Kate’s Mask

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This is the finale of a long going plot between Holden Constantine and Kate Pera. I wanted to put the whole story up but simply ran out of time...But wanted to share this with the community. Hope you enjoy reading it as much as we enjoyed RPing it 😀

The sun was close to setting but still the heat and humidity clung as if it were mid-day. Kate Pera-Newman walked into the station, glad to be away from the house but deep in thought as she looked at the ground move beneath her. Her family life at home had taken a turn for the worse as of late. Her marriage broken at best and her work was getting to her. In truth just one case was getting to her…Holden Constantine. Her feet stopped as she caught sight of a pair of shoes that seemed too nice to be the typical station visitor. She lifted her head, her eyes traveling up the man's form as he sat on the bench, something so familiar about him. "Can I help you Mr....." She let her question drop without name although she was sure he had to be a Constantine because of his impeccable dress and fine bone structure.
Holden Constantine had been sitting in the station for a while now, waiting on his toy. He saw her enter and rises off the bench and offers a disarming smile and an outstretched hand in greeting. "Good evening Sergeant. A pleasure to meet you Mr. Constantine will do just fine thank you." He knew she would never recognize him as Holden because he had ditched that disguise for his newest one. Kate took the offered hand and gave it a firm shake. "Like wise Mr. Constantine," she said softly, his smile catching her off guard as she wondered if the whole family was as suave as the two she had met. "Christopher was it?" She asked as she cleared her throat to compose herself.
He lifted the smaller hand up to his lips and presses a quick, but firm kiss on the back, before letting go and nodding, "Why yes. Have we met before? I should say I am rather ashamed if we have had such a privilege and I couldn't recall. Beauty such as yours isn’t ever lost in the mind intentionally I assure you." She smiled genuinely, realizing he would not recognize her from the ball as she had worn a mask, pleased she had guessed right and was not standing in front of someone else from the family. "I am sorry I seem to be lacking my manners," Kate chuckled softly, a slight blush rising to her cheeks from his words as it was nice to hear once in a while. "You may remember a small raven from your ball...I am Fortunato."
Holden tilted his head in recognition and smiled sheepishly, "But of course, but of course my dear. You were as striking then as you are now. Always a relief to find what is under the mask to be safe and lovely, no? Fortunato..." He let the name roll through his mind. Indeed she is. Though the gall to try to bait him with such a name..."Please, I must confess before we go on, that the lady on my arm that night was but a friend and together we love to play parts at balls such as that. I am quite single in fact. And now that we have removed our masks, perhaps you would care to take a walk with me? We could, discuss my brother. A professional, plutonic venture of course."
She narrowed her eyes a little at his confession of the friend, her smile faltering a little as her mind took off in thought, wondering if he had played such a charade that night what else he could be hiding but knew he could be the key to getting what she wanted and that was his brother. "I think that is a lovely idea, perhaps we can drop in on him and say hello," she replied, her composure gaining a little at the thought of being face to face with the one that had been haunting her thought and dreams as of late.
Holden nodded slowly, the thoughts of how and where turning over in his mind. So many options, such freedom and apparently he might actually get the dedicated officer to himself, "Hmm perhaps we could. I'm not sure that he's home, but I'm sure it’s completely possible. Where would you like to go first? I am at your service my dear."
Kate chewed on her bottom lip for a moment as she often did in thought before cracking a small smile. "Would you perhaps be up for a cup of coffee? I haven't had mine yet today." She knew it wasn't the best place to have a conversation but she knew better than to go sticking herself inside of a situation until she had a better feel for this one's intentions. With a smile, she turned for the door, pausing to look back at the officers inside of the station. "I'm stepping out for a bit to follow up on a case...I'll have my phone on me but just take a message if it is not deemed an emergency," she called out with a wave before heading out of the doors, she didn't need any interruptions or distractions if she was to catch her mouse and she was determined to do just that.
The two made their way to the Daily Grind. Neither speaking to the other as they were both in thought. He was took note of those they passed, his mind milling over how he would best trap her. She was obsessing over the fact that tonight could be her break; she might actually win the game. Walking in, Holden ordered himself a green tea from the young barista and held up his hand for his companion to order to which she bowed her head a little in appreciation and ordered a latte for herself. While the clerk rung up the order he placed a $10 bill on the counter and turns, not needing the change to look around the fairly empty place, "Wherever you would like to sit suits me fine, Fortunato." He mumbles the name with a smirk as he brings the tea to his lips. She offered a smile to the clerk as she took her cup and turned, looking around the shop. "Perhaps there by the window?" She asks before heading that way. "I have to commend you again for a wonder evening the other night...it was nice being able to be someone different for a few hours," She said, taking a seat and gesturing to the one across from her. Holden slid into the seat and set the cup, with a lid tightly placed over the top, on the table. With a quick glance he looks at the pedestrian traffic on the street and knows they will have to continue their walk to somewhere less...traveled. "Ahh thank you. It was a lovely gala and truly, I must thank you and your friends for coming. They made the night. Your friend I was able to dance with was a lovely woman, I'm sorry that my childish games may have misled her later in the evening." Holden takes a breath and smiles, “So. What is it that you'd like to know about me?"
Kate sipped at her latte as she listened to him talk, her eyes glancing at two people as they strolled in out of habit before looking back to the man with a smile. "No need to apologize...she quickly got over it as she can be...quite free I guess you could say," she chuckled softly, leaning over to place her cup on the table, her fingers playing with it idly. "Why Hathian I guess I should ask first...I mean you are more Garden District material if you don't mind me saying so." He looked, not down at his cup on the table, but instead right at her, into her eyes, getting a feel for her reaction to every word. "My parents own an estate in Vodou actually. It's not so easy to find as much property in the Garden District or the city, so why sell? We are comfortable and have land that isn’t in the flood plane. You might say we're a more traditional family. Old money if you want to be blunt and crude about it."
She gave a nod of her head, understanding it completely as her mother had come from such a family but was disinherited when she chose to marry Kate's no good father. "Completely understandable and after Katrina why move into the city right?" She smiled, as she watched him, wishing he would remove his glasses because it was easier to read someone. "So single and rich, I'm sure you have your hands filled with the local ladies." Her last comment while seemingly innocent was more a ploy to see if he held the same passion his brother did. Holden nods along with her words, carefully smiling at her Katrina comment. Couldn’t know if her family lost their property and though it came across as a joke it may have been rather back loaded with disdain for someone in his position. With a small chuckle he quietly adds, "You forgot charming and good looking." Not meaning to be conceded but rather to see if she was developing any affinity for him. Perhaps a blush, or biting the lip, some reaction could tell a lot. "I have to admit that I don't come here very often. Really just avoid the city, and haven’t been so inclined as to really look for a relationship or a companion till recently."
Kate let out a soft chuckle, bowing her head a little with a smile, her tension easing a little at the apparent difference between him and his less desirable brother. "I am sorry I did forget charming and good looking," She said honestly, it was true that she had never met anyone with his ability to make a woman feel like she was the only one in the room but she had to mentally slap herself, her marriage may be hostile to say the least and he may be all that and more but he was a means to an end. "Speaking from personal experience take your time as a good companion is hard to find these days," She sighed, a flash of her husband and those who had come before him.
Holden slid the cup from one hand to another, his eyes never leaving hers, quietly speaking like the devil offering the kingdoms of the world to the Son. "I am terribly sorry to hear that your own journey has been difficult. I don't know where you are now. But, forgive me for being so forward. It would be lovely to have a plutonic, friendly companionship between us." Holden is almost going by the very manual he wrote on heart surgery. Open possibility here, insert solution there, nurture and blow on the tiny ember till it becomes a flame.
Kate shrugged, she had learned early that life was hard and it had been her own mistakes that landed her where she was. "Life sometimes leads into dark rooms and it is up to us to find the light switch right," she said with a smile, forcing her own problems back as they were a distraction. "But a friendship yes, one can never have too many friends right?" Her smile broadened despite the fact she knew it would not last, not once he figured out she was using him for her own gain but she couldn't let the guilt touch her, not when it meant getting the answers she sought or the chance to see his brother suffer as he had made other women suffer. He nodded in agreement, "A friend can be a wonderful thing indeed. As such, perhaps we should do something more friendlily. What do ya say mate? A drink on me? Let's go have a proper discussion and relax from the hot day with some shade and some spirits."
She faltered a little at the mention of a drink, she knew she shouldn't after already having broken her sobriety by drinking the night at the party and she needed to keep her wits. “But surely one would not hurt,” She thought, needing to keep up the facade to get her prize. "Ya know, I think that sounds like a lovely idea," she smiled, feeling a little pull at her gut but chose to ignore it as she stood. "I will let you choose the place," she said in attempts to show her ease, even though a tiny piece of her hated to relinquish his company knowing it would probably be short lived, his charm and attentiveness was a much welcomed change.
Holden Constantine grinned and stood, leaving the still very hot tea on the table. No need for such a weapon right now or probably at all tonight though the vision of her scaled face...so hard to let go of that hate and instead charm his toy. "Excellent. Let's try the TT then and if there's a lot going on there, we can go to Lou's, but the TT never waters down their drinks. Sometimes it helps to tip well. At the TT it does and at Lou's it really doesn’t." Holden pauses as he goes to leave, "Really, it’s just the service there, I couldn’t tell you the last time I actually saw a woman dance there." Walking out, he led her around the corner to the bar, paying mind to keep close to her as they strolled along in silence. He poked his head in when they reached their destination, noting the fairly empty room he walks up to the bar and nods to the girl wiping it with a towel. Pulling a $50 from his pocket he fairly discretely slides it over the counter and nods to Kate. "Anything she wants and don't mind making it a double. I'll have some juice and vodka. Whatever you wanna pick..."
Kate followed behind, her eyes darting around the darkened bar room as they entered and could only swallow at the fact that the place was empty of any patrons but that is what she wanted right? Personal time to achieve a goal is what she kept telling herself. "Just a vodka tonic and no need for a double," she said politely to the bartender before looking over to Holden. "I am still on the clock and all," she chuckled half heartedly. "So what else do you do Chris or Christopher?" She said, stumbling a little over his name. "Or I could call you Mr. Constantine if you prefer." He smiled at the idea that she is still working. So very true and clearly a roadblock to his pursuits. "If your boss has a problem I'll be sure to take my campaign donations elsewhere Ms. Pera. You may call me whatever you wish really." Holden takes the glass slid to him and works it in his fingers, smiling to the bartender. "As for what I do...Besides hosting extravagant parties I help out with my family’s real estate business when I can and take classes here and there. There are some advantages to walking into a prospering family business you know." She nodded to the bartender as she accepted her glass and took a small sip before looking back at him. "Oh I can imagine," she smiled as she sat her glass down. "It must afford quite a bit of freedom and please...call me Kate." She looked down at the drink in her hand for a moment. "You see Fortunato is a name your brother gave me in our little game of...chess," She smirked; she wouldn't tell him it was an ongoing game and contained human pawns such as himself. "Speaking of which may I ask what caused such a family riff? I understand it's quite personal but he's become very...important to me I guess you could say."
Holden smiled and takes a gulp of his own drink, "Please, allow me to grant you a bit of reprieve and then we shall discuss my errant brother. I want to know about you, Kate. A friendship can’t happen without trust, and trust can’t come without knowledge. I barely know you and yet you intoxicate and intrigue me. How could such a flower be an officer without also having a beautiful mind as well?" Kate blushed a little at his words, it had been a long time since her own husband had addressed her as beautiful, but it didn't mean he didn't love her right? She shook her head a little to clear her thoughts. "Well I wouldn't know about a beautiful mind but I appreciate the compliment none the less," she smiled. "But I am originally from New Orleans, my sister and I moved here after our parents were both killed in an accident." She would never tell that it was her sister and herself that took the life of her father after her mother's death from cancer. "I was the typical unruly teen but thankfully I was saved by a very dear friend who helped me get into the feds and alas here I am today...your tax dollars at work."
Holden Constantine nods empathetically, taking another sip of his drink, feeling the liquid warming him inside. "It is wonderful to see someone from here so successful and I commend you for what you've been able to do with such adversity. Really. I'm simply a benefactor of fortune, but you...I am impressed. See Kate. All the more reason to just take one night, one hour to let go of all of that and enjoy some relaxation. The rest of your world will wait, and it will all become much clearer, for nothing clears the senses like a perfect glass of...spirits." Kate rewarded him with a shy smile, who wouldn't under such praise, her thoughts trying to reason how someone so nice could be blood related to one capable of such horrible things, her hand raising her glass as if in a toast. "I believe I will drink to that kind sir," she said before taking a sip of her drink and setting it in her lap, again her gut giving a pull but she reasoned it as guilt for having to use him. "I am not usually a drinker mind you but I can say for the first time in a very long time I am enjoying this one." He grins and nods, cheerily answering, "Well you should, and it is a pleasure to join you for such a drink. Please. Enjoy all that you wish." Please. Drink. Take it all and then some more. Let yourself drown in the warm liquid and your mind cloud just a bit my smart little detective. Susceptible just like your sister...
Kate laughed and took a sip before looking back over at him, allowing herself to relax a little because she knew ultimately later there would be no relaxing, not when she had her claws in the object of her constant obsession. "You are too kind," she smiled. "So please...what else would you like to know?" She figured best to keep it safe, asking too much about Holden would raise too many flags and it was better safe than sorry. "I can say I a mother to 5 beautiful children, two by marriage and of course I am married...you may have seen him the other night at the ball, he was the gentleman at my side for most of the evening." He would only nod and smile. An inconvenience that could be poked and prodded. "Well you have certainly handled having so many kids well, physically an object of beauty still...oh my. Forgive me, I'm prattling. Your husband is very lucky though. You must be great parents." Holden gives her relationships a first test to see how she will take it. With a small smile, he nods over to the tattooed woman on the end sipping on her bottle.
She smiled a little at the compliments, J's abusive nature and lack of caring for the kids were far from being nurturing traits in a father or husband but he was her husband none the less and Kate was bound by duty, honor and a few threats. "Well I am lucky to have such wonderful children...motherhood is a blessing I thoroughly enjoy," she says, figuring if she doesn't comment on him she isn't lying as she raises her glass to her lips and taking a sip, not really wanting to discuss her family life as it took away from her ability to stay truly focused on her mission but he made it so easy to talk. "And he needs to trust before he will hand over what I want," she thought to herself. Kate finished off her drink and motioned to the bartender for a refill without thinking about it, it was true that once an alcoholic always an alcoholic even if you had been sober for years. "The oldest two are 20, one is 8 and the youngest two are 5," she said, suddenly missing the Khay and Pre. "But it is an institution I recommend...children change your life," she said with a nod to the bartender and taking another drink, this time drinking deep to help cover the hurt from the realization her life was not where she wanted it to be.
Holden closes his eyes for a moment, not wanting to seem overly eager to celebrate her imbibing. Still. The conversation must be tugging at her insides. No woman can be completely happy with so many kids and working full time. Something has to give. The marriage. The resenting the kids. Or just wishing work wasn’t there to get in the way, but that is certainly not true as she seems more than obsessed with him. Wanting, needing to believe he is really not Holden so she can get her prize. Is that drive just because she's upset about her sister? Or did Holden strike a much deeper chord inside of her. "I don't know. It's like you said, it’s so hard to find a good companion. Perhaps if you had a clone. Somone as skilled at her worked, beautiful, and still loves kids....oh my. See that's what I should do. Find some woman unhappy from her marriage and just show her how well she should be adored." Holden chuckles and takes another sip, "Yea, so when you get that clone..." His reward would be a tear slipping down her cheek because in so many ways she felt like she had been cloned so long ago, the happy person she had once been buried in the cemetery with the only other one to ever have given her the feeling of comfort this one gave, leaving the empty shell she felt like now in its place. "It is hard to find a companion," she whispered, her words repeated as if in echo. She took another deep swallow of her drink, almost draining the glass before giving a small shake of her head knowing she had to stop this before all of her secrets came spilling out at his gentle coaxing. "I'm sorry...I must seem a mess," she said with an apologetic smile, her eyes blinking a little to clear the well of tears and slightly blurred vision.
He reaches out and places a hand on her arm, leaving his half finished glass on the bar. His face is one of concern and empathy, looking for the words to rescue her from her shame and embarrassment that he may have caused to boil up. "No, not at all Kate. You seem like a woman who is tired and needs a night to herself. You just need an ear and I can easily be that for you. It's a wonder that you do what you do. Mother. Wife. Top notch officer. Come. Let's go sit on the couch. I'll take your drink for you." As Holden reaches for the drink, he nods to the bartender to indicate that she top it off for her.
Kate looked down at his hand on her arm, her eyes closing for the briefest of moments before she looked up at his face, her head giving a gentle nod. "I'd like that I think," she said softly, her gut pulling at her again but pushed it away as she stood up and turned for the couch, her head screaming at her to get back on course but it got lost in the fog of the alcohol and sudden rush of pain that she felt at his opening of Pandora’s box. Holden followed her over to the soft black couch and reaching over the back, set the glass in her hands, folded in her lap. Then walking around, he sits near her and again, momentarily touches her arm reassuringly. "You look so stressed inside. How can I help Kate? How can I make a pretty girl smile again?"
She took the drink and again without thinking brought it to her lips, taking a sip before she followed his movements as best she could with her eyes. "Think you could raise someone from the dead," she chuckled, the sound sad and hollow. Kate looked over at him, the sad smile from her chuckle disappearing. "Really it is something I must change myself but just having your ear helps," She said, her insides turning as the reminder popped up again that she was using him to get to his brother, the idea of abandoning that strategy entering her mind. "Christopher I have a confession to make."
Holden smiled and slid just a few more inches over on the couch, his thigh not far from her own, and the sidearm strapped against it. His voice is smooth and words still very careful, her mind surely far more affected than his now on her third drink and his only dealing with a half. "What is it Kate?" He watched as she looked down at her lap. The alcohol and rush of emotions was clouding her judgment and opening her more than she should be. "You're brother needs help Chris," she said, tears falling down her cheeks, her words coming from guilt although she knew his brother should be the last person she should be telling, it would kill her case. "I've been investigating him because of some reports that have been filed concerning him and a few of the women in town."He brought a finger up to her lips, looking around the room as a few stragglers had found their way into the bar, "Perhaps. Perhaps we should find someplace more comfortable. Here, let me help you up and we'll head out." No mention of where and no real offer of a choice. She wants to risk him warning his "brother"? Not herself for sure. Wiping a couple tears with his soft hands he reaches down and takes her hand.
Kate accepted his hand and rose, smiling sadly at him, figuring they were going to talk to his brother, perhaps convince him to turn himself in, maybe get help. "I'm so glad you are so forgiving and understand...he must be stopped," she whispered to him as he led her out. He gave her a nod and wrapped a steadying hand around her waist as he helped her out the back door and through the alleys. She stumbled a bit as he helped her along, only emerging briefly into the open and hoping no one really takes note of the inconspicuous couple.
Reaching his place he pulls a key from his pocket and slides it in, twisting it as he feels her weight shifting a bit uneasily against him. With a push, the door opens and he helps her inside, pushing the door shut behind him with his foot and helping the broken woman over to the fireplace. Kate could not remember the last time she had drank so it was not surprising she was drunk, the place he took her didn't shock her as she recognized it from the previous time he had brought her here for his brother. "I'm really so sorry...I should have been more mindful of my drink but perhaps you can help me convince your brother to get help," she said, her words slurring a little as she looked around, the fact that it was empty seemed odd. "I am guessing you will call him home so that we can talk to him?" She asked as they came to stand in front of the fireplace, the heat washing over her legs.
Holden Constantine nodded and looked the woman over carefully, moving to stand in front of her, "Of course. We can wait for him to return. I don't believe he is supposed to be in tonight till very later, perhaps the morning, but we will wait. I think I can convince him of many things, and there is nothing to worry about. Kate." Holden let's words roll softly and quietly from his lips and as he speaks he moves closer to her, before finally, with the speaking of her name, reaching his strong arms around her shoulders and pulling her tear streaked, wobbly, slightly drunk and obsessed body into his. The embrace is meant to calm and perhaps cut those last few thoughts of Holden she seems to cling to. Just you and me Kate. Just those last few strings snapping will leave you just like your sister and the rest, disarmed and trusting as you have never ever been, and then perhaps, you shall know the pain that sits in my heart, the pain you will help to take away.
Kate nodded at his words and allowed him to pull her to him, glad for the comfort as she leaned into him. "Thank you Chris...thank you for helping...he's done so much bad and we have to stop him," she whispered against his chest as her cheek rested against him, her eyes closing a little as the alcohol started to really settle, that drowsy, peaceful state settling in with a soft sigh as she slid her arms about his waist without thought to steady herself. "I wish someone loved me like he did Cecilia," she sighed softly, the thought meant to be silent but spoken aloud. His eyes closed at the mention of his fiancé, a deep breath in and out of his nose. He could have her back soon enough, one love for another. His one true love could replace the one he now secretly has taken into his heart, given his effort and thought to. "For one night...Kate...Let me love you that way..." His lips press down on her head, breathing in her hair, so close now...
She sighed at his words, the feel of his lips on her head warming her in her drunken confused state, the want to have the pain washed away and the love she craved so dominant within her. She lifted her face to look up at him, her smile fading at the realization that it was not her husband giving her that. "But what if I wanted more than one night?" She asked, realizing she stood on the cusp of doing something she swore she never would and it confused her more. "I so easily could get lost in you but then wouldn't I be just as bad as him?" She said, again her thoughts aloud. He ignored the cloudy thoughts and leaned down to make a bold move he hoped would disarm her for good. His lips press to hers. Not a terribly comfortable kiss, but a connection, a warm, moist connection between them in the hopes of numbing her mind. Kate let out a slow unsteady breath of air from her nose as their lips connected. Pulling back he quietly responds to her thoughts, "You deserve so much beautiful woman, you should be a treated as a princess." Her eyes fluttered closed as her hands gripped the back of his shirt, his words washing over her and putting a disturbing picture in her mind, one that shocked her to her core. "Holden..." she whispered before her eyes flew open. Chris...I can't...I..." She stuttered over her words as she tried to pull back from him, her mind trying furiously to discern where the line of obsession and feelings blurred.
Holden fought to keep her close to him, not willing to give up his grip around her body. His attacks on her heart and body are becoming relentless and quick, head nudging under her chin and lips searching out her neck. His hands slide down to her hips, fingertips searching for the skin hidden there within. "For yourself...to find Holden..." She found her body not responding to her head, it was as if she suddenly stepped outside of herself and was watching someone else or a television program as her head fell back, exposing her neck to him, her hands pushing at his chest without conviction, her leg sliding up against his despite her brain and heart screaming otherwise. "Chris...I...stop...please...Holden..." Her words, broken, came between pants, tears beginning to flow down the sides of her face to dampen her hair before she gave voice to her thought. "Can obsession be love?" Her words came out in a whimper as her body went still against his.
He stopped his assault, now terribly conflicted by her words, reaching through his own obsession to prick his mind. His actions are those of betrayal to his Cecelia and hers defiance against her own commitments. There is a horrible blend of sins. Hate, lust, adultery, idolatry are all there. The words are almost visually choked on, confusing and clouding his mind, eyes clenching in a wince. Is it really just to get her out of her sidearm, out of her defenses or does he desire more? Even Rowena was loved before her death which returned Ligeia somehow to life. With closed eyes and quiet words the brilliant mind tries to solve the puzzle of her heart, "Love can be obsessive and from our preoccupations we can find love. No one else but her ever knew me so well or could keep up. Your mind...causes my own obsession Kate. Let go my friend."
Kate choked back a strangled cry as he went still, never before had she ever been so confused and his words only caused more as she lifted her eyes to look up at him, the emotional storm inside of her visible in the tear filled green orbs. "How do I let go without it hurting?" She whispered as her shoulders began to tremble with sobs. Her fingers released his shirt before her hands dropped to her side in defeat, everything about her broken, sure that if one looked around they would even find the shards of glass that once contained her heart. The very one she thought she had been ripped from her chest and buried.
Holden Constantine slid around behind her, holding her up, her body must be on its last bit of energy, filled with alcohol and so emotionally damaged. His own mind settles more into the place it has become accustomed to, being in complete control. She didn’t turn and run. There wasn’t even a wide-eyed stare, just her horrible confusion inside. Reaching his hands around her waist he carefully, gently works at her belt, hoping to relinquish her gun from her. To soothe her he holds her as he does, and gently kisses the side of her neck. "Don't think tonight, just let the rest of the world fade away. Put on a mask so that you don’t have to feel those emotions." Quietly stooping down he sets the belt on the floor and then walks over to the mantle, taking a shape off of it, one of soft leather. A simple white mask. Walking back behind her, he reaches around her and carefully wraps it over her eyes. "You can be anything you wish. A princess. A bird. A lover. The world is your stage and you let go of that pain, to instead pretend."
Kate stood lifeless as he moved behind her, her mind barely registering that he had moved until she felt him behind her. She made no move to run as he reached around to hold onto her because there was nowhere to run to, he held the key and she had willingly given it to him. Instead, she relaxed against him. His words, his lips, his hands soothing in the strangest of ways, her mind letting the fog set in as he removed her sidearm. "Don't..." The word was more of a sigh than anything but whatever she meant to say was lost as she watched him retrieve the mask and walk back. Her will and everything left to his mercy as he slipped the mask on, she had become his doll. "But what about when the mask comes off?" She whispered as she turned slowly to face him, her full bottom lip trembling but for now the tears had stopped, their trail though still fresh on her cheeks. "Will you be there? Will you build me back up? I'm afraid." Her voice soft but the raw emotion and fear edged her words.
Holden looked down at the doll he had created before him, the actress whose shadow plays upon the far wall, flickering large against the wood siding, cast by the crackling fire in the old brick fireplace. The room is filled with a smell that while not unpleasant is not normal. Smoke and odor of...of...meat? Blood? Something that is not natural has mixed in with the odor. The fire plays off his eyes as well, a visible embodiment of the storm crashing in his mind. No one built him up. No one told him how to replace his loss and so he searched to drown it out of his mind, taking anything that reminded him of her from the owner…skin…hair. He would play the character until, well until he simply forgot. "There's nothing to fear. Play the fearless, the seductive, and the unstoppable. Your costume my dear, it is not the mask over your face, it is the mask over your heart, that no one can take off, no one can see. I am here tonight aren't I? That is all that matters right now. That you start with this evening, this time between us and forget whatever you were before you donned your mask." Holden pauses and wipes her tear laden cheek before cupping it in his hand and placing a kiss just below her leaking green eyes, " Do you now understand?"
Kate looked up at him from behind her mask, a quick flash in her eyes appearing but fading as quick as it came, a memory or a realization perhaps but she let it go as her broken mind and heart gave in to him, to whatever it was he offered even if just a night, no matter of pain or pleasure, life or death. She closed her eyes as his lips touched her cheek but found she could not keep them closed as they opened to look up at him. "I don't understand but I am yours to do with as you wish," she whispered, the realization of what she said registered in the back of her mind but the fog covered it, pushed it back because what she did know is here and now, she had to die in order to be reborn. His eyes clenched in frustration. Her alcohol consumption must be keeping her from keeping up with his words. The sleepiness and shakiness of her movements probably indicates as much. Taking her hand he thinks for a moment and pulls her towards the door. "Let's go find the Amantillado my dear, if you're up to it that is." She willingly allowed him to lead her, leaving confused her, her legs a little unsteady but the word "Amantillado" struck her, her mind recalling a memory and she struggled to place it when suddenly it hit her that it had been from his letter. Her feet stopped at the door, pulling him back a little because she needed to know its meaning, she needed to know if it truly was death he led her to. "What is it? What is the Amantillado?" She asked softly but confused. "I want to follow but I have to know if I must die as she did."
Holden turned to her with eyes that are colder than they have been all night, hidden by his aviators. "What do you mean, must you die? What do you mean what is it? The sweetest thing you have ever tasted, but we cannot...we can't have such pleasures here. So will you let go or not my flower?" He watched as her head fell forward as if she were an errant child, she was so incredibly confused, again she was outside of herself. The strong part outside screaming as it watching her weak, broken self that needed to feel loved, wanted giving into him yet again. "I...I'm sorry I let my fear get the best of me," she said, her voice small despite the screaming she heard in the deep recesses of her mind, the submissive reasoning what should have been a warning into fear. "Lead me where you will." He still wasn’t sure what to do. To create his own doll? To give into the desire he feels for her? Or to do exactly what he wanted to when the night started out. Why not all three? His love for another might be the only thing that can truly help him feel at peace with missing Cecelia. He could free himself and Kate from the bonds of their current lives. Perhaps even what was told in the story of Ligeia could happen here, his own Rowena cowering before him. And he has created a doll, one that with time could fully understand what he said about masking her heart and being who she wishes to be. Indeed the greatest ability of the actor, even if his real soul becomes more hollow and blackened than even Dorian Grey's. With a hand sliding around her waist and the other holding her hand they walk out into the humid night towards, but of course, the cellar.
Kate followed behind him, her eyes cast down as they walked, her body eased into the side of his for fear of letting go and for stability. Holden Constantine leads the woman carefully down the street, staying on the perimeter of each street lamp, yet not hurrying so as to remain inconspicuous if possible. She lifted her eyes to look at the garage doors of the PD, a flicker of recognition sparking in her eyes as she turns her face to look at his as if in question. He moved her to the keypad next to the door. Leaning close to her he whispers quietly, "Here you will be safe, but you must not give away the character you play, that of my love, your passionate desire. To all others just tell them you are arresting me. Open the doors that we need opened, and we shall have what you want. The freedom from the stress on your heart." She gave him a nod, too eager to do his bidding. "Yes love," she whispered, the other part of her cringing at the affectionate address as it brought part of the horror to light, exposing the very last part of her for all to see and hear.
Holden lead her to the familiar door, his actions so intentional, so methodical, even as his mind works on the fly. Leaning close to her he nods towards the door in front of them, "Please, my dear, open the door to the cellar for us. We're so close. You can go back if you want...I'm sure there will be someone else who could find the answers you want..." Kate looked up at the door and the pull on her gut from earlier came back but his words struck a chord as her head whipped around to look at him. "But I must know the answers," she whispered, her confused and weak mind twisting her original quest for knowledge into a quest that would clear the confusion of feelings and need, that would help her feel whole again. "I...I don't want to go back...I want to be here with you...here and now," she said, her voice sounding more resolved than she felt because deep inside she knew what her submission meant and while it turned her stomach upside down, she could not back away, the obsession having taken over her completely.
He couldn’t help but smile deep inside at how the hook he has in her won't let her escape. He gently urges her up to the door so that she may open the heavy barricade of the cell. With the door creaking open, he lets her walk into the padded room first, following closely behind, the contact of his hand on her back, never fully leaving. Leaning down, he places another kiss to her neck and turns her around, backing her up inch by inch to the cross lingering in the back of the cell, the very cross she had him tortured on. Kate walked into the cell, shivering a little as she crossed the threshold. It was as if everything in her life had led to this point and perhaps it had, but in some sense it was if this was as it should be...that it was him leading her to what her mind deemed a lifting, salvation at his hands. Suddenly it was if the screaming inside stopped and time stood still as his lips touched her skin, as he turned her to face him. She locked her eyes with his as he backed her up and a small gentle smile appeared on her face. "I am not afraid anymore love," she whispered before leaning up to brush her lips against his, the touch lingering before she settled back against the cross, her hands coming up palms up in offering to him.
Holden took the offer and started to work his fingers over the buttons of her shirt, opening the fabric and slowly letting more and more skin meet the air. The door secure, the area quiet, not even a stray drunk making a rustle in the tank tonight. With her shirt pulling over her arms, he then pushes on the waist of her skirt, letting the clothing fall to the ground, eyes barely leaving hers for a moment. With her finally stripped of everything, her fear, her clothes, her weapons, her instincts to not trust him, he takes her wrist and carefully, slowly, gently places her hands in their respective cuffs and then her feet are attached to the cross as well. With one last thought of his own obsession with the detective, his lips press against the skin near her collarbone before he takes a step back and surveys the woman before him. Sighing, his hands reach up to remove the aviators from his face and tucks them into his pocket, removing, at last, the mask from his own face, and unknown to her, from his heart, as he had before he had taken out his hurt on each one of his victims, unable to bear their resemblance that reminded him so much of his love. Reaching out with his soft hand, unaccustomed to physical labor, he tugs the mask off of her face and speaks slowly, "You are the worst of them love, and perhaps now you will see why; have the answers you so desire. The woman I saw at the party was beautiful, but bore the same costume that I saw that night. You let her die. Perhaps your jealousy or your lust for me that then was just beginning in the far reaches of your heart, but you let her die. Your friends, the paramedics, they too just let her bleed. Why Kate? Why those women? Because they forced us to remember." Holden's hand cups Kate's chin and his thumb and forefinger pinch into her cheeks. "You had to put on that fucking wig! You had to prick my heat didn’t you whore?! You thought you knew everything, but you made it worse. I just wanted to escape, to hide behind a mask, but it’s not that easy is it love? No. Look at your tears. Where did your mask go? You fool. Fortunato. Come. Scream for me whore! This. This! is your Amantillado. My heart opens to you as I seal you in your tomb." Holden releases his grip on her and turns away to look out the small window. "I loved again and now I am free. I must thank you really. You freed me from my mask, but now is it then yours? Look around you! There is no one here saving you. Your own home, your safety, your compound! Now what Kate? You have no friends, no love, not even the clothes that even the poor beggar on the corner has."
Kate stood, as if proud, as he undressed her, the strong defiant part of her stripped away and left in pieces back in the building they had been in. The obsessed part of her having taken over her mind leaving her completely pliant to him, the confused affection for him letting him lead her to what would only be destruction. She allowed him to connect her to the cross, her breath coming out in a sigh as he kissed her. It was an odd serenity that washed over her as he removed his glasses but it would only be shattered by his words. "Holden I..." she began but rising panic set in as he pinched her cheek, his words bringing reality back with a crushing blow but none compared to the sudden breath taking pain she felt in her chest where her heart was supposed to be. There were no words because she had given into him, had let him lead her here, had let him strip away all that she was and had for what? All for the sake of feeling loved, for the sake of having someone who wanted her even as broken as she was. "I can't be saved because I am hopeless," she whispered, the tears starting afresh down her cheeks at the realization that some of his words held truth. She had masked her fear and hurt for years, no one really ever knew the weak person she was inside...all but him. "The line between hate and love is so incredibly thin...stray but a little and you find yourself in the pits of hell." She hung her head as she conceded herself to her fate, her shoulders shaking as she cried. "I am alone and perhaps that is how I was meant to be but either way just know I am not without love because that is all that is left inside...the love I have developed for you," she said as she raised her head to look up at the back of him. "But take that as well because with it I can't move on and perhaps maybe one day it will warm you when you've lost your mask."
Holden reached into his pocket and pulled out the small knife, unfolding it in front of him and looking down at the blade beneath the sterile lighting of the cell. With an empty heart that has perhaps finally been partially freed or at least distracted by this new obsession, he turns and walks the steps to close the distance between them quietly speaking, "Keep that love, that maybe you can live, but with your blood may my love, my Ligiea, my Cecelia be redeemed. Vengeance is now mine, and choose these moments wisely, that your final thoughts may continue to pity yourself for your past. Fortunato indeed. Your tomb is complete and the slight that you have placed on me repaid." With a thrust the 3 inch blade pokes awkwardly into the flesh of Kate's stomach, a small pool of red welling up around it. Leaning forward Holden places a kiss on her cheek and walks back to her pile of clothes, pulling forth her keys and opening the door. Silently he walks out and lets the door click behind him before quickly moving to the next door. Just a few doors and then the night shall be his. From there he can go to this estate and escape to the outskirts of the city, free from her chasing that will come. Perhaps someday he will make sure he has freed himself of her, but not now. Not for a while. *Hide your face that the world may never find you...*
Kate saw the silver of the blade catch the light and she steeled herself for what she thought was to come, her eyes closing as she bit her lip to keep the sob from escaping. She deserved all that he gave her, deserved death if that is what it took. Gone was the drunken stupor from earlier, all that was left was the empty shell and the feelings she had, his words denying her the release from them. Her eyes flew open as he thrust the blade in, her lips parting as if to scream but no sound came out as a torrent of tears slid down her cheeks from the dull, pale green depths of her eyes, the knife tearing more than just organs within her. She tried to speak as he walked away but nothing more than a choke emerged from her throat as she felt her own blood cut a path from the wound and down her bare stomach. For a second time it was as if time slowed as she watched him disappear, the loneliness setting in with the pain in her stomach. "God...please," she thought but it was incomplete as her weakness took over, her mind giving into the darkness that she felt nipping at her heels. "Holden..." his name was the last whisper on her lips before her body went lax against the cross, her still form held up only by her wrists.

August 15, 2008 at 1:09 am
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August 15, 2008 at 10:27 am
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August 16, 2008 at 12:55 am
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