[BUSINESS] Super Chop Sticks

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<b>Super Chop Sticks</b>
By dalila Iramesius



BACKGROUND: Haruki being born and raised in Japan has the ideal knowledge for japanese cuisine. Reaching the rank of Maiko in Gion, she also understand how to maintain a customer base and entertain clientele. Haruki has many ideas for improvements with both the menu and ambiance that could possibly help the business thrive. Being able to teach and host such events as a blind sushi rolling contests, bon dance, or other events focused on the culture of Japan. With new employees, Haruki would teach them the art of sushi and ramen. Each person would be treated the same, fair and with no favoritism. Ideas for improvements would be taken into consideration from each employee and they would be able to participate in all events. Although Haruki has never been a manager before, she has been studying her arts since the age of nine and has much experience with customers and quality. Using the knowledge that she does have for her culture, would be beneficial in creating a little get away within the campus.

UNIQUE: If allowed it would become a bit more refined, offering fresher food and hand made which is a far stretch from the fast food in the area. With ample vegetarian options it is also a better choice for those who choose to live life meat free. A unique experience with the ambiance of real life Japan.. from language, to performances, food and decor... hoping to allow the students a bit of culture in their every day struggles of learning and growth.

EXPERIENCE:I have been a stage manager for the better part of fifteen years, ran multiple productions at once containing anywhere from five to two thousand personnel. I am also well versed in the Japanese culture although still in the learning process and will do my best to portray it accurately. Within Role play I have been an Avid SL RPER for over seven years, with a wide range of genres under my belt I feel I am capable of maintaining a consistent presence within the shop and offer a different role play experience.

IDEAS:I am hoping to offer a uniform, kimono and geta for them to wear while at work. Teaching them common phrases of japan, food and culture. Creating fun and different events that require roleplay, creative writing and some animation work. With events such as dance performances, sushi sampling and delivery, offering them an assortment of roleplay opportunities.

OTHER:I would like to do some redecorating, bringing it up a few steps to a bit more clean and desirable decor. Offer food that can be eaten by patrons ,(click and poof) music played while they eat, with a different menu. For the grand reopening, I would offer a look into japan, with a japanese festival , asking for people to sign up for dance, music, and to taste the new menu with samples provided.

February 7, 2014 at 4:45 pm
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Caleb Harcassle


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February 8, 2014 at 8:20 am
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February 14, 2014 at 8:40 pm
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