Denise Domela

Home Forums Introductions Denise Domela

This topic contains 0 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by Profile photo of denisedomela Anonymous 13 years ago.

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Profile photo of denisedomela



Hi all just thought I'd put myself out there and introduce myself, though I'd much prefer for you to come meet me thru roleplay, here is just a tidbit from my profile:

Having been born and raised in Hathian, she knows the streets. From her youth she watched her father and his friends run various illegal rigged gambling rings and quickly learned the skills of the trade to become the scam artist she is now. Most times she is friendly, forward and outgoing, thus drawing in her victims to disperse their cash into one of her financial scams. ((various ventures include pickpocketing, identity thief, ponzi schemes)). She can be found usually on a local corner with a cardboard box set up with the game 3 Card Monte ((actual prop I use, if you see me with it come on by and play a game or two 😉 )) or posing as a prostitute to rob unsuspecting clients of their cash. She pretends to be many things, but bottom line is - she's a scam artist. Enjoy!

((If anyone is interested in playing a victim of various scams I'll have going on, just send me an IM in world, I also don't mind if you would like to get revenge back on my character at a later time, in fact I encourage it! Call the cops, take matters into your own hands whatever! I'm down for anything and everything))

February 11, 2012 at 10:35 pm
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