Devils Pocket (new sim) now open!

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This topic contains 0 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by Profile photo of Nadir Taov Nadir Taov 17 years, 2 months ago.

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Nadir Taov


Actually, it opened up two weeks ago. We've got about 2/3 of the sim filled already =)

Just like any other sim in CD, BeBe and I are still very committed to our community and making more places for urban role-play. We've been bouncing off our prim threshold in Hathian so we're planning to expand the RP into Devils' as well. New RP spots include Paulos' grand build: Hathian Power Plant, Hathian General's Psych Ward - underground extension, abandoned carnival grounds, a creepy cabin in woods (SE corner of sim) and the Hathian Observer Newspaper Office. We also built the Palace Mobile Homes and Trailer Park for RP'ers looking for "low-income" housing.

If you already didn't know, we had a couple places in Vodou (Rader Records, Jimmie's Chicken Shack, Abandoned Farm) and in District 8 (Dahmer Doughnuts, WKRK Radio Building, underground sewer system, Hathian Sewer Plant).

Also, we have a few residents who have also designated their land as RP places as well. Check out "the church", owned by Konijn Maertens. It's a really cool setup in District 8 !

Anywho, wrapping up ... if you have friends thinking about owning/renting land, point them to our website =)

(( Tier on 1024 sqm / 234 prim plots are just $10USD a month! ))

December 19, 2007 at 4:18 am
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