Female Sadism & measured response

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This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by Profile photo of Juan juanlouis alder 15 years, 4 months ago.

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juanlouis alder


This was probably one of the most 'textbook' examples of sadistic violence from a woman I've seen in RP

Hope you enjoy reading it as much as we enjoyed playing it

Though she definitely enjoyed more as I felt it RL :/

Baroness Eisenhart sighs heavily once more sliding off her stool elegantly. She turns around to Juan and would approach him slowly licking her lips seductively. She would rest a hand on his hip smiling up to him:" Please..", she would whisper seductively before she would ram her knee right into his crotch forcefully, not caring if a cop is around. If successful she would continue:" Please, boy.. no need to bow.. you are allowed to leave this place now."

JuanLouis Alder chuckles slightly at Piper’s comment though not in an obvious way, keeping his focus on Baroness. He’s had more than enough run ins with her kind, or at least women similar, to not just stand there legs astride while she approached. As she gets closer he turns slightly side on just as she reaches for his hip, but at the same time there was something intoxicating about her. He pauses at just the wrong moment without stepping aside taking the full force of her knee to the edge of his thigh causing him to groan and stoop over with gritted teeth ‘bowing’ toward her as she’d intended, his head making contact with arm reaching to his hip as well as her torso as he stumbled back to try to recover. He looked up at her with moderate rage but mostly anger at himself for letting her lure him like that only shaking his head as any speech would have come out strained

Baroness Eisenhart bites her bottom lip grinning widely. She would watch him suffer for a few more moments before she would turn away from him to head back to the bar without any further words, hoping Juan learned his lesson for now.

JuanLouis Alder lifts his head half expecting Baroness to step in and attack further as the cop nearby doesn’t seem that keen on preventing it. He’s met with her sadistic grin as she enjoys the suffering she’s inflicted only which only adds to his humiliation. He immediately grits teeth again and groans.. forcing himself to stand upright though with a limp from the blow. He gazes at her with a near emotionless expression as she returns to her seat having almost tunnel vision cutting out anyone else nearby. His chest rising and falling to try to overcome being winded by the blow, though he wasn’t one to make light

Baroness Eisenhart begins to calm down slowly knowing Juan wouldn't forget this encounter that quick. She would stroke Play's cheek with her gloved hand tenderly as she arrives at the bar and would lean in whispering, so she can understand it only:" Keep your family away from Lou's today." After that she would slide back on her stool crossing her legs seductively as if nothing has happened

October 30, 2009 at 11:44 am
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October 30, 2009 at 1:08 pm
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juanlouis alder


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October 30, 2009 at 10:45 pm
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