Faction Discussion – February/March 2022

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This topic contains 6 replies, has 7 voices, and was last updated by Profile photo of Jarrah fey correia 2 years, 10 months ago.

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Profile photo of perina mcginnis

perina mcginnis


Kogarashi - Brandie (brandiekelly.resident) -- Shadowside
Devil's Own Motorcycle Club - Jack Boyer (juicebox1988) -- Broken Quarter
The King Street Bones - Camden Fabers (kurtissketch.resident) -- Sugar Row
The Jackals - Jarrah Moon (fey.correia) -- Waterline
The Rejects - Parnell Urqhart -- Lower East Side
HPD - Craig Hamilton (paulburkowski.resident), Krystal O'Neil (krystal87.resident)

Suenos Malos (Chong Diabolito) have disbanded as a faction, but their porn empire remains at the XXX shop - cam models rejoice! Thank you Chong for your time as a faction!

*Faction Leads must post an update this thread once a month with their active members & associates (w/ avatar names). This is required to consider your group active.*

*HPD, as an official sim organization, will post updates when it seems appropriate.*

1. Members, Recruits and Associates, with avatar names
2. Concrete information players can use to try to get their characters involved in your gang. This can be the name of a contact that they might have heard on the street, a favourite hangout spot, etc. You are not expected to share things your gang would keep close to its chest, just the kind of thing that might circulate in rumours and/or would be known information to people living in the neighbourhood (so that new players reading this forum can more easily get involved with your gang).
3. Storylines you have coming up that you're looking for others' involvement in (in very general terms, again, you don't need to disclose spoilers). Something as general as "We're looking to coordinate with another gang on a storyline involving drugs" will work.
4. Major plot points from the past month

Current Approved Factions (no soft trials)
Police regarding Faction RP
Any citizen that wants a voice on Faction RP

Anything else you think is pertinent or that you think the community would be interested in.

March 30, 2022 at 9:58 am
Profile photo of Jarrah

fey correia


Sign in at the very top to read this reply. ツ

May 2, 2022 at 7:24 pm
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