimo Palmer. Thinking Keri could do better, Nadi didn't try to hide her dislike for Ger, going so far as to set Keri up on blind dates without her knowledge, springing them on Keri as they arrived, so she'd have no choice but to go. This caused quite a few arguments between the two.

After her relationship with Ger ended, one of Nadi's surprise blind dates led to a relationship between Keri and Renesaga Wesburn. However it ended suddenly after a fight between Rene and Al McCullough, which ended in Al threatening to kill Rene if he didn't break up with Keri. After their relationship ended, Keri and Rene shared a love/hate relationship, being close friends one day and then screaming and arguing with each other the next, this lasting right up until Rene's death.

Things settled down for Keri for awhile. However, after a brief fling, she found herself pregnant, though she miscarried when she was only three months along. Her miscarriage throwing her into a wild and wreckless stage, Keri frequented bars and clubs, both in and out of Hathian. However, one of these nights out, Keri received a phone call that changed the entire course of her life.

Nadi was set to meet Keri at one of her favorite clubs, when she called to say she was caught up in town and would be a little late, because she was talking to a guy she just met, and planned on bringing him to the club with her. That man was Ethan Morrisey. Keri immediately found Ethan to be charming and witty, but assumed that since he had come with Nadi, his interest was with her. That in mind, Keri talked with him throughout the night, but didn't pay him a whole lot of attention.

However, Keri ran into Ethan in town the next day, and from there, their friendship, laced with casual flirting blossomed. Soon Ethan became one of her closest friends, as they saw each other everyday and were constantly calling one another, though Keri was somewhat wary, as she still thought Ethan was interested in Nadi. She and Ethan talked about everything, she learned about his past, and that he was hoping to soon be hired onto the police force.

The more time she spent with him and the more she learned about him, the more attracted to Ethan she became. After a few weeks of talking, Ethan invited Keri to go hang out at "his" house, just outside of Hathian. When they got there, they found all the doors to be locked, and Ethan admitted it wasn't actually his house, but that of a friends. They figured out a way to break in, and then spent the rest of the night together in that big, empty house, and the rest was history.

Keri soon moved in with Ethan in District 8, and right around the same time, he was accepted to and began working for the police department. While he was still only a cadet, Keri was sitting on a bench outside of Gein Burger, when she met a drug dealer named Parnell Urqhart. Both bored, she and Parnell talked for awhile, and then ran into each other now and again, eventually becoming friends. Parnell asked Keri to come work for him and help him push his drugs. Keri seized the opportunity to try something new, and went to work for Parnell, quickly learning the ropes and how to deal, all the while keeping her new job a secret from Ethan.

Eventually, Parnell was approached by the Rejects, and asked to deal for them. Parnell went to work for the Rejects, Keri working independently for a few days, until she received a phone call from Parnell. The Rejects were looking for more dealers, and he had recommended Keri to them. They set up a meeting at Lou's, at which Keri was to meet with BeBe Pink and Page Eames to discuss the possibility of her coming to work for them alongside Parnell.

Thinking that it was nothing more than a preliminary meeting, Keri showed up at Lou's, not really sure what to expect, as she knew well of the Rejects reputation, as she had been the subject of one of Zacch Morane's random attacks only days earlier. Keri found herself caught off guard during the meeting, as she quickly found herself being initiated and given an armband. She was told that the final part of her initiation was to tell Ethan, who was still in the dark about her dealing, let alone about her meeting with gang members, that she was not only a drug dealer, but also now a member of the Rejects.

Keri complied, told the news to Ethan the next night. Trying to break it to him slowly, as she knew he wouldn't be happy with her, though all the preparation in the world could not have made the task any easier. She found her relationship in jeopardy as Ethan became infuriated, feeling hurt and betrayed by her lying. He quickly blamed Parnell for getting Keri involved in everything, and begged and pleaded with her to leave the Rejects and give up dealing, as he was worried both about her safety and about his own career that had only just started. Never being one to listen to reason, Keri stayed with the Rejects and continued to deal, much to Ethan's dismay. However, over time, Ethan grew to accept Keri's choice in a "career".

At first, Keri questioned her decision to become a Reject. While she enjoyed their company and the protection that it brought her, their violence made her somewhat uncomfortable. Watching fight after fight and torture after torture, Keri wondered if she was cut out to be a Reject, as she had never before done any of the things she watched her peers do. However, one night Parnell and Starlet Nightfire invited Keri and Ethan over to their apartment, and made Keri cut her first victim. That night changed Keri, and she soon grew to love and crave torturing victims just as much as the rest of the Rejects.

As the years went on, Keri grew cold and unfriendly to those she did not know, constantly aware that every new face she encountered was either a potential enemy of hers or a potential victim. While she was still the same the same girl with those in her two families, her blood family and the Rejects, she was cold, and cruel to everyone else, demanding respect from them, whether they gave it to her willingly or by force.

Keri's family in Hathian expanded as her sister's son, Levi Vaher, came to live with her after his parents divorce. She and Ethan helped raise Levi through his teenage years, as he lived with them until he graduated high school, then moving out to live with his then girlfriend.

Engaged by this point, Keri and Ethan continued to work in their respective "career" choices, slowly working their way up the ranks. However, with Ethan's increasing salary, also came a bigger shopping addiction for Keri. Frugal with her own money, Keri never spent any that she made, instead saving it, while using Ethan's salary to help fuel her addiction. This was a constant source of arguments between the two, though Ethan rarely wanted to deal with Keri and her often time firey temper.

Keri continued to work hard for the Rejects, completely devoting herself to them. As time went on and things changed, she soon saw her old boss, Parnell, taking over the Rejects as their leader. With this change also came more changes for Keri, as her friend quickly made her head drug dealer for the gang. Forcing new dealers to join their ranks, and intimidating old dealers into staying with them, Keri had far more enemies than friends in the city, though she did not let that slow her down at all.

By this time, Ethan had been promoted to Sergeant, a promotion that Keri took as much advantage of as possible. While very proud of him and his accomplishments, Keri also knew that this gave her more power in town. She used her fiance's rank against lower ranking officers anytime she could. Threatening and intimidating them into letting her have her way. However, this tactic did not always work, as Ethan himself arrested both Keri and Bebe, not letting his relationship with her get in the way of upholding the law.

With Ethan's higher rank, Keri began to see less and less of him, as she busied herself with her own work, though she couldn't help but miss him, as they became ships in the night, only seeing each other briefly before one left the house each day, or in passing in town, while Ethan was on duty. Still in love with Ethan, Keri was surprised to find herself attracted to another man, Joseph Cooperstone. The two began an affair, keeping the relationship quiet, as Keri did not want Ethan to find out about it.

Keri was soon sent by Parnell to work for Lars Calhern and the Ace's Crew, as Lars needed some additional help. Keri brought Joe along with her, taking responsibility for him, as she told Lars of what a good addition she thought Joe would make to the gang. Keri faced a huge change in transitioning from the Rejects to the Ace's, wanting to follow the rules of her new gang, though unable to forget who she was and all that she knew. She settled into her new role relatively quickly, finding her place among the group alongside Joe. However, she still jumped at any chance to let her old Reject ways shine through.

Keri is still a member of the Ace's, Ethan now promoted to Lieutenant in the police department. The couple is still together, though there is tension between them, as Keri forced Ethan to make a sperm donation at the hospital, promising to only use it should something happen to Ethan in line of duty. However, after Ethan left the hospital, Keri used part of the same to impregnate herself, without his knowledge. Now expecting their first child together, Keri struggles to get Ethan to forgive her for her actions and for lying, while still keeping her relationship with Joe a secret from him.

November 10, 2008 at 7:39 am
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