HOW TO: Gang/Org Submission Page

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This topic contains 0 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by Profile photo of ace Anonymous 15 years, 6 months ago.

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These profiles are meant for you to explain your gang or organization to the den, its history its facts and stats, and member list can all be found here.. A well formated Org profile will look like this.

Things to do when submitting your list

  1. Create a new topic in this sub forum with your Orginzation's name as the title
  2. Fill out the form completely and as detailed as possible (please try not to change to much of the syntax in the form, it helps with putting it on the wiki itself)
  3. bold any names of groups/gangs, places or people that you want to link to
  4. Underline any sub headers that you want to list in the profile
  5. if you want to make sure that something gets done a certine way please be sure to comment using italics with // on either side... for example //this is what a comment looks like// Use comments to convey things that you would like to see done.
  6. Be Patient all the contributors do this out of the goodness of their heart, it will get done.. we promise

#NOTE# The Forms are filled with COMMENTS to help you fill them out anything with // blah balh// can be removed as your filling them out.. there is no need to keep the // // either, that is strictly to help guide you

Category: (//gang or orginzation// Profile
// if there is a logo for your group or your gang tag please place it here//


'''RP Gang/Org Bio: '''

* Founder: //who started it all//
* Current Leader: //who is currently in charge of it//
* Current Co-Leader: //Who is the second//
* Identifying Marker: //Fill out if any//
* (Gang) Activities: // What the Gang or Org does//

== Background Story ==

// please put how it all started and what has happened up to this point.. please be discriptive//

== Original Members ==

* //optional but fill out//

=== Current Active Members ===

:* //fill out//


== Memorable Events ==

//fill out with short descriptions of events that helped take your gang or orgninzation to where it is today//

September 5, 2009 at 2:07 am
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