Diamond in the rough

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Profile photo of mohinidenja



Name: Mohini "Diamond" Denja
Ethnicity: Mutt. Italian/Irish/Hispanic
Age: 19
Occupation: Unemployed
Skills: Pickpocketing, manipulation, street fighting
Vices: A well made Tequila Sunrise, Dejarum Blacks, and the occasional recreational drug

Mohini, or Diamond as most called her back home, was raised in the streets of Los Angeles, California. Coming from a mixed family (Her mother being a full-blood, strong Puerto Rican and her father a proud Irish-Italian), she quickly learned that genetics have a tendency to place out a person's lifestyle. Streetsmart and bitchy to a fault, she had learned to bribe, whine, and cajole her way out of tough situations. Granted, she was a bit on the gullible side when it came to a handsome face, but then again, what hormone crazed nineteen year-old isn't?

Born in '89 as Mohini Rosella Denja (pronounced Den-yah), the little brat came into the world screaming...and she hasn't shut up yet. Loud, brash, and utterly obnoxious, the Latina lacked any and all forms of class and poise. The only girl on her block, she grew up with bloody knuckles and games of chicken that could even make your madre piss herself with worry. She was a tough little scrapper, a diabla perra who was well known for breaking hearts as well as noses. By the time she was 14, she had caught the attention of a local set of Bloods known simply as "Los Perros Diablos," or the devil dogs. The boys of the group took to the girl quickly, treating her like a little sister. They taught her street smarts, including drug trafficing, hustling old women for money, and pretty much how to get out of any tough spot with her good looks and heavy left hook.

Two years passed, and Mohini had rightfully earned the title of Diamond. The name was given to her by her leader, Julio Suarez. The name fit; she was tough as nails yet so stunningly beautiful that she could blind any man that came her way. Not to mention those eyes...if looks could kill, Diamond would be on America's Most Wanted. Julio was proud of the change she had made, and decided it was best to finally initiate her as a true Blood.

It was the summer of '06 when Julio gave Di the task. She was to lure in a young Crip boy, one that happened to be the son of Antonio Jackson, a leader of a rival gang and threat to Los Perros Diablos. Di had no problem getting the boy to come with her, using her natural charm to make him think he was going to get some. Little did he know that the alluring Boricua had more than just a romp planned. While her lips kept his mind---and other parts---busy, Julio sent out his signal to have the kid killed. It was messy, it was brutal, and it was addicting. From that point on, Di had become a valuable asset to the gang, helping Julio's men take down every threat that came their way.

She was unstoppable.

Three more years passed, and Di's name became widespread throughout the city as a force to be feared. She was tough, gritty, and lethal with her hands...a threat to anyone who opposed those she fought for.

It wasn't until Antonio threatened her madre and padre that she fled the city in hopes of sparing their lives. She caught the one bus she could afford, one that went to a place known as the Crack Den. She met some interesting characters there, ones that had seen as much hardship as she. With only the money from her savings, she set out to make a new name for herself, hoping one day that she'd be able to return home and live up to the name Julio had blessed her with.

[Wanna play Julio? IM me in world as Mohini Denja]

December 4, 2008 at 12:34 pm
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December 5, 2008 at 6:18 pm
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December 6, 2008 at 3:00 am
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