Ilya Ghost updated

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Profile photo of ilya



Just copied this across from my blog..

Mixed background - Her father was a white Jew and her mother was a Catholic from near Naples originally.
Character Background
Marital Status - has a partner who she has a new baby with called Leah
Hair - Long, black and messy as hell
Mood - Likes to meet people but cautious
Occupation - HG Head Nurse (pulls shifts as a Jail Nurse sometimes, and also at Slim Goodies Diner and CU to get some extra cash when times are tough)

Ilya wasn't born, so much as kind of happened. A blip in her parent's life that they chose to ignore. She was born in London, England between her lawyer mother dealing with cases. She didn't feel that something so insignificant as a pregnancy should affect her life in any way, shape or form. Her father was away on a conference at the time, dealing with the all-too-important aspects of building planning regulations, a job he took very seriously. He rang, briefly, to send his congratulations to his wife, before returning to the boardroom - not meeting Ilya for another week, by which stage she was being handled firmly by the nanny her mother had arranged.

Ilya's life continued in this manner for some time, knowing her parents as the shadowy figures that occasionally stood over her bed late at night and mumured their half-hearted feelings of emotion at her prostrate form. She reached to her long line of nannies for love and care, spent her evenings shut away as an annoyance in her parent's life, something that was only brought out for show - to be cooed at before being told to return to her room. She felt no real emotion when they decided to divorce, no feelings as she was shuttled between them from one week to the next, before one day - she was forgotten about, left at the railway station when her mother, or her father (noone could quite remember whose turn it had been that weekend), forgot to show.

Ilya was sent overseas to live with her aunt, a rather strange figure who she had only met the once, at a family party. Her aunt lived just a couple of hours away from Hathian, Louisiana, and Ilya soon got used to being the strange foreign girl. Her accent changed a little, but never lost it's englishness, creating a strange mixed lilting tone that made her appear even more unusual.

Ilya couldn't manage with the change of lifestyle and resorted to hiding out of the way rather than attend school. Little secret hiding places by the stream near her house became her virtual home until, one day...her aunt was shot. She'd been going to the store to buy groceries when she got caught up in an armed robbery. Ilya was taken by social services and shoved into a foster home where she was shown no love. She was beaten on a daily basis for any slight misdemeanor - coughing, not chewing her food, it didn't matter.

As time went by, Ilya was passed from one foster home to the next until she was eventually dumped in a hostel at the age of 17. She sat,huddled in the corner, as drunken men leered at her, her hair hanging over her face to try and make herself disappear. After nights of fending them off, she eventually ran away, living in people's sheds and garages. It was in one of those garages that she bumped into Kai. It was his parent's house and he was coming down to tidy it up, after his dad had shouted at him for being a lazy, good-for-nothing kid. Kai was fuming - he'd only got a few weeks till he had to go to college and he was sick of living under his father's rules. He heard a little clanking noise coming from the corner of the garage and made his way over, moving a piece of wood aside. There, he found Ilya, cowering in the corner and looking like a frightened rabbit.

Over the next few days, Kai took care of Ilya, sneaking her into the house to let her get clean, and stealing some of his sister's clothes. She was so grateful to him, almost clinging to him in some ways for protection but still determined to look after herself - her stubborn streak shining through. When it was time for Kai to move away to college, Ilya followed him, sneaking into his room to sleep when noone was looking. They soon became lovers, snuggling together in the dark to keep warm as Kai could barely afford the electricity. During the day when Kai was at college, Ilya would play at 'house', cleaning the room and imagining what life could be like when he finished. He'd promised her that he would look after her, make her life everything that she'd always dreamt of.

But then, one day. The door opened.... Kai's father came in, expecting to find his son hard at work. When he saw Ilya fast asleep in Kai's bed, he demanded to know who she was. He was a church-going man who was infuriated to see a girl in his son's bed. Ilya didn't know what to do - she sat up and froze, her eyes wide with fright. At that moment Kai walked in and almost crumbled to the floor. He couldn't get to Ilya as his father stood in the way, bristling with anger. Ilya sat in shock, watching as Kai's father dragged his son out of the room and could hear raised voices in the hall. After what seemed like a lifetime, Kai returned and slumped onto the bed next to her, just whispering "I'm sorry".

He left the next day, leaving Ilya behind. She had nothing, noone and no way of getting back to him. Ilya wandered in a daze for months, hitching lifts, risking her life and just about getting by until she arrived in Hathian, completely broke and knowing noone. She managed to get a job at Slim Goodies Diner, working all the shifts that she can to make her forget and scraped enough money together to rent a small room. She kept herself pretty much to herself, but is gradually started to make friends. Ilya is a naturally sweet and kind girl who wanted to do something with her life, after having such a shitty start. She enrolled in CU, hoping to eventually become a nurse.

As time has passed, Ilya has become more confident and has qualified as a nurse. She met a man, Wellington, and fell for him instantly. They weren't together too long before Ilya started feeling sick in the mornings, waves of nausea rushing over her. Thinking that she had some kind of medical problem, she got checked out at work to find that she was pregnant. Ilya was terrified, thinking that Wells would leave her - he'd had a family before and she didn't know if he wanted that responsibility again. But he was over the moon, so happy that Ilya couldn't believe it.

Her pregnancy was a hard one - what with working right up until the dreadful day that Leah was born. A Reject, Clio, had seen Ilya waddling around and was drawn to her. Wanting the baby for herself, and fuelled by Ilya's grouchy comments about how much the baby was draining her, Clio took it upon herself to perform a C-Section, dragging Leah from out of Ilya and leaving the mother for dead. Ilya managed to just about crawl to the hospital before collapsing completely, spending weeks in hospital recovering.

Eventually, after a dramatic stand-off at the TT, little Leah was rescued and returned to her grateful parents. Ilya now keep Leah with her at all times, not daring to let her out of her sight. The happy little girl (despite her awful start in life) has become somewhat of a resident in the hospital, happily playing upstairs whilst her mother works tirelessly to help the people of Hathian. But at the back of Ilya's mind is Clio...always Clio... She is plotting her revenge and has recently agreed to spending some time working for the Hathian Jail...

Criminal Record
Nothing on record, but she has been cautioned a few times for shoplifting. She managed to get off on the grounds that older people were 'making her do it', but really just needed to eat, to live and get by.

Ilya's family in Hathian consists of her partner, Wellington and their baby, Leah. She works all the hours she can (when not on maternity leave) at the hospital and is close to several members of staff, especially Dr Slade who Ilya admires greatly.

Medical History
Ilya was never a well child, having big stomach problems. She takes tablets for this but doesn't help herself by popping the occasional pill for fun, or smoking a bit of weed. She generally looks very thin - partly due to her lack of food, but mainly because she has a very high metabolic rate that means she's perpetually hungry. She suffers from a nervous disposition and this makes her stomach problems worse. Since her makeshift C-Section, Ilya has a large wound on her stomach that is healing slowly, but is leaving a dreadful scar behind. This isn't as bad as the mental scars, the ones that are eating away at her

April 2, 2009 at 2:40 pm
Profile photo of ace



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April 2, 2009 at 4:34 pm
Profile photo of clioclary



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July 30, 2009 at 4:27 pm
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