Disturbing Tales from Odella Capelo (Public Journal)

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This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by Profile photo of angelmyst Anonymous 15 years ago.

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Profile photo of odellacapelo



Throughout the fist fights today and the nose bleeds and the arm banging, and all the blissful highs of the wonderful drugs I do (aint saying what tyvm), I was told by Sal that writing a journal was helping her to calm down and connect with her inner self, Now I don't know what kinda messed up information that is but, I will see what I can write maybe it might just bore the death out of you, or maybe you'll get into my head, scary place to be, watch out.

So it all started when I was five years old, ya you heard me, five. Dad had just become a drunk more and abused my mom a lot, then when she started just stopping fighting back he came after me. I never let him see me cry still don't, he kicked, punched, slapped and pushed me around, making me toughen up and to not bow down to the abuse. I don't know how I ever made it outa there, but when school started, dad was unable to hide the bruises on me, and one day I was taken away to my utter happiness. Only to find out, foster homes and other kids where more evil hearted and cold then I had become because the abuse. I pushed and fought back, and they blamed it all on me. Nothing seemed be going right and I went from one foster home to the next, really lost count after the six home, as that's where I met Sal. Sal was perfect from the start, always doing everything right, the write number the write words, the write apologizes, she was an sweet child and I was an screw-up. I was sure staying with her family was going to be the last one I ever had to be at. But one day when we came home from school mom was died and dad was gone, we called the police but because of my past, the police arrested me and took Sal somewhere else, I don't know where, but I spent that night in Juvie without the beautiful girl I had grown close to as a friend.

It wasn't until the sun came up that day that I realized where I was, and finally they released me out later, lied my way out, they believed my dad was there to pick me up when really it was some random guy that was visiting another child there, but I made like I was going with him then when they looked away I ran out the doors and never looked back, no one found me from there, and I didn't want them to. I ran until I found where Sal and I used to play, surely she would be there, and she was with her little cute smile and her backpack on her back, we hugged and whispered that we missed each other and together we ran off, never returning to foster homes , or anywhere else, it would work that way, we needed to be safe and be able to grow.

We arrived after that in the City of Hathian some months later after hitch hiking, walking and stagger along, we lived off the streets eating from dumpsters mostly or any fruit on trees we could find. Our main goal in coming to Hathian was to get away from the old city and start up a small play of our own away from them, two kids making a living, wonderful. Got to love it. By this time Sal was 12 and I was 14, we both had been outa school for 2 years, and Sal saw Seaside from the outskirts and we watched the day for a bit before she dragged me in to get signed up, I didn't mind, she was smart and I knew she'd love it, me on the other hand, well, I never been one for school, and I did skip a few classes just to get high again, and that didn't seem to matter as all kids around there seemed have problems just like we did so we blended in well, no one knowing where we come from who we are, or what happened before, and we both perfectly loved that, and still do.

February 26, 2010 at 7:31 am
Profile photo of angelmyst



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February 26, 2010 at 4:56 pm
Profile photo of odellacapelo



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February 27, 2010 at 6:00 am
Profile photo of angelmyst



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February 28, 2010 at 5:41 am
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