Brynn’s Diry

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Brynn sits stiffly on her bed in the small room, she tries to find a writing position that doesn't stress her wounded stomach. Eventually she settles painfully to her knees, using her bed as a writing table. Her journal isn't new, but has few entries; she grips her pencil with a cramped hand. Her writing -- printing, really -- is childish, but neat.

Dear diry,

I havnt ritten in you much since I had to do it in prison. But I wantd to remembre all that has happend. A lot has happnd and mostly bad, but some good I guess. And I need to practis my writing and reading lots, cuz of my new work. I'll get to that later.

As you know I got a job dancing. Thats a good part. The people are okay and I don't have to fuck only dance. Its at the Titty Twister bar everybody calls it the TT. Its an OK place but its not very safe as I found out.

There is this girl at the bar Nadi. Shes nice but not very smart. I mean shes way smarter than me in school things but not every day stuff. This guy came in to the bar and was acting real mean and he had a knife and there was nobody but us girls in the bar. We got him sat down and gave him a beer and it was OK but Nadi she had to dance for him!!! And got him riled up again and he was gonna fuck her but Endz came and chased him away. And I thought it would be OK but it wasnt.

I got a job at the hospital!!! Well not a real job just a helper job. A candystriper they called it I dunno why. I got a uniform and everthing!! I met a nice Dr his name is Dr Amat and helped me fill out the forms and all. And there was a pretty lady Dr and she was real nice too even though she stuck needles in me and had to took my blood. And I guess my blood was OK cuz they let me come and work there sometimes how cool is that!!! I hope it works out and I learn stuff and maybe I can go back to school and maybe be a nurse or at least work there for money. Cuz dancing is starting to suck real bad.

Two nights ago I came to the bar to work but there was nobody there only one guy and i was gonna dance for him. Only that guy who wanted to fuck Nadi came in and said hey bitch and he pulled out a gun. And before I could say anything maybe talk him out of it he just shot me in the stumach and all I remember is lieing on the floor trying to curl up around the pain and there was so much blood. I don't remembr a lot after that only waking up in a hospital bed.

I know they gave me drugs cuz I wasnt feeling too much pain and I was kinda fuzzy and hi and it felt soooooo good. And I was scared cuz I didn't want to get hooked again it was sooooo hard getting clean and I was soooo sick in prison. So after it wore off and the pain came back i lied and said I was OK and they didnt give me more drugs. But it hurts so much.

Anyway I dont remember too much the first night in the hospital but there were other people in the beds and one of them was this girl Joey. I thought she hated me cuz she said she was gonna kill me before in the TT but she seemed real nice but then she went for a smoke and didnt come back. There was this other guy too and his brother was visiting. I dont remembr much but they were nice only a little creepy. And there was a cop who didnt give a fuck if I got shot and said it was my fault for being a stripper. And a hound dog named Goggles but that could have been the drugs.

The day was really boring and there wasnt a tv or anything so i slept a lot. That night got busy though. First who should come back but JOEY!!! She got shot and she had her little girl with her but she didnt come back to see a doctor she came to visit ME!!! That was so sweet and I nearly cry'd but she was hurt bad and I made her lay down and got a Dr to come see her and he didnt do ANYTHING!! But this nice lady visitor knows how to clean that stuff up and gave her stitches and stuff. And her baby girl was SO sweet!!! she just hugged her mommy and went to sleep. I got a SPECIAL DELIVERY!!! Flowers and candy and stuff!! I never had anyone send me stuff before. I almost cry'd again but I stopped before anybody saw it. It came from Tam shes a lawer and Im pretty sure she wants to fuck cuz shes doing all these nice things and being so kind and letting me stay here and use her spare room. And all I ever did was dance for her the one time but I know she liked it cuz she tipped real good.

I was gonna go to sleep then cuz I was still hurting and wanted it to be over but these two guys came into the hospital and was trying to find stuff like money for drugs i guess. And they was gonna rob me but I made a lot of noise and Tal came and chased them away. He and Nadi came because of another dancer but didnt want to visit me much. I guess they liked her more only she started dancing after I did so I dont know why. Nadi gave me a present it was a LIZARD!!!! It got away under the bed I think. And she showed a note from the guy that shot me. I couldnt read it real fast but it said HA HA about shooting me.

So last night i left the hospital it wasnt safe like I thought and I walked all the way to Tams place and slept a LOT and now were up to date.

((Damn it's hard trying to capture the writing 'voice' of an intelligent woman with a grade 6 education. Thanks for your patience!))

April 4, 2008 at 4:12 pm
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