Charlice Darwin

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This topic contains 0 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by Profile photo of charlice-darwin charlice-darwin 16 years, 4 months ago.

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Charlice grew up in an upper middle class Detriot suburb. Outwardly her family was the picture of perfection: two working parents, nice house, 2 cars, one great daughter.

If anyone had looked just below the surface they would have discovered a cesspool of addiction, sexual and physical abuse. No one did.

She left home at 17, put herself through college and became a social worker, helping kids out of situations like hers.

After one year she decided that she was going to find the worst of the worst and throw herself into it, helping kids and young people whatever it took. Her department warned her that a transfer wasn't guaranteed, but she had her mind made up. So she stepped off the bus into Hathian, on unpaid leave until her transfer can hopefully be worked out.

Charlice is a fish out of water in Hathian, shocked by the people she passes in the streets and the conversations she overhears when she ventures into the bars at night or the Daily Grind in the morning. She isn't sure if she should be more afraid to be out on the town or "home" in her seedy room at the Vacancy Motel in Vodou.

Shell-shocked as she is, she is 100% dedicated to saving the kids in Hathian from becoming what their parents have become, if that transfer comes through. In the meantime, she is looking at being flat broke, with no way out. She may just end up one of the city's citizens she pities, arriving for one reason, staying for another, doing whatever it takes to survive.

October 27, 2008 at 2:35 pm
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