Keep your tools clean

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anthony amore


A Great article written by Calanthral Falodir  called  #10 4 ways to keep your vagina clean
Gentlemen, it is just as important for you to keep your tools clean
Benefits are not limited to just helping reduce the chances of developing problems like skin irritations and some common infections.
1.Wash the balls and ass.
Nobody wants to get that smell of underwear sauce and nastiness protruding from your pants.
2. Clean your foreskin.
If you're not circumcised, Then clean that skin daily.
3. Use protection
Yes, I said it. Not everyone practices cleanliness. While you may not get an STD, you can only prevent this from happening.
4. Can one get herpes from oral sex?
Yes. Oral herpes caused by HSV-1 can spread from the mouth to the genitals through oral sex.
5. Wear clean, washed clothes.
Clean clothes allow air to circulate, keeping your skin dry and reducing the risk of bacterial growth.

HGH Nurse

November 6, 2023 at 1:15 pm
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