Devil’s Advocate. The Dero Chronicles.

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This takes place across the street from Chopsticks. The day is September 16 between 7:00 and 8:00PM, I had received a call from a customer and was also waiting for the bosses to pick up some quick cash I made them. Life is good!

The setting sun sets painting a picture for a quiet evening, and Dero leans against a bus shelter wall.
An intensely lit cigarette hangs out of his mouth, and he'll stand there puffing. In his hands he's counting and rolling bills, something usually done inside his home, except this particular evening, there was a rush job, and the bosses needed some quick cash. So, while waiting for them to meet at their regular stop, Dero counted money, folded it in half and shoved it into the back of his pocket.

With his hands now free, he'll slip fingers around the cigarette and snort the smoke out of his nostrils. Nights were getting colder, though as long as it wasn't snow, he didn't give a fuck. Then when he heard the sound of sharp heels walking quickly across pavement, which drew closer with each dainty step, he recalled in his mind the picture of the girl. Every night they had met, she was bitter and cold. Every night they met He always tried to make her smile at least once. She was such a beautiful girl, with dark black hair, pale white skin and icy blue eyes.

Tonight of nights, it looked as though she had just gotten off work, or was about to start. And Dero saw the shimmer of legs underneath fishnet stockings, long boots that went to her knees and her coat that wrapped tightly around her waist. She always just stared a moment, and Dero will turn a smile on his lips

"Lyubimaya moya!" He said with outstretched arms, "My sweetheart" he said to correct the Russian that sometimes spits out. "You always looking good when you're from work." Sometimes being in America wasn't always the best, but he loved the women. All women, any woman. The girl, who never gave her name looked at him sternly, she looks like she's in a hurry, puts out one of her hands and puffs a cigarette in another "Last time I was late cause I was talking to you." she hissed at him "You know how much shit I got in?"
Dero looked taken back and the romantic in him circled her and started walking back to where she came from, pulling her drug of choice out of a coat pocket and puts it into her hand, always giving her just a little more, and always a kiss on the cheek "Tell them I want to make them more money, make you sling for me then we can always be together, even working." He pulled her along whether she liked it or not, but she usually gave no resistance.

Kind hands, he has kind hands and they'll walk "I'm worth more to them on my knee's " she said flicking the cigarette away and put the baggie into her pocket, Dero just stared and smiled "Tell them I will make them double!" he protested, but softened "I could make you happy." she slowly shakes her head, it was hopeless, and it wasn't heard of, there was no way. "No, but.. Why don't you stop by the RnT? I never see you there."

Dero looked away, shrugged a shoulder and sighed "Women aren't meat." He was an old romantic, a soft hearted man for women, and he loved them. "Maybe though, maybe I come just for you." He stopped at a corner, and let her walk on. She smelled good; always did. She looked good. And before they were too far to hear each other talk, he called out "Give me your name at least!!!"
The dark haired girl stopped, turned and smiled as the bosses’ car rolled around the corner, Dero's eyes focused on her but the car caught his attention, and when he looked back up she was gone.

man, she was really gunna give it to me that time

-On This Day in History:
1810: Chile declared its independence from Spain.
1929: The Columbia Phonograph Broadcasting System (later CBS) debuted with a network of 16 radio stations
1970: Rock musician Jimi Hendrix died of a drug overdose at age 27.-

September 18, 2009 at 1:23 pm
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