Endz Story

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((Not my best work but you get the Idea))

Endz born Dazar Frances Perun, was born Feb 2, 1980 to Jacob Frances Perun and Jenna Perun. His life started out like any other childs life School, homework or ac least on the surface that is. His father was a heavy drinker and drug dealer around Hathian, coming home at night and yakning him from his bed for nightly beatings, to the point have mental disorders, he soon dropped out of school and moved away from home after the death of his brother. Endz chose to live on the streets stealing and sleeping out of boxes picking through trash for his daily meals. Endz was a mess he soon left Haithan when he was 18 to become a Demo specialist in the US Marines, after three long years of service he was discharged for mental illness and he was thrust back into Hathian head strong his father had moved away and his crack whore mother dead. Endz soon picked up on the daily grind again of trying to survive, when he met Will Clamenitine, they never clicked from the start and soon there tensions escalated into vilonce each trying to kill each other. Soon after Will seemed to Disappear for a short time, and Endz came back into foot, un till he met Engel crow joining the Crows this was were the Name Endz soon came from. Here he did what any good crow did hey followed orders, tottered maimed, and killed. A year or so after his admittance into the crows He met one Di Rau, They fell for each other soon after having there daughter lilly and getting married, it was never an easy existence Endz had also picked up for watching out for his friend Lanie Sosa, and a street kid by the name of Saorii. At this point the crowes tested his loyalty with him choosing his new found friends over the crows leaving him in ruin with beatings in which the entire crow gang was involved. Endz continued on his was making a living and protecting his family though petty theifery, he soon had a breif run in working with the Rejects only to leave to leave them after sustaining a beating from both WIll , and Engel in front of the hathain police stashon as on lookers just watched. His wife Di, joined the Rejects soon after her self, there is a heavy tension between him and Will with Di being the only thing holding him back from trying to kill Will. Endz has grown to suffer with anger random fits of rage coming to light at the most stressful moments, almost going into a entire different personality at times one moment a caring understanding guy, the Next a crazed psycho with a mission. You now can find Endz working at the TT serving drinks and working security trying to keep his family and friends together. How much more he can take un till his next break down is to be seen, and so the story continues

March 27, 2008 at 4:52 pm
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