From Russia With Love ( Chapter 2 )

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Profile photo of Katya Ivanova Volskaya

sarrah carlucci


Katya looked down at her bloody hands before turning her gaze to that of her mother's corpse. Blood had finally stopped squirting from the open jugular vein on her mother's neck, and the pool of it around her body began to turn dark in color as it thickened. The severed dick crammed into her mother's open mouth and throat gave the woman an odd look to her. She was pleased with all she had done. She was pleased that she had broken free from the bonds of pain and suffering. Free from her mother's abuse. Free from the constant rape.
Turning from her mother’s corpse, she will then move over to stand above the man’s dead body that had attacked her. Each footstep she took along the way, causing the blood that covered the floor to stick to her feet. Once she stood over him, she will look down silently and study his opened chest. Bone, sinew, organs, all exposed for her to see. She will giggle as she studied his wounds. When her eyes looked upon the place where his penis should be, she would turn her head to the side as if she was curious by his genitalia being missing. " Now, where did it go? " she will ask softly to herself. Her head and eyes will then raise and look off into the back of the kitchen with a blank gaze as she pondered where the man's dick had gone. After a moment, she will giggle once more, realizing exactly where it had gone. Turning to her mother once more, she will walk over to her lifeless body and pull the dick from her open mouth.
The sudden removal of the penis from her mother's mouth and throat makes a sucking sound, and Katya will then hold the severed dick in her hand, examining it. Turning suddenly to the corpse of the man on the kitchen floor, she will flop the penis around and exclaim, " here it is! " before giggling again. Katya then began to pretend to make the penis dance and trot around in the air as she played with it. " Oh, I am free! Free at last! But where shall I go? Where shall I find a home? " she will say in a playful voice as she continued to dance the penis around. She then spun around on one heel, stopping to face her mother once more. Seeing the still open mouth on her mother's face, Katya will giggle again and say, " This is my new home! " before bending down and cramming the penis into Valentina's throat once more.
" Where shall I go? Where shall I find a home? " Katya will say to herself before looking toward her open bedroom door. Walking from the kitchen to her bedroom, she will go inside the room and grab only a long t-shirt from a dresser drawer. Slipping it over her head, Katya found herself struggling momentarily as the shirt clung to the sticky blood that covered her body. Once she could get it on, Katya would then exit the room and then the house through the broken door while pausing for a few seconds to pick up the shard of glass used as a weapon along the way. Once outside, she will look around. The night was quiet, and there was little if anything to see except for a few small snowflakes that fell slowly. Katya would breathe in deeply, taking in the cold night air before exhaling. Her breath turned visible as it escaped from her lungs and mouth due to the cold temperature.
Katya began walking toward the woods outside of town. The snow-covered ground was crunching under her bare blood-covered feet with every step she took. The night before, a few feet of snow had fallen in the area around Dudinka, and Katya would stumble and struggle to keep her footing as the girl pushed onward. As she approached the edge of the woods, Katya stopped to rest her free hand on the trunk of a tree. Her other hand still clutching the shard of glass. Looking ahead, she will spot a small shack. It was old and worn, yet it still somehow remained standing under the weight of the snow on top of it. A small amount of light comes from one of the shed’s windows, and smoke rose from a makeshift chimney.
Pushing off the tree with her hand, Katya will continue walking as she heads for the shed. The temperature was starting to affect Katya as she struggled harder to take each step. Slowly, Katya stumbled her way to the door of the shed before falling to her knees in the snow. Breathing heavily, she will summon up what strength she had to cry out. “ Help me! “ she yells before using her hand to pound on the door. A few moments later, the door will open. Inside stood an older man dressed in hunting gear. From where she lay, Katya could see several heads of animals mounted on the wall above the fireplace. A few rifles also were seen propped up in the corner of the one-room shed. Looking up at the man, Katya will mutter, “ Help me. “ softly before she collapsed from her knees to the ground.
“ блять” ( “ Fucking shit! “ ) the man exclaimed as he looked down upon the blood-covered girl in the snow. The man kneels beside her, reaching his arms under her body before picking her up. He will then carry her side the shed, using his foot to close the door behind him before laying her on a small cot. “ What has happened to you? “ he will ask Katya as he assessed her situation. Katya silently stares at the man above her as the glow from the fireplace flickers on the wall. Seeing the glass in her hand, he says, “ Let me take this. “ before slipping it out of her hand freely. Katya’s open hand now exposed the wound she had from clutching the sharp glass, and the man will immediately turn to grab a small first aid kit from a shelf nearby.
The man sets the first aid kit down on the cot next to Katya, and he then retrieves a small hand towel and a bottle of water. Opening the water, the man pours some of it over the towel until it is wet and uses it to wipe clean Katya’s wound gently. Katya still says nothing as the man attends to her. Her eyes stare off into the distance as she continues to watch the light from the fire dance on the ceiling above. Having cleaned most of the blood from her hand, the man then opens the first aid kit and takes out a small tube of ointment. Opening it, he then applies a small amount to her open wound. Pain from the balm entering her cut causes Katya to grunt, and she will quickly turn her head toward the man and glared at him.
“ Извините, но ваша рука заразится, если мы не очистим рану. “( “ Sorry, but your hand will get infected if we do not clean the wound. “ ) the man will say to her in a reassuring tone, but his words did little to calm Katya as she began to breathe heavily. “ Успокойся. Я пытаюсь помочь. “ ( “ Stay calm. I’m trying to help. “ ) he will say to her as Katya ripped her hand away from him. Standing up from the side of the cot where Katya lay, the man will move back from her as Katya sat up. “ Тебе нужна помощь. Нам нужно отвезти тебя в больницу. “ ( “ You need help. We need to get you to the hospital. “ ) he says to her while still trying to calm the girl down. The man’s words echoed and bounced around inside of Katya’s head. It didn’t matter what he said. Her broken mind knowing only the fact that he had caused her pain just like everyone else.
Katya had already noticed the rifles leaning against the wall at the end of the bed, and she quickly lunges and grabs hold of one. Started by her actions, the man takes another step backward as he looked on in confusion. Raising the rife, Katya points it in the man’s direction as she continued to breathe heavily. “ Привет! Привет! Привет! В этом нет необходимости! Я только пытаюсь …” ( “ Hey! Hey! Hey! There is no need for that! I’m only trying…..” ) the man says. His words stopped suddenly by the loud report of the rifle going off. Katya’s shot had found its mark. The man’s head rocked back violently, and a hole had opened up almost the center of the man’s forehead. His body will fall backward and come to rest in the corner of the shed while Katya sat with the rifle still in her hands.
Still breathing rapidly, Katya will continue to glare at the man now dead in the corner. The rifle she held aimed in his direction until she began to look around the room. A few moments pass, and she will lower the weapon and then set it down on the cot beside her. The stinging sensation from her hand will cause her to look at the wound. Seeing a need to do something about it, Katya will take the first aid kit and begin to rummage through it. Inside, she finds several gauze bandages, several tubes of ointments, a small pair of scissors, alcohol wipes, and a few bandaids. Examining her cut further, she will decide that nothing inside the kit would help her unless she could close the wound first.
Standing up from the cot, Katya begins to rummage through the shed for anything that might help. Opening a drawer in a small desk, she will push the items she found aside until she came upon a small sewing kit. The kit had inside of it a needle and a small amount of thread. Mainly used to repair a button or zipper on clothing, she would have to use it to stitch her hand back together. Closing the drawer, Katya will turn to go back to the cot. Kicking the leg of the dead man in the corner, she will look down at him. Studying the hole in his head and the river of blood the poured out of it, Katya lets out a sigh and says, “ Прочь с дороги! “ ( “ Get out of my way! “ ) then kicks the man’s leg, moving it out of her path before returning to the cot to sit.
Sitting down, Katya will open the sewing kit before carefully threading the needle. When she finished threading the needle, she began to stitch the palm of her hand closed. Grimacing as the needle entered her skin, Katya will grind her teeth together as the needle and thread pushed through one side of the wound and then through the other side. Repeating this a dozen times, Katya fought through the pain until she reached the end of her cut. Tugging on the thread causes the skin to pull back together, and she then ties it off and secures it. Finished, Katya will break the thread’s end and toss it and the needle into the fireplace. Looking around again, she will notice a bottle of Vodka on the table near the window. Standing up once more, she then walks over to the table, opens the bottle, and pours some liquor over her palm. The pain from the alcohol in her wound was intense, and Katya will yell out from the pain.
With the bottle still in her hand and grimacing from the pain, Katya raises the bottle of vodka to her lips and takes a large gulp before putting it back onto the table. Fifteen more minutes pass, and Kaya now has the wound stitched and bandaged. Tired, exhausted, and in pain, she takes advantage of having shelter, a fire, and a bed for the night. So Katya decides to clean herself up the best she could, lay down on the cot, cover herself up, and sleep for a few hours.
It was still dark outside when Katya was jolted awake from the nightmare she was having. In her dream, she was reliving the many years of torment she had endured. Yet, this time Katya was unable to fight back, and her attackers killed her. Just as a man in her dream stabbed her, she sat up quickly as she screamed. Clutching her chest and sweating, the girl looked around until she realized that everything was just a dream and that she was ok. Noticing the dead man in the corner, Katya decided she could not stay here any longer. The police would indeed arrive after people found the bodies of her mother and her attacker. Now, they would also find the man she had shot in the face.
Using the sewing kit and a hunting knife she had found, Katya began to alter some of the hunter’s clothes to fit her. It took until sunrise, but Katya worked hard to get the man’s clothed to be wearable. In the end, she was able to get them to fit. What Katya could not fit into were the man’s shoes. She didn’t have anything she could use to alter the boots. Luckily for her, the man had several pairs of thick socks. She put on three pairs of socks, then wrapped her feet in some plastic bags before putting the fourth pair over the plastic. It wasn’t the best solution to her problems, but it was better than nothing. Grabbing one of the rifles, Katya slung it over her shoulder by the strap attached to it. She then filled a backpack with whatever food and water she could find. Then, she exited the shed heading off toward the train station.

Keeping to the woods to hide her travels, Katya continued toward the train station. About an hour had passed since she left the small shed in the woods. Katya could hear the sound of sirens in the distance. Someone must have found the bodies she had left behind. At this time, she was nearing the edge of the city when she began to see a train’s boxcars lined up on a set of train tracks in front of her. They were moving slowly as the train was disembarking with supplies to Norilsk. Katya and her mother stowed away on one of these trains when they first came to Dudinka. It would now serve as her transportation out of town. If she were lucky, no one would see her as she began to run toward the train.
The snow was deep, and the lack of proper footwear hindered Katya’s attempt at catching the train before it could get up to speed. Running with all of her might, Katya was able to catch up to the train finally. Pulling on the first boxcar door, she found it to be locked. Trying a second boxcar door, she also found it locked. She only had one more boxcar she could try before the end of the train passed her. Still running as hard as she could, Katya was about to grab hold of the handle to the door when a rock on the side of the tracks trips her. Falling face-first into the snow, she slides to a stop before looking up with a face covered in snow as the train pulled away into the distance.
“ да не может быть! “ ( “ Are you kidding! “ ) Katya exclaimed as she watched the train getting further and further away. Hearing someone laughing and clapping, she will wipe the snow from her face and look around. On the station platform stood a man who had been watching her try to board the train. “ Вы были так близки. Очень плохо для тебя. “ ( “ You were so close. Too bad for you. “ ) the man said to her, still chuckling. Angered by the man’s reaction, Katya replies, “ Я рада, что вам это понравилось! “ ( “ I am glad you find this so amusing! “ ) Hopping down off of the platform, the man makes his way through the snow over to Katya. Forcing himself to stop laughing, he finally reaches Katya, who had now sat upright in the snow. Seeing her with a bloody bandage on her hand, stitched and torn clothes, and no boots caused the man to grow curious.
Reaching out a hand, he says, “ Позвольте мне помочь вам встать. Похоже, ты через многое прошла. “ ( “ Let me help you up. You look like you have been through a lot. “ ) Katya accepted the offer and allowed the man to pull her up to her feet. Getting a better look at her, he will ask, “ Что с тобой случилось? Твоя одежда разваливается, а где твои ботинки? “ ( “ What happened to you? Your clothes are falling apart, and where are your boots?” ) Brushing the snow from her clothes, Katya will study the man. Looking him up and down, she will reply, “ Зачем мне рассказывать? “ ( “ Why should I tell you? “ ) Pointing to her injured hand, the man will say, “ Потому что ты ранен и выглядишь так, будто медведь пытался сорвать с тебя одежду! “ ( “ Because you are injured and look like a bear has tried to tear the clothes off of you! " )
“ Я в порядке! Если действительно хотите знать, мне нужно в Норильск.” “ Katya replies to the man growing more agitated by his questioning. Her anger will be short-lived as her mind starts to think of ways the man can be useful to her. Calming herself down, she will ask him “ Если хочешь помочь, можешь отвезти меня в Норильск? “ ( “ If you want to help, can you take me to Norilsk? “ )
The man will look her over again and ask “ Что в этом для меня? Мое время дорого, а топливо платное. “ ( “ What is in it for me? My time is precious, and fuel is not free. “ ) Katya will begin to grow angry again but can control herself seeing the situation was not going to be benefitted by her lashing out at the man. Instead, she would use her head and attempt to persuade him with what she felt every man wanted. “ Ты можешь меня трахнуть. Как только доберемся до Норильска. Не раньше, чем! “ ( “ You can fuck me. Once we get to Norilsk. Not before! “ ) she replied to him. Again looking the girl over, the man takes a moment to ponder the offer. Nodding his head, he will laugh and say, “ Обычно я бы не трогал ничего подобного. Однако держу пари, что под этой одеждой скрывается что-то красивое. У вас есть сделка! “ ( “ Normally, I would not touch anything that looks like that. However, I bet there is something pretty hiding underneath those clothes. You have a deal! “ )

The ride to Norilsk was uneventful. The man driving Katya there had spent most of his time bragging about himself and telling her what a great lover he was. He would also brag about being single so that he could have as many lovers as he liked. Had she known the way back to Norilsk herself, she would have shot him halfway there to shut him up. However, the man provided to be useful and, besides being mildly annoying, was not getting under Katya’s skin. Not yet, anyway. Approximately an hour, it was almost noon when the two pass the sign indicating they were entering Norilsk. Reaching his hand out and placing it on Katya’s thigh, the man would wink at her and say, “ Готов заплатить, моя дорогая? “ ( “ Ready to pay up my dear? “ ) Katya rolls her eyes and sighs. “ Да да. Я полагаю. Найдите нас в тихом месте. Где-то у никелевых рудников должно быть уединение. “ ( “ Ya ya. Find us somewhere quiet. Somewhere down by the nickel mines should give us privacy. “ ) she says to him as she placed her hand on her rifle.

Once the two arrived at the nickel mines, Katya had instructed the man to drive to one of the abandoned mine shafts she had remembered from her father’s stories of when he worked there. When they got to the mine shaft, she instructed him to pull inside to hide the car from the mining company’s security staff. She explained that the darkness of the mineshaft would hide the car well. The man did as required and parked the car inside the entrance to the mine. “ Теперь по поводу оплаты. Давайте сядем на заднее сиденье, чтобы нам было удобнее. “ ( “ Now, about the payment. Let us get into the back seat so we can be more comfortable. “ ) she would say to him seductively. Men were fools driven by their compulsion to stick their dicks in whatever wet hole they could find. If not, the man would have questioned the location Katya had chosen for the two of them to have sex. He also might have questioned why she had a rifle with her. But this was Russia, and many hunters carried rifles like hers. Therefore, he didn’t give it much thought. Not to mention, the small girl looked as if she possessed little fight in her. At least not enough for him to be afraid.
Katya allowed the man to exit first, and then she would step out of the vehicle. As she did, Katya would raise the rifle and aim at the man. “ Нет нет! Подождите! Не стреляйте! “ ( “ No no! Wait! Don’t shoot! “ ) the man exclaimed, pleading with Katya for his life. Using the rifle, Katya will motion the man toward the front of the vehicle. Still keeping her aim on the man, she watched as he complied with her demands. With the man now in front of the car, Katya will demand him onto his knees. Once again, the man pleaded with her for his life. His words did little to change Katya’s mind from what she was about to do. Katya then moved around the car, keeping the rifle trained on the man as she walked. Once she reached the driver’s side of the vehicle, she stuck an arm inside and turned on the headlight. The bright lights illuminated the mine shaft and the man on his knees in front of the car.
Closing the driver’s side door, Katya then took a few steps toward the man. In a low growl, she demanded he removed his clothes. Reluctantly, the man did as Katya said. First taking off his jacket, then his shirt, his shoes, pants, and underwear after that. Once naked, Katya would giggle. “ Для такого прекрасного любовника. У тебя такой маленький член. Какой позор. “ ( “ For such a great lover. You have such a small penis. Such a shame. “ ) Katya said to the man mocking him after he had spent the entire car ride bragging. Ridiculing him more, she will take a few more steps forward with the rifle still aimed at the man while saying, “ Помнишь, что ты сказал мне на вокзале? Что это было? О да, теперь вспомнил. “ ( “ Remember what you said to me at the train station? What was it? Oh, yes, I remember now. “ )
By this point, Katya was only a few steps away from the man. She would take the last few steps until she placed the muzzle of the rifle against the man’s forehead. The fire burned in Katya’s eyes as she grinned and said, “ Вы были так близки. Очень плохо для тебя.” ( “ You were so close. Too bad for you. “ ) As she finished, her finger deftly squeezed the trigger sending a hot round of lead through the man’s skull and out the back. Unable to control herself, Katya would let out an evil laugh as she watched the man fly backward onto the mineshaft floor. Not satisfied with what she had done, Katya would set the rifle down, propping it up against the front of the vehicle, and then walked over to the dead and naked man. Standing over him, she had the same grin and appearance upon her face that she did when she had killed the man that had tried to rape her. Looking down at the man’s dick, she will laugh and pull the hunting knife from her jacket pocket. “ Вы тоже хотите быть свободными? Ты хочешь дом, как я? Да? Посмотрим, что я могу с этим поделать. “ ( “ Do you want to be free also? Do you want a home as I do? Yes? Let's see what I can do about that. “ ) Katya said playfully.
Kneeling beside the man, she would then use the knife to sever the man’s genitalia from his body. Opening the man’s mouth, she then would place it inside and then stand up. ( “ There! Now you are home! Now, I must find a home! “ ) she would say with a proud tone to her voice. She then gathers up the man’s clothes before retrieving his wallet from the pants he had worn. Turning back to the car, Katya walks back to it, grabs the rifle, and gets into the driver’s seat. She then quickly reverses the vehicle out of the mineshaft opening before driving off toward the town center.
Pulling into a gas station in Norilsk, Katya exits the car and uses some of the money inside the man’s stolen wallet to fill her vehicle with fuel. Once filled, Katya continues to the airfield in Norilsk. The city was familiar to her as it was the place she had grown up. As she traveled the roads, memories of her childhood returned. Inevitably, her thoughts would begin to focus on her father. He was the only one that truly loved her and would do anything for her. The only man in her life that did not hurt her. If only he had lived, then maybe Katya’s life would have been drastically different. Pushing her feelings to the side, Katya returned her focus to navigating Norilsk’s city streets as she approaches the airfield. Finding a plane would not be easy. Finding a pilot would be even more challenging.
As Katya approached the airfield, she could see the planes lined up at the terminals. Further away, there were smaller planes parked near several hangars. Trying to get on to one of the larger jets would be nearly impossible. She looked terrible, was wounded, and had a weapon. Getting onto one of the smaller planes would be her only option. Driving past the main entrance, Katya found the access road that leads her to the smaller planes and hangars. At the end of the road was a small parking lot, and Katya pulled her car into it before stopping in one of the open spaces that faced the hangars. She had an unobstructed view of most of the airfield from where she was. Looking around, she did not find anyone who looked like they could be a pilot. She would have to wait.
Several hours pass and the sun had set when a relatively expensive car drove down the access road and parked several spaces away from where Katya was. A young man, possibly in his late twenties with thick slicked-back brown hair, excited the vehicle. She could tell the man had money. He wore a tailored grey suit with pinstripes. His tie was also the same color except that it had small white squares on it. In his breast pocket, a monogrammed gold-colored handkerchief is folded neatly into a point. His watch was large and made of gold. Opening the rear door to his vehicle, the man would take out a metal briefcase before closing the door behind him. Katya continued to watch him as he walked past her car toward one of the hangars.
He walked down a path that took the man to one of the more massive hangers. Once there, he disappeared inside the side door. A few moments later, the large hangar doors began to open. With the doors opened, Katya could see a twin-engine plane inside the hangar. The aircraft was mostly white with a black tail section. On the tail section, painted in red, were words that read King Air 350ER. The man was prepping it for flight as he checked the outside of the aircraft. Now was her chance. Exiting her vehicle, Katya grabbed her rifle and began to make her way to the hangar. She did not take a direct route down the same path the man used and instead circled to the side of the hangar in hopes no one spotted her. Reaching the hangar side, Katya moved down the side of it until she reached the door the man had entered. Turning the knob to the door, it opened, and Katya slipped inside the hangar unnoticed. Once inside, she quickly hid behind several large parts containers stored with tarps over them.
The man was finishing up his preflight checks when Katya sprang into action. Rifle in hand, she slipped out from her hiding place and ran toward the man next to his plane. Approaching from begins, she made it most of the way to him before he heard her and turned to see who was behind him. Raising her rifle, Katya aimed at the man. “ Если хочешь жить, поступай так, как я тебе говорю. “ ( “ If you want to live, you will do as I tell you to do. “ ) she said to him, still walking toward him. Raising his hands, the man remained call and said nothing. Nodding to the plane, Katya would ask, “ Ты пилот? Вы можете управлять этим самолетом? “ ( “ Are you a pilot? Can you fly this plane? “ ) The man turned to look over his shoulder at the plane before looking back at Katya. “ Может быть.” (“ Maybe. “ ) he replied to her in a calm, yet curious voice. Growing agitated, Katya will growl at the man before shooting near his feet. The shot did not hit the man and intended to get his attention that she is serious about killing him if he did not comply.
The man will jump when shot at, and his face showed that he understood that his life was in danger. He had underestimated the girl because of her tattered clothing, but knowing she was not afraid to pull the trigger made him take her seriously. “ Да! Я пилот! Я могу управлять самолетом! “ ( “ Yes! I am a pilot! I can fly the plane! “ ) he replied to her in a shaken voice.
“ Ты увезешь меня отсюда. Если вы сделаете что-нибудь кроме того, что я вам скажу. Я тебя убью.” ( “ You will fly me out of here. If you do anything other than what I tell you. I will kill you. “ ) Katya says to the man before looking down at the briefcase at his feet. Nodding toward the briefcase, she will ask him what was inside of it. Hesitant to open the briefcase, the man initially tried to say there was nothing of value in it. However, Katya knew better than to believe what he had said. He looked like someone important and was probably an executive for one of the mining companies. Her father used to tell her stories of the higher management, often traveling by plane with large amounts of money. They would fly the money back to the company headquarters in Moscow. After the money was back in the company’s hands, they would deposit it into their main bank in Moscow.
“ "Открой это. Сейчас!" “ ( “ Open it. Now! “ ) she demanded of him again using the rifle to move him toward the briefcase. Reluctantly, the man slowly kneeled and opened the briefcase. Fumbling with the locks, it will take the man a few seconds before they are released. He slowly opened it revealing the contents inside. With her eyes growing wide, Katya looked inside. Just as she suspected, there were bundles of Russian Rubles stacked neatly inside, along with several file folders and documents.
Out of the corner of her eye, Katya could see someone approaching the hangar. The gunshot from earlier had aroused one of the airfield employees’ attention, and if she did not act fast, they would see what was going on. Katya had the man quickly close the briefcase and then forced him to carry it inside the plane, with her following behind with the gun still aimed at his back. They were able to close the door to the aircraft as the airfield employee entered the hangar. The employee looked to the pilot and herself inside the cockpit and would wave to them. Not wanting to raise suspicions, Katya will force the pilot to return the wave with one of his own while keeping her rifle low and out of sight.
Satisfied that nothing was wrong, the employee turned around and began walking back in the direction he came. Shortly after, the plane was powered up and ready to fly. Katya and the pilot taxied from the hangar and onto the runway, taking off into the air. No one knows what happened to the plane, the pilot, the money, or Katya, and a government inquiry into the matter only turned up one possible lead. An employee at the airfield in Norilsk had seen a woman with a similar description to Katya’s boarding the small plane. However, the aircraft, the pilot, the money, nor the woman was ever found...

November 29, 2020 at 9:05 am
Profile photo of Katya Ivanova Volskaya

sarrah carlucci


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November 29, 2020 at 3:47 pm
Profile photo of Katya Ivanova Volskaya

sarrah carlucci


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November 30, 2020 at 2:27 am
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