Dollinger Dossier, Oct 3-9, 2007

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(( this is the logbook of CIA operation 'LongJohn' provided for (hopefully 🙂 your fun and enterainment. It will reveal more about Dollinger and his dodgy dealings, seen through the eyes of CIA agents who spy on him.))

October 3rd
Mr Dollinger has been missing for five days now. Neither agent Johnson nor myself have seen any sign of him. Our agents in the field have spoken to several informants, all having no information, or unwilling to share it with us. Johnson did some more background checks on Dollinger’s ‘wife’. She has a long career in what seems to be mercenary work, mainly in South America. The records we have on Dollinger don’t show any correlation. Then again, the files we have on him show us a big gap, so who knows?

October 4th
Agent Johnson has been doing more research into Dollinger’s military career. He’s been trying to get more intel on the 103rd logistics division but hasn’t had much luck. Late last night he phoned me. Three men had approached him while he was walking back from his car after stopping at the dry cleaner and had made it very clear to him to stop probing into the 103rd logistics unit. Johnson identified himself as a CIA agent and demanded to know who they were and who they worked for. The men then informed him of his mother’s name, his dog’s name and the address of his stepdaughter and told him once more to stop his investigation before simply walking off.

October 5th
Still no sign of Dollinger. Agent Johnson has met earlier today with an old friend who’s moved on to the intel division. They’ve been long friends and he owed Johnson one. He ran Dollinger’s prints through his systems and came up with a file he handed to Johnson and is now part of this dossier (see appendix 45B). Our Mr Dollinger also appears to go by the name of Marc Jacobsen. While our Dollinger was a pencil pusher for the 103rd logistics unit, our Marc Jacobsen was involved in top secret military missions that even Johnson’s friend could not look into. All he could tell us was that whatever it was he did, it isn’t on any normal file and all the covers used have been shifted over the years.

October 8th
Agent Johnson has been missing since yesterday. Neither his family nor his friends have found any trace of him. His phone was last traced to the old warehouse district before the signal died. I’ve been trying to contact Johnson’s friend at the agency for several days now, without much luck. Dollinger still hasn’t returned to his house. Our field agents are working overtime trying to figure out where he went.

October 9th
Agent Johnson still missing. Customs informed me that a Marc Jacobsen entered the country again this morning from Venezuela. Visual ID confirms it’s our Dollinger. Moved operations center to new location in D8. Field agents have taken down two armed men who tried to enter the airport tower while I was gone. Not surprisingly, they didn’t turn up in our systems. I have the feeling we’re digging for something here that doesn’t want to be dug up.

October 10, 2007 at 11:00 pm
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