happy new year!

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This topic contains 0 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by Profile photo of Nadir Taov Nadir Taov 17 years, 2 months ago.

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Profile photo of Nadir Taov

Nadir Taov


The year 2007 was an exciting one for the us! We expanded 4x and steadily grew membership. We greatly appreciate our admin team and role-players! If not for their continued dedication and support, CD would not be where it's at today.

The quality of role-play in the den continues to strive for the best in SL. In our continued efforts to better the role-play, we have recognized our short-comings in certain areas. As the new year begins, our focus is now shifting to address them.

I'm working on overhauling the "welcome guide" that's given to all visitors teleporting into CD. Now that the annoying "embedded note permission error" bug has finally been fixed after 6 months, I can clean up and simplify the current guide.

The revised rules also outline recurring problems in RP, such as consent, powergaming & weapons use. As always, we expect our community to resolve issues in RP and help newbies learn. This new guide should be used as tool to do just that - admins don't police the RP!

Also, Drew is taking the lead on implementing a gun permit system which will require gun slingers to obtain weapons through role-play and a permit to allow them to use 'em. Please look through the notices in the CDRP group for his note regarding it. He's looking for feedback - feel free to contact him!

The "Criminals" group is also getting an overhaul. Skylar will split it into two, allowing more roles for felony criminals and misdemeanor deviants.

All these changes are being made in hopes to create a more fair environment, keep things fresh and encourage immersing yourself into the role-play on the streets of Hathian.

Happy New Year!

January 2, 2008 at 11:20 am
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