Hathian Life (Pat Diary)

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((Gramatical erros are a personal thing of pat.))((Purposly made))

Well here I am writing this damn diary. My therapist said this would be good to slow down my violent behavior and let me get out aggression. What damn aggression? Well im not going to go into my life and all that shit that started it so lets begin from now. Im here first of all because of a scholarship to play ball for CU. Pretty awesome that Im the team Captain lineback.

Anyway I ment this lady Rippen shes a nice one and easy on the eyes. Well seems she had work and I needed it. Hospital aint to generous to us interns just those fluffed white coat bastard above us. Well anyway she told me about this gang called the Reavers and I heard about them before and seen em in action fucking up some fool they call fire. So she gave me shot as I guess you would call it a prospect and now i gotta prove myself to wear the rags of a Reaver. Damn ever since I got in this game its been fights and robberies and I love it.

Shit last night was crazy it was supposed to be a damn robbery a simple rob and go. But of course you had to havve super lady defend her store so we had to force ourselfs to beat her and get into the place. Well of course that shit didnt work because ya know the whole war wit the aces and Reavers. This fool fire coming out flappin dem gums then tryin to swing on my boy Paulie so ya know iget into that shit and got beefing with him and boy that shit felt good tagging his face. So we goin at it right and im on top of him just pepperin his dome bop bop bop den this fool pulls a knife A DAMN KNIFE!!! What a weak sucka. SO he swings that up giving me a nice gash up my upper body and that didnt fly with me. I was about to tear his face up until I get a shot to the back because this ass head called his Home boys aces the shirtless mullet squad. So I give fire a nice shot to the ribs with a bat before I et in a lightsaber battle with a dude a little smaller than me. We swinging bats right and what does he do?? Just like his sucka pal he pulls a knife like a puss and stabs me in the thigh. Can you believe that knifes knifes knifes and more knifes its bullshit. So once again I got morer pain to worry so I crack the bat over his back then send a knee to his damn nose and wham hes out of my way but my leg burns like hell. So im bleeding and as I turn this jet Li looking cop comes hitting the door with nunchucks. Da hell is dat.

Im thinking if this therapist wants aggression Ima get in the rap game and music buissness.

So thats my first step in the gang life a few battlescars and now a marked man. Well thats my story. Short yes Enteresting you choose.

June 14, 2009 at 1:13 am
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