Home Forums Roleplay Discussion DJ WANTED!

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geoffrey welders


POSTED BY REQUEST! Speak with Beolas Whitfield for further details!

Hi there!

still. the art factory needs djs for the club and gallery events. We're looking for DJs to host single events or maybe host weekly shows.

There are a couple of styles, which we feel best suit Still.
Style 1: electro, breakebeat, minimal, industrial
Style 2: ambient, chill out, etc...

Want to become a DJ for still. the art factory group?
Send a NOTECARD to Beolas Whitfield, subject :art factory dj. (references, salary expectation / rate p.h., timezone & style.

Want to become a regular member of the still. the art factory group?
Send a NOTECARD to Beolas Whitfield, subject: art factory newcomer (style & timezone). your chance to get your first live-gig.

still. the art factory, is brought to you by the still. photo art gallery family, which has been around Second Life for almost a year. We're a German photography group, which focuses on modern imagery within the cities of Berlin and Hamburg. Our original works of art may only be shown and sold with the artist's permission. We have a couple resident artists: Horst Ewerlin and Beolas whitfield.

The gallery has three hubs:
the main gallery:
Envy (188, 203, 21)
still.twilight. male nudes / erotic art:
Dandelion Island (201, 134, 23)
still. the art factory. gallery, club, creative fac.
Vodou (35, 73, 34)

The official opening for still. the art factory is this February. It's located on southern border of Hathian and Vodou; that's right next door to Rader Records!

January 22, 2008 at 1:46 am
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