My name is Connor Nico. I grew up here. Not too far from Bourbon Street. First chance I had to get out, I took. Joined the army when I was 18 and never looked back. Not in Twenty Five years.
Then my Mom got sick and passed. I came back to bury her. Wasn't much of a son when I was alive. But I can take care of those last few things, I owe her that much.
I wont lie, I have done some bad things. Made bad choices. Made them for the wrong reasons. Stolen things, hurt people.
Still.. who knows.. maybe its time for a second chance. Everyone deserves a second chance. Hell, sounds almost like a greeting card.
Who the fuck am I kidding?
Name: Connor Nico
Age: 43
Height: Average
Physical Condition: Good, Gets regular exercise and performs physical labor.
Military Record:
Final rank E-4. Weapons Maintenance Technician. Dishonorable Discharge 1993.
Remanded USDB Leavenworth 1993-2003.
Civilian Criminal Record: