Injuries and wounds RP

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Didn't know which place was most best to put but I guess this will do or else just move. ^^
But uhm. I wanted to bring up about the wounds and injuries played by everyone.
After many Ims and talks I discovered many were kind of bugged by it and I said I would bring it up in the forum.
And say they it's a good idea to discuss our thoughts because it's very important to me.

NOTE PLEASE I didn't sleep for 2 days so my English explaining is horrible and maybe not even good sounding. ><
Fighting, torture, punishment or even gunwars and tasers. I realized how little people played it as accurate.
It is kind of disappointing because I understand playing for years in CD, stabwounds, gashes, slashes, cuts they are almost 'normal', but people FORGET that even a cut hurts SO much that it just stops you from attacking for a moment to attend to your wound. Most people don't. People forget how much it hurts to have a stabwound because a lot of times I saw people emoting “s/he has been stabbed for so many years, it wasn't really felt or noticed”

First of all, the more you get stabbed the worse pain it gives you each time you get stabbed again.
Think of going to the dentist and have your wisdoms removes in worst scenario case once a month.
You don't go after a year “oh I need to have them removed I won't feel anything from it” because you will.
Lame example but 😛

Injuries during a fight, a punch, a kick, it all have effects but people don't play it out so well.
And it is very disappointing. I mean punch in the cheek, jaw, broken nose, anything at that moment you are in a adrenaline rush and it is understandable they don't feel it YET. Because in the heat of the fight a punch is only a distraction mostly

I've faught in RL and so did most and I am sure everyone knows what I am talking about. While the fight goes on the injury stats bruising but it doesn't hurt. After the fight though when the adrenaline is calmed down, then the pain shoots into you but even that it's almost not played.

Gunwounds, lots of people I saw Rping do it amazing but after 2/3 gun shots people have so limited chance to survive yet everyone keeps on and it makes me wonder how it's possible. After I've gotten shot 3 times I play that I am almost to the edge of dying and I IM the person to please quit it and get out because I never gave them permission to kill my character.

Tasers I don't know much myself but I've done more research and I will try to RP it out myself more accurately since I wasnt too sure of it.

Anyway, this topic is that I realize people don't really realize the pain that goes into a human body regardless if they have 100 pounds of muscles on each arms and are trained black belt on 3 martial arts and ninja the shit out of anyone, it doesn't mean a stab wound is something you can put aside.

It's sad but I wanted to open this topic and see what you guys have experienced or want to share because I love fair fight. But sometimes when I see reaction, it's so disappointing.

Biggest and also the point where I am still today impressed about: when Matsui gets kidnapped and someone cuts open in his skin, stabs or tortures however they want, Matsui screams, shrieks, cusses he screams and breaks his voice from it, to the point where even tears come out.

I play a Reject so we do a lot torture or anything else but everytime again I am amazed how the girls are able to just … uh. Whimper? When you do a torture. That's just ridiculous. And then I feel like I am wasting my time.
Then I just feel like torturing or continuing is pointless as the reactions are as if I am raping the person rather then cut them open or whatever. It's kind of disappointing.

I just want to open people's eyes. Screaming and crying and Rping you are in pain doesn't show that your character is weak. It just shows they are hurting BADLY which is the case of what is going on. And to be tough and able to withstand so much pain doesn't seem realistic to me.

Like stitches at hospitals, syringes and everything, I play that I hate them and that they hurt because they do hurt. But I never seen someone else aside of myself actually playing that. Of course I am not in HGH enough to witness but I RP for 4 years and I never seen. Okay syringe is cause it hurts for me personally too 😛 but stitches etc i can still hurt.

What do you guys think? I hope with this we can try do better with our wounds injuries and reacting to it.
This is just a small criticism I hope will change and I hope nobody is against what I seen and want to point out.

October 20, 2012 at 1:13 pm
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