[GANG] Crossbones MC

Home Forums Roleplay Discussion Group Proposals [GANG] Crossbones MC

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Profile photo of Nadir Taov

Nadir Taov


DATE: 05/13/11

PROPOSAL BY: Saladin Daamas

GROUP NAME: Crossbones MC


MEMBERS: Saladin Daamas, Deborah Cifuentes, Rex Waco, Rowan Poitier

BACKSTORY: Crossbones MC (Motorcycle Club) is a 1%er motorcycle gang.Founded as a sort of extended family, the original members are oft related to others within the club. Our IC goal is to ride hard, party hard and live free. MC Prez: "Sal" (Saladin Daamas, alias Sal Blackfoot MC Mama a.k.a. Sal's Gal: "Debs" (Deborah Cifuentes) Sgt of Arms: "Pops" (Rex Waco) Clubhouse Mngr: "Death Row" (Rowan Poitier) Since there is no current Criminals group for us and we have not been approved for any such behaviors as a Gang or even as criminals we do not have active trade set up. We DO have pot plants growing in the loft at my rental land in Devils Pocket in preperation to sell. We intend to run a garage (eventually chopshop for stolen vehicles) front as a "cover bussiness."

UNIQUE: We are not a Gang Banger style gang. We are biker themed. this does not mean we will just rage through the sims on motorcycles...most of us won't even have motorcycles , and those that do will have Vehicle Licences and approval first (we are not here to cause lag nor grief). Every member thus far I can fully vouch for thier abilities as Fair Players, often willing to lose a fight rather than win (losing is often more fun and interesting anyways.), to follow the Rules as well as work with the wishes of the sim, owners, moderators and the theme and storylines themselves. As a biker themed gang we offer a sort of organized crime that I do not believe has been played here before. We also want to bring a political bent to our RP... negotiating with other gangs and or factions... protection rackets etc...the options are many and various. Because we are coming (if approved) as a *new gang* to town, we intend to start small...selling dope is a main first vocation, but slowly and through RP work into other facets of criminal activity...stepping on a few toes ICly as well as co-ordinating with other Community Leaders to fill nitches that may be missed at given times. Examples may be, but not limited to, drug trade/production, porn, kidnaping, smuggling, auto theft and chopshop, extortion, blackmail, murder for hire, piracy &ct. Oh, and let's not forget the "impromptu" chaotic partys where "anything can happen", consent providing. At this time we do not have arms or weapons of anykind, as I have been told specificly by Nadir "no weapons"... we do hope to be an armed criminal faction but only within accord with the rules and the wishes of the owner and admins. Eventually we might grow in status to even being arms dealers, trading with and/or between other gangs, groups or individules, but again only as ascribed by the aforementioned (rules, owner, admin et.al) ICly we will do whatever it takes to protect our own; OOCly we will do whatever is needed to promote and provoke great storylines and thematics for RP within the greater Hathian arena, consent providing, of course.

EXP:I have been faction leader in other active RP sims, including Midian City and Naraka (when Naraka was active and both under a different AV account name. As well I have co-ordinated many events, quests and RP storyline plots for places such as Karamoon and Ravenscraig (Ambrea). I have been an avid RPer since the 1970's, in SL since early 2006. I have RL professional stage experience as well spanning well over a quarter of a century. I Have by vocation fullfilled many management roles as well as having done both promotion and production IRL and been a bussiness owner (though oddly that was a deli and grocery...definately a strange choice in that chapter of my life.)The core members for this group/gang have all played with with me over a number of years in SL. They brought me to CD, not the other way around. Some of them have been in CD at various prolification for years as well (and I confess I have dropped in on and off over the past couple or so years). Most of us became inactive in other sims, some testing the waters in a variety of RP sims, and ultimately we decided this was the place we wanted to play.

IDEAS:Two of us have experience in RL as well as SL in coordinating events, both IC and OOC. At this time (we are not even approved let alone established as a gang/group here) we do not have any plans for such, but we have discussed some of the possibilities, including bar room and clubhouse bands, auto and bike shows for those that have such here, and a variety of contest and party themes. All of our ideas thus far have been IC event ideas. As far as OOC, that too far above our juristiction level to have even considered. I can vouch for these people as all having had good rapore and skills in helping aclimate new players to RP's.

OTHER:We believe we have a lot to offer and share with the RP community here and very much desire an opportunity to do so and to play within this particular theme. We fully believe that in allowing us to work with the community and it's leaders that we will become a valued asset and that together we can develope a relationship beneficial to the greater whole. Thank you for your consideration, Saladin "Sal" Daamas

May 14, 2011 at 12:49 am
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May 14, 2011 at 4:00 am
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May 14, 2011 at 4:34 am
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May 14, 2011 at 4:55 am
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May 14, 2011 at 9:53 am
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May 14, 2011 at 5:10 pm
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May 14, 2011 at 9:19 pm
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May 15, 2011 at 2:58 am
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May 15, 2011 at 6:19 pm
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