Gabriel Kafka

Home Forums Introductions Gabriel Kafka

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Profile photo of Gabrielkafka Resident



I have been around some time now. But I thought it might be useful to put Gabriel Kafka's intro in here.

Gabriel Kafka gives an impression of being a soft spoken gentleman. Get closer, You will see a lonely person living in hatred, paranoia and strong desire for lust and perversion.

He was born in a village called Montpelier near Hathian. From his childhood he hated the 300 member village, it's orderly life, conservative values, boring repeating conversations and same sermons they give in the church. He was not good at his studies in school. He had no close friends.

During adolescence, he was affected by mild psychosis and paranoia. He started suspecting everyone and developed a hatred for people. 'There is nothing wrong in hurting people in this who eats who world,' is his perspective. He was cured of medical symptoms but the traits of the past psychological issues still bother him, mostly while he is in distress.

He went to columtreal university, majoring in commerce. He joined Hathian Police Department after a long stint as assistant accountant, cashier and Gein burger shop server.

December 16, 2014 at 9:55 am
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