Kelly Kasey Dragovar

Home Forums Introductions Kelly Kasey Dragovar

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Hi Everyone:

Thought I’d introduce myself to y’all too. I’ve been here a bit over a week now actually but haven’t had the chance yet to come here to introduce myself.

Anyways, a bit about myself OOCly. I am not new to roleplaying, but I am to the sim. I had a little bit over 2 years of experience with pararp some time back before I left on a long hiatus for RL. I finally have a bit more time now and was thinking about this so I decided to hop back in and give it a second shot, this time with a new account for a fresh start and a new beginning, also to try a new character with a new backstory.

Kelly (the character) comes from small town Indiana, where he’s lived all his life. He’s never been outside his county before and certainly never in a city like dead end before. He left because he wanted to try something new, after his longtime girlfriend left him. He has been a firefighter/paramedic for several years now (starting when he was barely even old enough as a teen). He comes to Hathian with nothing but the car he stole from his girlfriend and the clothes on his back, and is now on probation with FDH, hoping to pick up his fire/ems career here.

I based my character on Paramedic Sylvie Brett, a character in the T.V. show, “Chicago F.D.” I named him after Lt. Kelly Severide (another char on that show) and a long time SL friend, Kera Dragovar. This is my first time playing a fire-ems role in roleplay but I am at the moment a Candidate EMT IRL. I started my training some time back, took a break, and will be returning in February to the Academy to finish up.

Look forward to meeting and playing with y’all soon!!! 🙂


December 9, 2014 at 7:03 pm
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