[Business] Mr. Smiley’s

Home Forums Roleplay Discussion Group Proposals [Business] Mr. Smiley’s

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Profile photo of Nadir Taov

Nadir Taov


Here is an interesting concept for a new business. Note to all. no new CD official businesses will be put up until after i am finished with its current needs. Proposer may rent an IC shop in hathian or land in a surrounding sim or wait til I am ready to build it (if approved). I would like a more clearly defined direction for the business. If this will be turned into a gang/mafia type of thing... it can not be CD official. Leaders of gangs can not work at the businesses their gangs use for their illegal activities. At the moment, from the proposal, it seems it would be too difficult to distinguish things since if the business is to be a rivalry - they would have to act like a gang to defend (and the HPD would likely have reason to shut it down) their drug selling. All, please provide feedback and suggestions!

DATE: 08/29/11

PROPOSAL BY: myvata resident

GROUP NAME: Mr. Smiley's

TYPE: Ice Cream Parlor

SLURL: Teleport

BACKSTORY: Mr. Smiley's started when Myvata came into Hathian selling drugs he bought from local suppliers at a higher rate to test the waters on how well his business could arise in the city. Seeing that he was making a killing and unable to uptain drugs further from local suppliers he 'called' up his connections in Connecticut which he gets a variety of drugs every Sunday in which he has to sell. If at any time he runs out of a certain type he is out until a fresh order comes in. ((All of that information is OCDLY kept on Note card trying to make this as real as possible.)) The thought of a front was needed so he bought an ice cream truck that has been a BOOMING business thus far. Dealing drugs and ice cream to the 'vanilla' and kids that approach that have no clue what he has going on. The ice cream parlor well, that is the next step. A place where drugs run a plenty and where anyone can come in for a nice cold treat on those hot days in Hathian. Myvata is an entrepreneur looking to make his drug business blossom. He already has some loyal customers and people who work for him by dressing up as ice cream cones to dance in front of the ice cream truck when stationary. It could and hopefully become a rivalry for the gangs out there selling drugs and also there is an ongoing food truck war with Mr.Smiley and Meat beaters.

UNIQUE: There is no ice cream parlor in Hathian or any other sim connected or stand alone business. I am not overly sure how many other drug front business there are in all actuality but Mr. Smiley's is not associated with any gang think of it more like an Ice Cream Mafia. More so it will be strictly drugs and ice cream. Only a few trusted employees will know about the drugs and how to incorporate them into the ice cream as Myvata does already on the truck. There is already mascots who would probably hand out flyers in front of the store. I am on sim everyday as much as I can be less my internet is being annoying. Myvata as I speak of my character in third person is a business man having aim to be a drug lord. He will see his employees are always in uniform and not acting out or giving out too much information. Those who do will be dealt with in not so pretty ways.The parlor will have delivery and the truck route along with weekly specials..for example this week was acid going by the name of Loony Toon Pops..now for those who knew street drug names they'd get acid for those ignorant they got a Bugs Bunny pop! There would be specials for the HPD, HFD and all that to keep the front running as a good little fun ice cream parlor. The drugs are not in the ice cream they are given in a more lucrative way.

EXP:I myself believe to be fairly creative in my RP to help incorporate everyone. I manage sales and customer service in real life with a small company and we do fairly well ourselves. I have gotten Myvata's drug business off to a good start by starting off just running on the streets with nothing but his book bag and buying drugs from a local gang, reselling their drugs and testing the waters. He went to buying the ice cream truck and selling his drugs that way, handing out his business card to people in order to make his sales more personable. He has hired a few women to work as mascots as well to help promote the 'ice cream'. I didn't just come to Hathian assuming to be able to sell drugs at ease. I came and worked my way around almost like a door to door salesmen asking people if they wanted drugs and I approached many people about it. The ice cream truck has been the biggest hit and would like to see it able to grow into something more.

IDEAS:I think the new idea is the ice cream parlor and the ice cream truck along with a more so Mafia drug cartel out there and the competition with other food vendors. As I stated Meat Beaters and Mr. Smiley's are already in cahoots to start a food truck battle. Events would be things like weekly 'ice cream' specials, the 50% off for HPD and HFD. Coupons will be placed in the news paper along with ads. Jobs will be plenty from drug runners, goons to everyday people who have no idea what is going on. OOC it's really a fun idea of course that is my personal opinion. The store will be spic and span clean and everyone working must always wear a smile. It will be the most annoying sweet place anyone could ever visit! If a person is trusted and has been there a while promotion in the business will happen.

OTHER:Who doesn't love ice cream and drugs! Yes it is another food place but it is a fun way to get out there. If someone has a driving permit they can get one of the customized ice cream trucks which I am working on to go on patrol, they can run deliveries. It can also be family friendly since the ice cream is not laced itself kids can come or families for an ice cream day. The possibilites really are endless.

August 29, 2011 at 10:05 pm
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perina mcginnis


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August 29, 2011 at 10:33 pm
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August 29, 2011 at 11:41 pm
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August 30, 2011 at 1:01 am
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August 30, 2011 at 3:09 am
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August 30, 2011 at 4:10 am
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August 30, 2011 at 4:14 am
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August 30, 2011 at 2:48 pm
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valena vacano


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August 30, 2011 at 4:36 pm
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valena vacano


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August 30, 2011 at 7:31 pm
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August 30, 2011 at 10:26 pm
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