Dr. Cado Tenebris

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Profile photo of HighCaliberson Resident

highcaliberson resident


Name: Cado Tenebris

Age: 27

Physical Description: 6'2", 170lbs, Blonde hair, Blue eyes, fair complexion.

Tattoos: No visible markings.

Affiliation: None currently.

Occupation: Psychiatrist/ M.D.

The story:Cado, born in Edinburgh Scotland, is the son of a United States Army Officer, and a Nurse. Cado was born while his father was working in the U.K. for the U.S. State Department. Shortly after, Cado and his family moved back to the United States near Denver, where he was raised. As a young child he was energetic, hard to handle, and a bit wiry. He was always a leader in his class, taking charge of even the simplest activities. He was an excellent student, proficient in history, and politics. His attitude was a bit egotistical, and was prone to insults from classmates during high school. Regardless, ha was always friendly and helping in public, yet more reserved and prone to aggression when handling things 1 on 1. After graduating High School, Cado attended college at the University of Denver-Colorado majoring in psychology. After an excelled 3 years he graduated with a Bachelors, and was accepted into the Washington University School of Medicine St. Louis. He graduated, as a Medical Doctor of Psychiatry. He then moved about the U.S. practicing Psychiatry for about a year, before Katrina hit. Now he has moved to Hathian, hoping to get on at the General Hospital. Cado is witty, intelligent, friendly, and a gifted deceiver. He is manipulative, and maybe even a bit psychotic. Of course, this is all hidden from the public eye. He has darker intentions here in Hathian, and is looking to prosper...

February 4, 2014 at 9:12 am
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