[CULT] The Nobodies

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Nadir Taov


The following is an interesting submission by Caleb Perdide for a cult in CD.

DATE: 03/07/11

PROPOSAL BY: Caleb Perdide

GROUP NAME: The Nobodies


MEMBERS: Angelina Delgado, Littlepunky Varnish, Briar Lefevre, Jamie Zeplin

BACKSTORY: Well, this is more of a cult.. then a gang.. that's needs to be said.. up front. Marie Lavaux Death of the Queen of the Voudous Just Before St. John's Eve. "On the eve of St. John I must wander alone, In thy bower, I may not be!" Con Artists is what would be the best way to describe the Leaders of The Nobodies. A Hoodoo Man or Women is one who uses spells to try to enchant people to get them to do what he wants. You may laugh at someone who tries to cast spells to Win Friends and Influence People, but if you do, you're making a great big mistake. The word "spell" literally means "to talk," or "tale." A Hoodoo Man is one who attempts to cast a spell through words directed at other people, in order to enchant them so they'll do what the Hoodoo Man wants. Simple, huh? While Hoodoo is most commonly practiced in Louisiana. Hoodoo is simply black and white magic in a chaotic balance. Where as Voodoo is generally all good, Hoodoo brings in the darkness. Now that that is summed up...Who are we? Were witches, devil worshipers, souls confused in who or what we are, Angels, Demons, Lost, Nightmares,. And those are just the rumors. We are The Nobodies. While the old folks turn their backs, especially those who are Voudon (Followers of Voodoo) and call out " Le Mystère" They do remain a mystery to even those who think they know them best. Some say they help, some say they are evil, some say they simply are lost and don't know any better. When it comes right down to it, they are very easily identified: they believe in murder. In fact, they exult in it, they exalt it. And it's a tribute to their spells, and the foolishness of the sheeple, that they can always con the sheeple into thinking it's self-defense. Truly they are No bodies. To the dark they are its love and to the light they are it's enemy. While they may proclaim they will help you with making that dashing man fall in love, or cause that cold hearted baby mama to drop to her death. Truly they may act like they are in service to you, but once they are in your head its all about them. What services do they offer? LOVE WEALTH POWER PROTECTION GAIN LOSS LUCK ECT.... *All will come with a price.* This price will always change, always be unique and you never know when they will come for it. No one is really sure of their history. Angie and Liam have been playing with Bloods and Demons since the twins reunited. Now they have sparked interest in others. So Why not? We will give you bullshit we pull out our ass to get some giggles and arousal. This is our drug, our world and every single one of you are pawns. Then again...maybe we started something deeper, darker and even bigger than we intended? Shouldn't play with things in the dark...you wake up far too much and sometimes it takes over, and sometimes you just can't handle it.

UNIQUE: Our GOAL: To Bring Louisiana's Underground History to the Surface, With a Modern Twist. To Give RP to every citizen in CD including gang members which allies could be formed if they are willing to play with darkness. What We Do That IS UNKNOWN until you have witnessed it in RP or Have RPED with a victim in the aftermath: Rape, torture, sacrifice, mind games...Lets just say the Devil made me do it? We don't sell drugs We don't prostitute, well we might pose to lure you to our grasps. We do Band together to be stronger. We HAVE NO REAL MAGIC. Its all wrapped in our minds because really were in for the sex, blood, and rock n'roll .

EXP: Well, in real life, I used to oversea, a group of 40 people in a sales room and in Second life, i used to help run a RP Sim but it has now closed down.

IDEAS: Well, we would use the hoodoo.. as most of our role play.. and all of the people in are cult/gang.. go out of there way to help the newcomers of CD.. either to help them get on there feet OOC.. and then even try to work them into the story line.

Community: Please provide general feedback on this proposal, including comments, suggestions for improvement, advice based on your experience, or simply to show support if you like this proposal.

Proposal Author: Please use this thread and respond w/ any revisions to your proposal that you'd like to make based on community feedback you see here (highly recommended). Depending on community and staff review, this proposal may or may not proceed to trial stage.

March 7, 2011 at 9:31 pm
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March 7, 2011 at 9:37 pm
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March 9, 2011 at 1:42 pm
Profile photo of Nadir Taov

Nadir Taov


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March 9, 2011 at 8:09 pm
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