Deborah Cifuentes

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*heart shaped doodles, scribbles, very girly type things to write on a paper as you sit.. bored... off your ass... adorn the tops and margins of this paper. Finally, the girl decided to write something legible...*

Deborah Cifuentes
Nurse Cifuentes
Nurse Deborah Cifuentes
Deborah Cifuentes, R.N.

more hearts and things... then..

Sal's Gal

Ya know, someone who picked this up and read it, might think it was written by some stoned, lovestruck teenager. Someone may think that this kid had a major crush on someone named Sal. Someone may think... BAH! Ok, ok, ya get it... but, here's the kicker, see? This chick? Yeah. Deborah. Cifuentes.. yeah, her. She's claiming to be 25. Yeah. 25. You read that right. Does she look familiar? Hmm.. if you've been here a while, she might. She was a quiet one, bit of a loner, seemed scared to death of everyone and everything, really.. Small town brat who got the hell outta Dodge to study at Columtreal. Yes. Columtreal! Stop blinking!!! Anyway... once she got here, the shit hit the fan, and her sister popped up, too! Along with some goon her father hired to keep an eye on her! What the hell? Then, the guy she THOUGHT she was in love with.. well, that's another story... This was her ESCAPE from that family, from that shit... Argh! So, what do YOU think she did?
No. Really. What do you think she did?

Yup. She ran. She ran as fast and as far as she could.

But, the family that had followed her kept in her mind.. Even when she finished the nursing program at another school, and took a job as a trauma nurse. She was fast with her nimble fingers, and could sew a wound neater and faster than those many years her senior. She earned the spot in the trauma unit, despite her age and experience.. or.. lack of... Until...

Everyone has a time frame that changes their lives. Everyone. Deb is no different... One night, she was working, as usual, it was all she ever did.. when a group of kids came in. She was given one who had been cut up pretty bad in a gang fight. As she fought to get him sewn up, she was allllmost there, when a member of the rival gang came in. Chaos ensued, blades flew, blood flowed freely, screams bounced off the once sterile walls.. then.. silence. Nothing but eerie silence. Deb dared open her eyes, and he was there, in her arms.. the kid whom she would later find out was only eleven years old, dying.. and dying fast. Deb moved to push the button for help, when she saw it.. her arm was sliced to ribbons. She glanced down, and saw the gaping holes in her uniform shirt. She moved to gasp, but only felt light headed and cold.... just as a bright white light seemed to engulf her, her finger managed to hit the red button. Her eyes flashed back to the boy just as life left his body. Then, her own eyes closed....

When she wakened, she was in the ICU. HER ICU. She panicked and tried to jump up- for a moment, she thought she had fallen asleep on the job! Surely she would be fired if they came in and saw her in the bed! as she leapt out of the bed, an alarm went off. Pain ripped through her side, her arm, and her neck and she snapped back to the bed as if held by a giant rubber band. Nurses came rushing in from seemingly nowhere. She knew them. They knew her. Needles flashed, glinting in the florescent light. Then.. more nothing. She blinks her eyes open again, this time.. she is in a regular, semi-private room. She looks around, confused. Gingerly, she swings her legs over the side of the bed. A voice comes from nowhere, "I wouldn't do that..." it warns. "You're hooked up to more shit than a whore has crabs." Irritated, she frowns and slides her legs back into the bed. Little did she know, she had just met Sal.. the man who would change her life.. forever.

Now, they are in Hathian. Deb couldn't do it.. she couldn't stay away. She had to get out of there.. out of that town. And Sal was just the man to take her. Jimmy meant nothing, he never had.. but Sal made her reallize that. He made her think "outside of the box" so to speak, and took care of her. Jimmy was connected, yes. But Sal? Oh, Sal was much more than connections... Deb had to find her sister, Addy. She grew to love the girl fast, once they had reconnected at Hathian, even if they were seemingly exact opposites. Much had happened to Deb since she left, though.. she wasn't the same naive college kid who worked all shifts she could in the Daily Grind just to be near Pia and his fractals.. She applied for a job at Hathian General, and was hired... Sal got on at CD Motors, and they got a plce with a garage, where he could do side jobs. Things were looking up!

Now. Folks. Lemme ask ya'll somethin.. what happens when things are going good?
That's right.
The shit hits the proverbial fan.
Yes, Addy and Deb met back up.
But then, Papi came to town. Daddy Rex had tracked down his baby girl, and in the process, found his other daughter, as well.
Oh, wait! THAT isn't all!
A knock on the door.. someone looking for Sal. No biggee, happens all the time! He's damn good at what he does, right? Yeah. Well... this chick claims to be his kid ssiter. Everything seems legit.. but something about Rowan just doesn't set right with Deb... She can't QUITE put her finger on it... but there is something, and she's determined to find out just what that is!

Sound interesting?
Sound like folks ya might wanna meet?
Check them out.. they're pretty friendly... especially if you'rea paying customer.. :mrgreen:

May 6, 2011 at 5:00 am
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May 14, 2011 at 9:18 am
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