HOW TO: Character Page Submission

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These profiles are meant for you to explain your character to the den, its history its facts and stats, criminal and medical records can all be found here.. A well formatted Character profile will look like this. Most normal profiles look like the following (here).

Things to do when submitting your list

  1. Create a new topic in this sub forum with your character's name as the title
  2. Fill out one of the two below forms completely and as detailed as possible (please try not to change to much of the syntax in the forum, it helps with putting it on the wiki itself)
  3. bold any names of groups/gangs, places or people that you want to link to
  4. Underline any sub headers that you want to list in your profile
  5. if you want to make sure that something gets done a certine way please be sure to comment using italics with // on either side... for example //this is what a comment looks like// Use comments to convey things that you would like to see done.
  6. Be Patient all the contributors do this out of the goodness of their heart, it will get done.. we promise

#NOTE# The Forms are filled with COMMENTS to help you fill them out anything with // blah balh// can be removed as your filling them out.. there is no need to keep the // // either, that is strictly to help guide you

A more detailed form is found below

Category:Character Profile

//put a brief summery (1 to 2 sentences) on what your character is doing in the den//
{| align="right"
| __TOC__

'''RP Character Bio:'''
*Age: //fill out//
*Weight: //fill out//
*Height: //fill out//
*Ethnicity: //fill out//
*Known Alias: //fill out if applicable//

==Background Story==
===Before Hathian===
//your orginal back story//

===Begin Hathian===
//A running history of what has happened to you since you have been in hathain//

===Current Hathian===

//your current stoyline//

//Fill this out//
===Extended/Adopted Family===
//IF there is any//

==Criminal Activity==

// this part is used to help fill out your criminal history, if you want to do this in detail i suggest that you use the blotter and fill in the wholes with the best of your ability, it does not have to be 100% true if the details are a bit grey or missing order is oldest first//

''((This information is considered IC information to any persons (ie Police Officers) that has access to his records, if you want to obtain his records illegally please clear it with me first.. thank you))''
'''Hathian Police Department Criminal File '''

==='''Case:''' #//make up a number// ===
//this is used for your mug shot.. if you have one you can place it here.. if not then thats okay this is just to show you what to fill out.. please attach the image to your thread if you do have one//
: '''Date:''' //Fill out//

: '''Arresting Officer:''' //Fill out.. or Officer NPC McFearson//
: '''Suspect:''' // this part is easy//

: '''Charges:''' //fill out//

: '''Evidence Seized:''' //fill out//

: '''Outcome:''' //fill out//

: '''Summary:''' //fill out//

:: '''Interrogation Notes:'' //If any//

: '''Signature of Arresting Officer:'''
: //Officers name//

==Medical File==
''((This information is considered IC information to any persons (ie hospital staff) that has access to his records, if you want to obtain his records illegally please clear it with me first.. thank you))''

'''Name:''' //fill out//

'''Date of Birth:''' //fill out//

'''Blood Type:''' //fill out//

'''Address:''' //fill out//

'''Phone Number:''' //fill out - make it up//

'''SS #:''' //fill out - make it up//

'''Sex:''' //fill out//

'''Emergency Contact:''' //fill out//

'''Chart and Notes:'''

//fill out date occured//

*'''Reason admitted:''' //why you were at the hospital//
**'''Tending Doctor:''' ////Doctors name.. or NPC name//
**'''Surgery/Other Notes:''' // What was done to you while you were at the hospital and if you stayed//

//this is optional if you stayed overe night for he same reason//
*'''Case Update - //date//:''' //what happened//
**'''Tending Doctor:''' //Doctor//
**'''Surgery/Other Notes:''' //any details//

Faceplace add-on (just tack this on to the end of your profile of your choice.. please include a picture that would be seen in your profile.) this is completely optional

==Faceplace Profile==
''((This information may be considered public IC information to any person who checks the Internet to find it.))''
thumb|220px|// ADD Description//

===Basic Information===

'''Name:''' //Fill Out//

'''Sex:''' //Fill Out//

'''Birthday:''' //Fill Out//

'''Relationship Status:''' //Fill Out//

'''Sexual Orientation:''' //Fill Out//

'''Looking For:''' //Fill Out//

'''Political Views:''' //Fill Out//

'''Religious Views:''' //Fill Out//

===Personal Information===
'''Activities:''' //Fill Out//

'''Interests:''' //Fill Out//

'''Favorite Quotations:''' //Fill Out//

'''About Me:''' //Fill Out//

===Contact Information===
'''Current City:''' //Fill Out//

'''Windows Live:''' //Fill Out//

'''Website:''' //Fill Out//

'''Twitter:''' //Fill Out//

===Education and Work===
'''Colleges:''' //Fill Out//

'''Minor:''' //Fill Out//

'''Major:''' //Fill Out//

'''Colleges:''' //Fill Out//

'''Minor:''' //Fill Out//

'''Major:''' //Fill Out//

'''Employer:''' //Fill Out//

'''Position:''' //Fill Out//

'''Description:'''//Fill Out//

'''Employer:''' //Fill Out//

'''Position:''' //Fill Out//

'''Description:''' //Fill Out//

less intensive version

Category:Character Profile

// One or two sentances on what your character is currently involved in, in CD//
'''RP Character Bio:'''

* Age: //fill out//
* Weight: //fill out//
* Height: //fill out//
* Ethnicity: //fill out//
* Known Alias: //fill out if any//

== Background Story ==

//fill out the best you can as detailed as you can//

== Family ==
//Fill out//

== Criminal Activity ==
//Fill out what oyu have been arrested for and/or what activity your currently in//

== Medical History ==
//medical problems.. please include date and what happened, even months and years are okay Oldest first//

Once posted a project collaborator will get in touch and via your topic to let you know what if any suggests need to be made.. as well as provide you with a link to your new page when finished

September 5, 2009 at 1:21 am
Viewing 1 post (of 1 total)

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