Jonathan (Torren Morganson) Winchester

Home Forums Introductions Jonathan (Torren Morganson) Winchester

This topic contains 10 replies, has 10 voices, and was last updated by Profile photo of Juliaa Pizzaro Juliaa Pizzaro 2 years ago.

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Profile photo of Bela (Revenstein Resident)

revenstein resident


((While I ordinarily would write pages of content, for the purposes of a fresh start and to promote growing the story as details are revealed through rp, I'm going to begin with a little teaser to start))

Jonathan was born in the late eighties to a hard-working family in Washington. The brother to a twin sister named Samantha, he worked hard to win the approval of his relatives on their family farm. Many hoped he would take over governing the family farm when he got older (including the other land their family owned) but Jonathan wanted to be a photographer. He even moved to Colorado after high school to pursue his degree without feeling the hovering eyes of his judgmental fundamentalist Christian family. Mid-way through college, however, Jonathan seemed to disappear. He stopped writing home, stopped calling his sister, and went off on the open road. Working hard jobs and traveling, drifting about, even doing work as a long-distance trucker. Now? He and his sister have been known to ferry drugs across state lines. When the people he last work for got arrested, he drove several states away, and for whatever reason he’s decided to stay in Hathian for a while.

November 23, 2022 at 4:18 pm
Profile photo of Austin Ridley

theypvp wassep


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November 25, 2022 at 8:45 am
Profile photo of Susan Dallas

susan dallas


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November 28, 2022 at 12:09 pm
Profile photo of Rhys Pentewyn

rhys pentewyn


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November 29, 2022 at 3:19 am
Profile photo of Juliaa Pizzaro

Juliaa Pizzaro


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November 30, 2022 at 8:13 am
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