Cheng Lee Hwan Shinn

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Profile photo of cheng-shinn



Category:Character Profile

Currently Cheng is a sergeant in the Hathian Police Deaprtment , incharge of operations at the Fishtown station , currently working with Senior Officer Sirus Plunkett on juvenine cases and working on the lastest Anti Crime crackdown in Hathian
'''RP Character Bio:'''

* Age: 33
* Weight: 180lbs
* Height: 5' foot , 7 inches
* Ethnicity: Chinese
* Known Alias: Bruce , Cheng , Dragon Shinn

== Background Story ==

Cheng Lee Hwan Shinn was born in Kowloon , China in November 1976 - The Chinese year of the Dragon . He was brought up in the suburbs of Kowloon , living in a squalid two bedroom flat opposite a district police station where he would spend many of his childhood years watching the police officers go about there daily business and dealing with the local criminals and witness many riots and protests againest the local government representives in a bit to gain more recogniton for its factory workers and those working on minimum wages . Cheng's schooling was at the local temple of Shoi Lei , under the tuition of Master Qwan .. Cheng learnt the basic principles of life as well as his normal basic schooling lessions of english , maths and philosophy he would come to the learn the way of the martial art - expressing yourself , Master Qwan tought Cheng the rudiments of keeping himself safe and how to engage lifes enemies with his mind rather then his body . In 1987 when Cheng was 11 , his master entered him into a local martial arts tournament where after two rounds of his first fight , Cheng was soundly beaten by is opponent . Feeling a disgrace to his Master , Cheng fled Kowloon and headed to Hong Kong where he spent the next few news running as a erron boy for a local dojo master and in return Cheng got tuiton in Chinese Boxing , Karate and Wushu a mix of martial arts later to be known as Jeet Kung Do . In 1998 Cheng enrolled into the Hong Kong police , after the months of training he was finally let loose on the streets of Hong Kong . As a fresh rookie he was keen to impress his superiors and after just a few hours on duty he bagged his first arrest .. a local known thief caught in the act of mugging some poor elderly lady .. more arrests would follow in the weeks and soon Cheng was promoted to Sergeant which would lead to promotion to Lieutenant after single handedly apprehending a known drug lord but not without its concequences .. Cheng would spend a a few days in hospital sustaining several blows to the body and claw like scars across his torso . 2009 came as a big big break for Cheng when the Hong Kong police and several US departments started a officer exchange scheme planned to learn from different police cultures , Cheng .. seeing this as an oppertunity to expand himself sighed up and was placed to a local town in Louisana called Hathian .. known for its criminal activities Cheng would soon learn that adapting to your enemies was the key for survival and his promotion to Sergeant was just around the corner ....

== Family ==
Father - Hwan Shinn ,
Mother - Juni Wan Shinn ,
Brother - Jet Shinn

== Criminal Activity ==
No Criminal Activity

== Medical History ==
2009-June , Sustained knife wound and brusing whilst attempting to apprehend a known criminal in Hathian.

September 5, 2009 at 1:03 pm
Profile photo of ace



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September 5, 2009 at 5:40 pm
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September 5, 2009 at 9:08 pm
Profile photo of ace



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September 5, 2009 at 11:52 pm
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