[Business] CD Theater House

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Profile photo of Audrina Tolsen



CD Theater House

By Audrina Tolsen

TYPE: CD Official Group

SLURL: Hathian

BACKGROUND: The current build for the theater is amazing. The theater has been around for so long and it's a big part of Hathian's history. Over the years, it's never really gotten a consistent stream of RP due to the limited RP that can be had as it's essentially just watching movies. The goal in keeping the theater and adding it to be more of an event venue provides great opportunity for the citizens. Not only would they be able to use the theater for new and old movie releases - it also now offers a fully stocked bar, a stage to host local events such as concerts, plays, poetry readings, burlesque shows and much more. Also with the roles I'd like to add, it also gives more opportunity for the workers as well such as having bartenders, hostess and performers it gives a wide variety for citizens to get involved with the actual workers of the theater. I'd also love to potentially set roles for "Event Planners" as well, having set people within the business that others can reach out to when they are interested in hosting bachelor parties, charities, auctions or whatever else comes to mind!

**I'd also like to add that I would be actively looking for an assistant manager as well who would help facilitate the events that the venue would be hosting. The assistant manager would work along side with me and would be expected to meet the same criteria as an actual lead.**

UNIQUE: I believe having the theater in this form helps bring a classier side to Hathian! The opportunity for citizens to have a place to go for a date or a designated place to host concerts for our musical citizens. The key in what sets this apart is it's a multipurpose center and those aren't really seen in any of the other businesses.

EXPERIENCE:I was previous lead of CD 24 Hour Pawn which I co-lead with Stu Canning for a couple of years. I currently am a GM on sim and handle processing of applications along side Nadir and Espi. I also already manage the majority of CD Official events, which I've done for several years and even RP out my character being a "local event planner". I absolutely love the community and am always eager to find new ways to engage the city and having a centralized building to "work" out of excites me!

IDEAS:I love the idea of the theater being a multipurpose building. While its main focus is the movies, the fact that citizens can utilize the building for so many other things, I believe makes it appealing to new citizens. The bartender/hostess role is always a great way to get new people engaged in the community, helps them meet new people and get a feel for the sim and its environment.

OTHER:I want to have a huge grand re-opening event with either a live DJ or band, drinks and dancing a must! Just a massive party in general showing off the newly renovated build and showing what the new venue offers as far as variety goes.

July 22, 2014 at 4:13 pm
Profile photo of Deteric Furyo



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July 22, 2014 at 5:17 pm
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1anne3 melson


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July 23, 2014 at 12:34 pm
Profile photo of Audrina Tolsen



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July 23, 2014 at 2:50 pm
Profile photo of Deteric Furyo



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July 23, 2014 at 7:00 pm
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Kydora Dubratt


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July 24, 2014 at 10:42 am
Profile photo of Su Pointe



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July 25, 2014 at 8:39 pm
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