[Business] Hathian Children’s Home

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Profile photo of Nadir Taov

Nadir Taov


Here is another proposal for Hathian's youth. Please read, http://thecrackden.com/discuss/viewtopic.php?f=42&t=5162 in addition to help provide feedback. This is NOT a CD official business, it is on private land.

DATE: 08/08/11

PROPOSAL BY: Katelynn Ashland

GROUP NAME: Hathian Children's Home

TYPE: Foster Home For Youth under 18

SLURL: Teleport

BACKSTORY: My plans are to provide a safe and fun Role-play experience for kids and teens in Hathian. My agenda was primarily to be a Social Worker in Hathian, but Kate has seen that there is more of a need to actually house young homeless children and teens. The location is right down the street from Super Chopsticks, The arcade, and other popular RP locations. Kate learned through her years of schooling in Social Work that there are tons of grants available for funding projects for children. After months of applying and being turned down, Kate was finally able to appeal to a Flood Relief Fund to Help Homeless Children after the disaster, and to better rebuild the city that had been affected some by the disaster. The relief money was spent on renovating an old farmhouse and stocking it with necessary supplies to care for and entertain kids and teens. Kate is putting her life in Social Work on the back burner to step in and care for the children of the city. A supervisor's overnight room was places in the foster home for myself or any attending staff to stay with the kids overnight, supervised. (An NPC may be needed on occasion as nobody can be on 24/7, but the room is there to be implied that there is a supervisor at all times)

UNIQUE: The location is great for integrating kids back into Hathian daily life. There will no longer be a need for people to bring runaways and homeless children to the police only to be returned back to the streets. There is plenty of room to accommodate a large number of kids of all ages. Hopefully a park will be built on the lot diagonally , so the children will have a place to play and not be cooped up in the house at all times. I plan on having pre-arranged outings with businesses in surrounding areas so that the kids are in a fun environment, but also are given opportunities to learn about the town they grew up in. There are opportunities for various roles and interaction with various organizations as well (ex: Foster Care Security, Schooling Tutors, Mentoring Programs sort of like Big Brothers/Big Sisters, Care Givers, etc.). I plan on doing a majority of the child care, but depending on the turn out of children, we will most likely need more staff to help out with the kids as the home grows. It is currently fully stocked to run as is, there are enough beds to house 8 girls and 6 boys with room to expand if need be.

EXP:I've been a mother in SL since 2008. I have also been a school teacher in SL, and enjoy being around children. I love organizing events and planning fun things to do, and have experienced what it's like to be a kid AV in Hathian. Having seen CD through a kid perspective, I've seen what needs there are and plan on trying to make the lives of Hathian children richer to the best of my ability. I live directly across the street from the home, so it is very convenient for me to be so close to work even if another supervisor is taking the overnight shift in case of emergencies. I love being involved and asking people for opinions and collaboration ideas which I think will make the experience as a whole a lot of fun for myself as well as other community members, youth and adult alike.

IDEAS:There are endless ideas as far as the home is concerned.Here are just a few: Fun days including trips to the movies/pizza parlor/arcade, Cooking lessons at Super Chopsticks learning to roll sushi, employment integration for teens to learn how to be upstanding citizens in society, tutoring lessons for older kids/older kids tutoring younger kids, college visit for teens to check out collumtreal (would be pre-arranged to get kids interesting in bettering their education), Community pick up games at the basketball courts, lessons that allow the kids to get involved in the community, volunteer hours for people who want to come for storytime/helping with cooking dinners/etc. Plenty of opportunity for growth. I am very excited about seeing more kids and teens that will have peers to relate to as well as exposure with the general public, not in an area isolating them from others.

OTHER:I would encourage anyone to come check it out, if interested. The building is located on Vodou 48/54/34. Please send me any ideas I may have left out, as I really want this to be a positive place for the youth of Hathian and there is always room for improvement.

August 9, 2011 at 3:31 am
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August 9, 2011 at 4:26 am
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August 9, 2011 at 4:31 am
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August 9, 2011 at 4:37 am
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August 9, 2011 at 5:34 am
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August 12, 2011 at 9:58 pm
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valena vacano


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August 15, 2011 at 4:20 pm
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August 15, 2011 at 7:36 pm
Profile photo of Nadir Taov

Nadir Taov


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August 16, 2011 at 1:50 am
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