I would like this proposal to be considered in conjunction with the one linked here: HM Proposal 2
Having a partner to work on ramping the garage up could be just what is needed to guarantee activity at the garage.
Hathian Motors
By Hank Luckless
TYPE: Official
BACKGROUND: I would like to increase the rp at Hathian Motoros by creating a area for small time criminal activity to take place. Possibly selling drugs, sell stolen car parts, and other minimal crimes compared the Hathian standards. This will help ease rpers into the criminal scene. My character would direct employees onto these actions.
UNIQUE: We would reach out to other rpers to try and drum up bussiness for both mechanical work as well as our criminal activity. It will create a place a bit far from everything where the pd can also pop there head in and make arrests as they see fit.
EXPERIENCE:I have been a rper at crack den for a number of years. When I am placed in a leadership role I take it serious and I try to engage a number of rpers.
IDEAS:I will quickly try to get them into a rp storyline as if I wait I could possibly lose them from my bussiness as well as the sim
OTHER:I would plan on a sale event/ car wash to try and get peoples attention to the shop.